-- Start log: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 9:25:20 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- PhilipC says, "Thank you for coming to the December 2013 Moon Society Management Committee Meeting" PhilipC says, "The meeting is now in order." PhilipC says, "Let's start by taking attendance. Please state your name and position." PhilipC says, "Philip Crume, Chair" Strangelv-4 says, "Does anyone have Ken's new phone number?" Strangelv-4 says, "James Gholston, secretary" pjbanyai says, "Paul Banyai, Vice President" Strangelv-4 says, "and note that this is a return from recess" dcarson says, "Dana Carson, Treasurer" PhilipC says, "Let the record show that as of this time, we do not have quorum for this meeting. So we will not be able to make any binding votes. We can conduct reports and have non-binding discussions." PhilipC says, "Let the record also show that the November meeting was supposed to make the monthly format permanent but we had forgotten to do so." PhilipC says, "So technically we had to meet last week, which we did. But to preserve the monthly format, we put that meeting in recess." PhilipC says, "We accidentally convened a Leadership Council meeting, which is a standing committee. That too was recessed. I suggest we reconvene the Leadership Council. Adjourn it. Then reconvene the Management Committee and continue our meeting as such." PhilipC says, "Is this acceptable?" Strangelv-4 says, "I'm having a parenthetical/stack issue with that" Strangelv-4 says, "There are two possible interpretations I see: " Strangelv-4 says, "1: the leaderstip meeting resumed after we recessed or 2: we probably can't resume it until after this meeting ends. As it is, the leadership meeting is basically disposable" PhilipC says, "Standing committees are not supposed to be used in lieu of a regular meeting that doesn't have quorum. They're for unusual circumstances for when decisions need to be made between regular meetings." PhilipC says, "*don't" Strangelv-4 says, "Also, I can't remember if leadership meetings ever formally adjourned. It doesn't normally behave like a normal committee" PhilipC says, "If we don't need to reconvene the Leadership Council meeting, I'm okay with that." Strangelv-4 says, "There is no attendance, no set quorum level" Strangelv-4 says, "I'm quite fine with not reconvening it or saying it reconvened a week ago" Strangelv-4 says, "or it automatically reconvenes after this and fizzles if we don't stick around" PhilipC says, "Paul and Dana, are you two okay with that?" Strangelv-4 says, "Selecting a permutation might work for minutes, but if nobody cares' I'll just put something together if I do minutes for it " dcarson says, "ok by me" PhilipC says, "me 2" Strangelv-4 says, "I'm leaning towards reconvening after the recess" Strangelv-4 says, "Because that's basically what we did" PhilipC says, "make it so" Strangelv-4 says, "Anyone have Ken's current number?" PhilipC says, "So let the record show that we are now reconvened from last week's meeting." PhilipC says, "We'll go with a quick treasurer report and then proceed to business" Strangelv-4 says, "I tried calling Scotty, but I just got silence. I don't know where the technical difficulty was" PhilipC says, "Dana, you have the floor." dcarson says, "Treasurer report" dcarson says, "nothing out of the usual, noney holding steady" dcarson says, "questions?" Strangelv-4 has none PhilipC says, "Balance at around $32k?" dcarson says, "yes" PhilipC says, "Is any portion of that money earmarked?" Strangelv-4 known the answer is yes dcarson says, "we owe for MMMs but thats it" Strangelv-4 says, "we also have obligations on some of that for specific purposes" Strangelv-4 says, "At least one item" PhilipC says, "which is?" dcarson says, "no outstanding contests or grants that I can think of" PhilipC says, "that's all from me" Strangelv-4 says, "Ken knows the details better than I do. It's what we're hoping to spend on a lawa tube bot project" PhilipC says, "Paul, any questions?" PhilipC says, "Any one else have any questions?" PhilipC says, "5" PhilipC says, "4" PhilipC says, "3" PhilipC says, "2" PhilipC says, "1" PhilipC says, "Moving on" PhilipC says, "Since we do not have quorum, we can only have an informative discussion here." Strangelv-4 says, "or decisions that don't requier a motion" PhilipC says, "Before we continue our conversation, does anyone else have an issue they'd like to discuss?" Strangelv-4 says, "Next week's agenda?" PhilipC says, "Let's hold off on that. If another member appears and we get quorum, we might consider making the monthly format permanent" Strangelv-4 can't find Kervala's phone number either PhilipC says, "Hearing no other issues. I'm going to recap the pre-meeting conversation for the log." PhilipC says, "As it stands, we are now in the December meeting with little sign of progress from the website." PhilipC [to be]: more specific, little progress since last summer. PhilipC says, "To be more specific, little progress since last summer."" PhilipC says, "We're obviously stuck in a rut. Our two primary web developers have family issues that are important and need their attention." PhilipC says, "But that doesn't change the facts. Our organization's survival depends on us having a presentable website for new possible members so that we can grow." dcarson says, "I grabbed a copy of the discussion" PhilipC says, "I have suggested that we even consider outsourcing." PhilipC says, "But others have recommended insourcing or limiting the scope of the migration." PhilipC says, "To james, that is not necessary."" Strangelv-4 says, "And simply starting over won't help, as once the new new site would be up and running we'd be in the exact situation we're in right now" PhilipC says, "So now here we are in discussing what to do next" PhilipC says, "I reopen the floor to continue that conversation." Strangelv-4 says, "insourcing is basically outsourcing, just not outside of the US" PhilipC says, "so long as we can manage costs, I am okay with that." Strangelv-4 says, "It might help to just say outsourcing without specifying where to" PhilipC says, "there's outsourcing and offshoring." PhilipC says, "similar but different" Strangelv-4 says, "If we have a contractor or contractors or a specialized firm, we need ot know precisely what we need them ot do to help us complete our migration and any other nicities along the way" PhilipC says, "the point being that if we do not get any momentum, we may need to consider an external 3rd party to help us finish the job" PhilipC says, "as Alan S. has stated repeatedly, what we need is an attractive site." Strangelv-4 says, "The main momentum I'm up for is some tweaks to our CSS and with Rose's help finalyl get the main page we were supposed to have at the start -- she's further along with mastering the Views module than I am." dcarson says, "one of the holdups is when are we done, we'll have to define that for anyone, so lets start there and then see if we can do it or need to hire out" PhilipC says, "I would add that we need an attractive site that appeals to our target audience." Strangelv-4 says, "We need a list of mugs with the aesthetics of our site. What needs to be changed to make it look nicer -- note that while easier, this isn't as critical as solving the migration " PhilipC says, "we spoke before that our site could be ready tonight if we remove certain parts of it." Strangelv-4 says, "Theoterically, at least until we rlun into something I'm not remembering" PhilipC says, "Paul, you've been quiet here. Any thoughts?" Strangelv-4 says, "Which is another reason I really with we had either Scotty or Rose here. They know a lot of details I've not worked on and vice versa" Strangelv-4 says, "There wasn't a lot of overlap in our areas of responsibility" Strangelv-4 says, "Also, we can probabyl forget about getting help from Jason, as he's entered an entirely new magnitude of overcommitment" PhilipC says, "That's part of the problem here. There's a major bottleneck. We need to break out of it." PhilipC says, "Our survival as an organization is on the line. " pjbanyai says, "On an upside we currently now have 30 followers on LinkedIn, 3 less than the 100 Year Starship." PhilipC says, "We must have a ready website and we need to get our projects up and running" Strangelv-4 says, "Paul, I seem to remember you setting up an alternate domain name" Strangelv-4 says, "do we have a set of the TLDs for it?" Strangelv-4 says, "Although something as drastic as changing our main site domain name probabyl would require a motion" PhilipC says, "As I've said before, I have nothing but admiration and respect for the work that Rose and Scotty have performed. It's well beyond the call of duty." Strangelv-4 says, "As well as getting Scotyt to go along with it, which we can't know about if he's unable to be here" PhilipC says, "But we have to finish this thing so that we can start reaching out to prospective members" Strangelv-4 says, "we also need to not step on what Rose and Scotty have done" Strangelv-4 says, "Which means we need theri input on where to go formard" Strangelv-4 says, "Probably the best we can do tonight is a list of options and make sure we tark to them about it" PhilipC says, "This is why I wanted to talk to Scotty tonight. " Strangelv-4 says, "There are still some essential items on the legacy site. We probabyl need a list of those. one of those is Moon Miners' Manifesto. We don't want to torque Peter off, either" PhilipC says, "I need them to either give us a timeline for completing this or to work with a 3rd party that will do that." Strangelv-4 says, "I'm here,. you're getting my input, but I'm only part of it" Strangelv-4 says, "I'm quite willing to assume we may need a third party at this point. We need the same to-do lists whether or not we go that route." pjbanyai says, "I have moosociety.info, lunargov.info, and lunargov.org. The lunargov sites were in the hope of revitalizing the old asi government team as a forum dealing with the curent state of Moon related laws and treaties." Strangelv-4 says, "also, we could try reaching out for a special, quiet behind-the-scenes fundraiser" pjbanyai says, "Correction moonsociety.info" Strangelv-4 says, "We're or we were?" Jim [Guest] has arrived. Strangelv-4 wonders if he dares hope for present tense Strangelv-4 says, "Hooray!" Strangelv-4 reaches for the quorum bell Jim [Guest] says, "hi" PhilipC says, "Let the record show that Jim Keravala has now arrived. And that we now have quorum." PhilipC says, "Jim, you're a life saver." Jim [Guest] says, "apologies for my tardiness" PhilipC says, "We're talking about the website and in making some tough decisions." Jim [Guest] says, "backed up dT" Jim [Guest] says, "DAY" Jim [Guest] says, "ok" Jim [Guest] says, "please conrinue" PhilipC says, "We started the website transition process about a year ago." Strangelv-4 says, "We need to figure out what we need to accomplish with our migration. Step by step -- either to hunt down volunteers ot to hire contractors" dcarson says, "before we losr anyone formally change to a monthly schedule?" Jim [Guest] says, "is there a rwquirements summary for the new website?" Strangelv-4 says, "A shorter wish list for changes to the structure and apperaance of the new site is also desirable, but the showstopper is the migration, which none of us properly appreciated the magnitude of" PhilipC says, "We got about 80% of the new web site up but then our two key developers, Rose and Scotty, have personal issues that are preventing them from letting us finish." PhilipC says, "We developed a requirements list initially. i'll need to track it down." Jim [Guest] says, "i'll second a monthly schedule" Strangelv-4 says, "That list may not be relevant if it's the one I'm remembering." PhilipC says, "But for now, let's put this discussion hold and take care of one special item of business." Jim [Guest] says, "ok" Strangelv-4 says, ""What's the language for the motion to change our schedule until further notice and who's making it?" PhilipC says, "Would someone like to make a motion that we formally proceed with the monthly meeting format?" PhilipC says, "Note- the last time we voted on this, it was only for a trial basis for november." pjbanyai says, "Originally the plan was to archive the original site at a subdomain like archive.moonsociety.org and gradually move info into the main site. Instead we have sort of a hybrid site." Strangelv-4 says, "I move we change the management committee meetings to the second wedneseday of every month until further notice." PhilipC says, "Any second?" Jim [Guest] says, "secondwd" Jim [Guest] says, "with an e" PhilipC says, "Thank you. Any objections to this motion?" dcarson says, "none here" Strangelv-4 says, "none" PhilipC says, "Jim? Paul?" Jim [Guest] says, "no objections" Strangelv-4 types "The motion passed without objection" into his minutes draft PhilipC says, "The motion carries. The monthly format, of management committee meetings will take place on the 2nd wed of every month until further notice." Strangelv-4 claps. PhilipC says, "Back to the discussion at hand on the website..." PhilipC says, "I again reopen the floor" PhilipC says, "Scotty, Rose, and James put a lot of work into the site we have right now." Strangelv-4 says, "We have at least three levels of legacy content -- critical, important, and general. MMM is one of the things in the critical category" Jim [Guest] says, "why is that?" Jim [Guest] says, "why is it critial" Strangelv-4 says, "Why is MMM critical?" Jim [Guest] says, "yes" dcarson says, "ayethe best source of content to attract people to our site that we have I think" Strangelv-4 says, "It's the single most visible thing our sibscribers get. We're the largest organization that uses it and it's the oldest surviving publication of its kind" Jim [Guest] says, "ok i can see thar" PhilipC says, "Okay, then let's preserve the MMM portion, unpublish anything else that is not essential for establishing our identity in the mind of viewers." Strangelv-4 says, "The MMM content is mostly not migrated yet" PhilipC says, "We also need to have a join page and a way for members to get involved" PhilipC says, "we need at least that for basic functionality." Strangelv-4 says, "Ergo, it's critical" PhilipC says, "the last and perhaps most painful thing we need to do is to market test the site with our a sample of our target audience." Jim [Guest] says, "when was the requirements doc drafted? more than a year ago for example?" Strangelv-4 says, "The requieremnts document was when none of us anticipated the difficulty of the migration" PhilipC says, "it might have been nov. 2012" Jim [Guest] says, "ok tnx" PhilipC says, "it's still valid." PhilipC says, "i'll need to track it down. its on another computer" Jim [Guest] says, "sorry for questions galore..." Strangelv-4 says, "Ask away, please" Jim [Guest] says, "target audience?" PhilipC says, "as the chair for the website migration committee, the delays are my fault" PhilipC says, "i just finished a project management class, which was an eye opener" Strangelv-4 says, "That probably needs to be plural" pjbanyai says, "An example of how important MMM is: Everyone knows about the National Geographic Magazine. Not everyone realizes that it is part of the National Geographic Society and that subscribing to the magazine means subscribing to the NGS." Jim [Guest] says, "ah its not easy driving these things remoteley" Strangelv-4 says, "millenials who are never separated from their smartphones are one of the most important ones. " Jim [Guest] says, "ok" Jim [Guest] says, "then requirements not needs to be refreshed for 2014" PhilipC says, "the space advocacy community is getting too gray. we need to start attracting the younger generation." Strangelv-4 says, "Thus the effort put into mobile compatibility" Jim [Guest] [to be]: frank Jim [Guest] says, "right!" Strangelv-4 says, "We also have compatibility for gray haired people who have'nt upgraded their computers for a decade or worse" Jim [Guest] says, "also true" PhilipC says, "those of us who are interested in space got hooked on either apollo or the space shuttle era. the new generation is getting hooked on space development" Strangelv-4 says, "Thank Scotty for creating the module that made that practical" Jim [Guest] says, "are there reference websites we are considering to be ideal for us?" Jim [Guest] says, "in format?" Strangelv-4 says, "Show up with the site with any museum piece that can get past Greengeek's infrastructure and you should get a workig site. Ditto any phone or tablet" PhilipC says, "in my opinion, i want our website to look better than our competition." Jim [Guest] says, "good ahow!" Jim [Guest] says, "yes" Strangelv-4 says, "We basically already have one. It could use some tweaking by a Drupal module maestro, but that's not as critical as solving the migration." PhilipC says, "for me, that means the planetary society, the national space society, and the mars society" Jim [Guest] says, "guya i apologize im going to depart again. crunched day my end, my fault" PhilipC says, "np, thanks for coming." Jim [Guest] says, "please swnd me req doc and i'll add comments if i may" PhilipC says, "will do" Jim [Guest] says, "apols for bad spelling, just parking" Jim [Guest] says, "ok later all" Strangelv-4: http://www.lunarpedia.org/index.php?title=Coriolis_%28web_theme%29 -- Not quite up to date page on our custom web theme Jim [Guest] has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove Jim [Guest]. Strangelv-4 says, "Okay. I can paste it for you again late.r" Strangelv-4 says, "take care" PhilipC says, "Let the record show that Jim is no longer attending the meeting. We no longer have quorum." PhilipC says, "What I'm kind of hoping to see is something similar to my own personal website http://www.philipcrume.com" Strangelv-4 sees a big huge embossed rectangle with an icon in the upper corner Strangelv-4 says, "Now it disappeared and there's nothing where it was" PhilipC says, "yeah my site isn't perfect yet. i keep forgetting to contact greengeeks to put my photogallery on the top layer." Strangelv-4 says, "What do you see as something it has that Coriolis is lacking?" Strangelv-4 says, "This lands heavily into my area of responsibility" PhilipC says, "but the point is, it's somewhat futuristic and it fits with the modernist/scifi theme" PhilipC says, "i've mentioned before about wanting the site to look like it's been pulled from the design studio of the movie oblivion" Strangelv-4 says, "Which I still have'nt seen, and I must admit it doesn't help if Rose or Scotty have when ther're not the ones doing the graphics and CSS and the layoun markup" PhilipC says, "another agenda item we've missed tonight is the new logo proposal" dcarson says, "youtube clip?" PhilipC says, "youtube oblivion dvd menu" dcarson says, "might find one and email the url" Strangelv-4 says, "The coriolist theme itself was my task" PhilipC says, "we can try the coriolist theme. But remember that we ultimately need to market test it" Strangelv-4 says, "and if I'd known what I do now about MSIE version differences, MSIE 7 would not have gotten its own theme" Strangelv-4 says, "Coriolis. The T was a typo. Sorry about that" Strangelv-4 says, "We're using it now" Strangelv-4 says, "At elast on the new site" Strangelv-4 says, "Legacy is using at least three different templates" Strangelv-4 says, "None of which have names that I know of" pjbanyai says, "I recently got my hands on several Artemis Magazines from Amazon. So I can try to scan them for possible posting on the ASI Board of Directors/Leadership team pages. I believe that the last copyright for ASI supersedes previous ones and that they should be repostable on the original site. However, I may only be able to repost it if "The Editor" of each issue approves. I need to check the copyrights for each issue and the ASI copyright to be sure. Any new info on the possible acquisition of the Lunar Resources Company." Strangelv-4 says, "We have'nt discussed that for awhile." Strangelv-4 says, "yit might be useful to work out a possible structure for a proposal and run it past Scotty" dcarson says, "Aetemis Magazine is a seperate company that licensed the name, we own nothing of theirs" Strangelv-4 says, "The person who would know best what the status of Artemis Magizine back issues are would be Ian Randall Strock" dcarson says, "and the stories were under first serial rights, not all rights, professional writers who keep all rights and expect to be paid" Strangelv-4 says, "I understand that we'd need to pay them to reprint, but is it even possible to reprint?" dcarson says, "we have as much right to repuiblish them as we do to republish any recent book in a book store" Strangelv-4 says, "Even with a budget to make such payments" dcarson says, "none" Strangelv-4 says, "This is assuming that we gain the other preresiqouites or get the party that does to act on it" PhilipC says, "the theme that I'm using for my site is called andromeda" Strangelv-4 spent nearly six months developing the Coriolis theme to the specifications this body gave him Strangelv-4 says, "What does Andromeda do for you that Coriolis doesn't? I need specifics" Strangelv-4 says, "I should say theme set' as it's eleven themes" Strangelv-4 says, "all designed to resembl/e each other to the extent practical" PhilipC says, "you know that telerobotics is coming right? this means telepresence, virtual reality, etc." Strangelv-4 says, "One thing I've done on a subsequent, not yet completed website project is to use tables for all multicolumn settings except for the flexbox layout for current CSS3 browsers. This reduces the number of needed themes and gets rid of CSS float layout problems" Strangelv-4 says, "I'm relying on telepresence showing up before I can't handle using it. " Strangelv-4 says, "It's probabyl the onyl way I'll ever attend ISDC or my own party's national convention" Strangelv-4 says, "again" PhilipC says, "watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oWIh-hJjPg" PhilipC says, "when you watch the movie oblivion, you'll get a sense of the style i'm talking about" PhilipC says, "it's sleek, modern, and most importantly, it beats the pants off our competition" PhilipC says, "the design should accentuate content, not dominate it" PhilipC says, "you should feel like you're there but with a design that merely guides your experience like a tool" Strangelv-4 says, "I'm not putting in another 2000 hours on theme development." PhilipC says, "that was my failure. i didn't manage the project better." Strangelv-4 says, "and much of what I'm seeing would be on the content side" Strangelv-4 says, "That is one part that we didn't have anyone dedicated to working on." Strangelv-4 says, "Rose did most of it, but it wasn't her main area of responsibility" PhilipC says, "now that i've finished a project management course, i know what mistakes i've made" PhilipC says, "we should've addressed areas of responsibility at the beginning" Strangelv-4 says, "There are tools and tutoriars on what can be done to get the absolute maximum out of Drupal, but I'm not going to be able to space the time to be the one to implement these things" Strangelv-4 says, "For all intents and purposes, Rose was the person running the show" PhilipC says, "if we're going to embrace telerobotics, then the site should reflect a design that feels like you're operating a robot" PhilipC says, "but rose is not able to do that right now. she has her husband to think about. " Strangelv-4 says, "That might be difficult on a site that supports MSIE 6 and other legacy browsers that older activits will be using" pjbanyai says, "Checkout http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/technicalillusions/castar-the-most-versatile-ar-and-vr-system" Strangelv-4 says, "Things that require newer levels of functionality should have a purpose beyond bling" Strangelv-4 says, "Also note that many people surf with javascript disabled by default and only enable it on sites tehy both trust and are willing to make some level of commitment to paying attenstion to. " Strangelv-4 says, "if they're wvisitingu s casually, we'd betetr hold up without any javascript" Strangelv-4 says, "or visiting us casually" PhilipC says, "exactly paul, a somewhat AR design style" Strangelv-4 says, "in addition to NoScript, there's a new one called RequestPolicy that tends to break sites that draw css and javascript from too many other site,s especially if those other sites draw from others in turn" pjbanyai says, "Glasses have holographic projectors mounted on them which reflect off a special surface to provide Star Wars like augmented reality holographs." PhilipC says, "as i said, we know this is coming and that it's the future." PhilipC says, "my goal is to position ourselves with respect to other space advocacy organizations as the coolest and most cutting edge" PhilipC says, "if we focus on space development and let the planetary society and nss worry about nasa politics, we can leap frog them all" PhilipC says, "we need to have a hard-nosed conversation with the mars society as well." Strangelv-4 says, "This is an area where the website would be tailored to the objectives, not the other way around" PhilipC says, "zubrin can easily leave an impression that going to the moon at all is pointless, which is a hostile point of view" Strangelv-4 says, "Ther's plenty of room to configure the content to the purpose" Strangelv-4 says, "It's one of the major missing elements of our site as it presentyl is. Coriolis is a template set, not content handling" Strangelv-4 says, "Drupal has moer modules to handle content than anything else" PhilipC says, "we in turn can fire back at zubrin by saying that mars direct is a good exploration-oriented mission but that it requires government subsidies and it won't lay a foundation for a colony" Strangelv-4 says, "Finding a specialist who is fambiliar with those things would be one thing to consider putting some money into." PhilipC says, "i know one specialist already" PhilipC says, "he might give us discounted pricing" PhilipC says, "Remember shaun moss? he's a drupal guy" Strangelv-4 says, "Yes. It's been awhile since he's been in a meeting" PhilipC says, "former director if i recall" Strangelv-4 says, "yup" PhilipC says, "he's been away long enough that there wouldn't be a conflict of interest in paying him as a consultant" Strangelv-4 says, "He was here in the afternoon when most of us were here in the evenings. i can't remember if Mike was on at the same time from the wee hours of the wmorning. it's rare for him to attend meetings given his situation" Strangelv-4 says, "That's a thought. So how should we grill him on content handling?" PhilipC says, "just ask" Strangelv-4 says, "Who should send the email? I'm probably one of the candidates as I was participating in meetings the entire time he served" PhilipC says, "as a former director, he should have a pretty good idea of what's important to migrate over and what can be postponed for later. and he might also be able to write that script you mentioned" PhilipC says, "i speak to him occasionally on facebook" PhilipC says, "before we can send the email, we need to have a conversation with scotty and rose." Strangelv-4 says, "But if he's working on the migration, he really needs to also talk to Scotty and Rose, as much of the migration is their areas" Strangelv-4 says, "We could do that first, too" PhilipC says, "scotty and rose have tried to avoid any time schedule but i think we're at a point right now where we really need one." PhilipC says, "if they can't deliver the requirements in a timely fashion, they need "punt" the ball and let someone else take over" Strangelv-4 says, "Any time schedule needs to have a basis in reality" PhilipC says, "and any reality must reflect the Moon Society's needs." Strangelv-4 says, "With money being thrown around, it does became less implactical than it is for most things I've been involved with outside of politics" PhilipC says, "the fact is, we need to get started on our projects and to begin growing " PhilipC says, "we're now down to 132 members" Strangelv-4 says, "And our needs may have to deal with tradeoffs" PhilipC says, "unfortunately we're getting to a point where time isn't one of them" Strangelv-4 says, "time versus how much stuff is offline for a span of time" PhilipC says, "that means we either reduce the scope of what we're doing or we increase costs" Strangelv-4 says, "I don't know if there's a proper inventory or list of web pages. Scotty might have one." PhilipC says, "we developed a web assets list when we first started" pjbanyai says, "I still have not seen a true holodeck yet. That would require the whole room to built out of large collections of special combined projector/camera modules with reflective surfaces. The STNG Tech manual had 400 modules per square cm. I'm quite sure we have not reached that level of miniaturization yet:\)" Strangelv-4 says, "With an at least mostly complete list that's sure to have the critical items all included, we could try to asses priorities. Critical must not have downtime, important must be back up as soon as possible" Strangelv-4 says, "It doesn't matter if we have one. I don't know of any web browsers that support that" dcarson says, "we might all try to spend time on the old site and list things we think are important" Strangelv-4 says, "When they show up, we will need to create more themes for Coriolis" Strangelv-4 says, "Everything MMM, but I can't find even a fraction of that. We need to send someone to Peter's house to get his network problems fixed so he can log back in to the MOO" PhilipC says, "james, remember, we still need to market test our themes. we need variety more than quality at this point." Strangelv-4 wonders what to use for a pneumonic for holosuite browsers if he doesn't know the CSS version. Also, MoonSwitchTheme would need to be upgraded to detect them. pjbanyai says, "Philip didn't you recently use your phone to log into the MOO?" PhilipC says, "ipad" PhilipC says, "but the virtual keyboard is too slow" Strangelv-4 says, "ipad visiting our site should look about the same as desktop but with bigger buttons" PhilipC says, "or it was slowing me down by forcing me to rely on the two finger typing" Strangelv-4 says, "He'd be getting the CSS3 tablet theme" PhilipC says, "i accessed moo through... i think it was called mudrammer" Strangelv-4 says, "This is one of the reasons we're still using the MOO. You could probably show up with a web browsing Kindle 1." Strangelv-4 says, "Pau,l any ideas on how to implement a test of Apache ... forgetting the name" Strangelv-4 says, "Apachy Wave?" PhilipC says, "james, on that note, do you have any other mode of communication that would work for you other than text?" pjbanyai says, "I believe some iPad/iPhone apps can be used on some Macs. Maybe Peter could use it." Strangelv-4 says, "me personally, nothing is even close to doing as well as text. I can't even handle long phone calls without a penalty anymore" Strangelv-4 says, "Peter's problem is networking. A separate pad might work if it could get to wokr with his LAN" Strangelv-4 says, "but the problem is we don't know what peter's problem is and we've been unable to diagnose it remotely -- and not having Peter in here is increasingly a serious problem" Strangelv-4 says, "Who has the shortest drive to visit Peter who probabyl has the skills to solve the problem on site?" PhilipC says, "i might be the closest, and that's 12 hrs away" dcarson says, "we need him to tey from say a library with his laptop so see if its the machine or network" PhilipC says, "james, what about a voice to text program?" Strangelv-4 says, "I'm needing one of those for writing purposes. I have yet to find a salution for Linux." Strangelv-4 says, "i'm not sure howv well any of them would fare with a miltiperson voice discussion" PhilipC says, "the text won't be perfect but it would better than audio" Strangelv-4 . o O ( Things that work in 2035: voice to text ) PhilipC says, "your disability is similar to people with hearing loss. note both of my parents are deaf. only in your case its sensitive hearing" pjbanyai says, "It sounds like Peter's router is not setup for port forwarding the MOO ports from his internal network to the internet. He could also try setting his Mac as the default DMZ Server although it is less secure." Strangelv-4 says, "he could get the ASI MOO welcome page. Then it threw him out." Strangelv-4 says, "We probably don't need to be logging this. Do we have any hdiscussion that we need to include as part of the meeting?" PhilipC says, "Then let's finish off the meeting." Strangelv-4 says, "This is a probrlem I've never heard of anyone else having, which is port of why it has everyone stumped" PhilipC says, "Can I have a motion to adjourn?" Strangelv-4 says, "so moved" PhilipC says, "second?" pjbanyai says, "second" PhilipC says, "If there are no objections, we are now adjourned" Strangelv-4 looks at Dana, the only possible objector PhilipC says, "Meeting adjourned at 11:23 pm" dcarson says, "none here" -- End log: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 11:23:40 pm ASI Meeting Server time --