-- Start log: Wednesday, January 8, 2014 9:03:22 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- Rose/Miros has arrived. PhilipC says, "Hello! Thank you all for coming!" PhilipC says, "The 2014 January 8 Management Committee is now in session." PhilipC says, "For the purpose of attendance, will all who are present please state your name and position." PhilipC says, "Philip Crume, Chairman" Strangelv-1 says, "James Gholston, secretary" Rose/Miros says, "Rosalie Dieteman, Director and Webmaster" pjbanyai says, "Paul Banyai, Vice President" Lunadyne says, "Ken Murphy, President" bnault says, "Ben Nault, Director" PhilipC says, "The attendance list also indicates that Scotty is here." PhilipC says, "Alan requested to be excused and Jim said that he'd be arriving late. Hopefully Dana will arrive at some point." PhilipC says, "This indicates that we now have quorum." PhilipC says, "Earlier this evening James sent out the minutes for the last meeting via email." PhilipC says, "He mentioned that we do no have the attendance from the last meeting." PhilipC says, "Would you prefer to defer the approval of these minutes to the February meeting?" Strangelv-1 says, "Last month's minutes are not ready for approval; the previous two meetings minutes are. Separate emoil, though, sent this morning or afternoon" Strangelv-1 says, "it would be good to get those finally approved" PhilipC says, "Can I have a motion to approve the November 2013 minutes?" Scottyg says, "Scotty Gammenthaler, Assistant Treasurer" Lunadyne says, "So moved" PhilipC says, "Thank you. Any second?" Rose/Miros says, "second" PhilipC says, "Any discussion?" PhilipC says, "Then let's call the question." PhilipC says, "All in favor of approving the November 2013 Management Committee Minutes, say aye. All opposed, nay." bnault says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "Aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" Rose/Miros says, "aye" Strangelv-1 says, "abstain" PhilipC says, "The motion carries. " PhilipC says, "Next, James did you say that last month's minutes were not ready, correct?" Lunadyne says, "I received them as 'non-final draft'" Strangelv-1 says, "Correct, but the 16 october minutes are" Strangelv-1 says, "Same email as the 13 November minutes" PhilipC says, "Can I have another motion to approve the minutes of the 2013 October Management Committee meeting?" bnault says, "so moved" Lunadyne says, "So moved" Lunadyne says, "and second" dcarson has arrived. Strangelv-1 says, "Note that it's the second meeting of October" PhilipC says, "thank you" PhilipC says, "Any discussion" Strangelv-1 says, "The first meeting'ns minutes weer approved at the second meeting" PhilipC says, "James, we already voted on it and made a new motion for the October minutes. Let's not make it too complicated." PhilipC says, "Any further discussion about the October minutes?" PhilipC says, "Then let's call the question. " PhilipC says, "All in favor of approving the 2013 October Management Committee Minutes, say aye. All opposed, nay." Strangelv-1 says, "abstain" bnault says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "Aye" dcarson says, "aye" PhilipC says, "A side note, let the record show that Dana Carson, Treasurer, is now present." Rose/Miros says, "aye" dcarson says, "sorry computer and domain problems" PhilipC says, "Paul, what say you?" PhilipC says, "5" PhilipC says, "4" PhilipC says, "3" PhilipC says, "2" PhilipC says, "1" PhilipC says, "Let the record mark him as abstained. The motion carries" Strangelv-1: ? PhilipC says, "Okay, next, the agenda." PhilipC says, "So far we have:" pjbanyai says, "Aye" PhilipC says, "Reports: membership and treasurers" PhilipC says, "Old business: logo design and website migration" PhilipC says, "New business: Video conferencing and chairman's project proposal (discussion)" PhilipC says, "Announcements (if any)" PhilipC says, "Is this acceptable? Does anyone want to make changes?" PhilipC says, "Hearing no objections. Let's move on to Reports." PhilipC says, "Ken, you have the floor for the membership report" Lunadyne says, "Membership: 133. +1 from the last time. Yippee!" PhilipC says, "yay!" Lunadyne says, "It's a good way to start the new year." PhilipC says, "Anything else?" Lunadyne says, "I'd like to set a goal that everyone is responsible for, and that is to get membership to 150 by year end." Lunadyne says, "We should shoot higher, but 150 should be easy and attainable, preferably within the first quarter." dcarson says, "reasonable" PhilipC says, "By March 31? If we've moved on to a more project focus, that should be doable" PhilipC says, "I have a much more ambitious goal for the end of the year" PhilipC says, "Is there anything else for membership?" PhilipC says, "Any discussion?" Lunadyne says, "I'm saying if we tried we could reach the 150 goal by Mar 31, but the goal is for the year (though it should be higher)" Strangelv-1 says, "How do we do a better job at ISDC than last year?" PhilipC says, "I do have a project proposal as the last agenda item. hopefully that can cover some of it" Lunadyne says, "agreed, I've been thinking about ISDC as well." PhilipC says, "I don't know if Ken read the website I sent him but I found a possible candidate for LLT" PhilipC says, "It's probably the best candidate we'll find" Lunadyne says, "I do have a recollection of that...but I think we're better off focusing on the Cislunar Economy." Lunadyne says, "Anyway, moving on..." PhilipC says, "Perhaps we can discuss that some other time. We do need to move on" PhilipC says, "Dana, you have the floor for the Treasurer's Report" dcarson says, "Treasurer report" dcarson says, "no out of ordinary income or outgo" dcarson says, "bank account a bit over 31 thousand" dcarson says, "questions?" PhilipC says, "Hearing none. Moving on." Lunadyne says, "Where do we stand on the bill for MMM?" dcarson says, "I paide off a chunk a few months ago, will total up the rest of last year soon and pay that" PhilipC says, "Holding on for a minute to let Dana answer." Scottyg-1 says, "Dana, are the 990n's filed?" dcarson says, "have miost of the monthly info for the previous year, will extrapolte the missing one" dcarson says, "yes 990 filed" dcarson says, "the IRS is sending notices now" PhilipC says, "Any further discussion?" PhilipC says, "Hearing none. Moving on. " PhilipC says, "Old business." PhilipC says, "Ken, how are we doing with that logo redesign?" Lunadyne says, "Buh, wha? Did I take that on?" PhilipC says, "Uh oh." Rose/Miros says, "interrupting: james has a candidate. unfortunately, the art student i tried to recruit bowed out." PhilipC says, "Thanks Rose" Lunadyne says, "(FWIW, I like the current logo just fine. we've got a buttload of lapel pins with the current logo on them." Strangelv-1: http://moonsociety.lunarpedia.org/LogoMoon/NA06_logo_03.png Strangelv-1 says, "I stopped work on this concept when it looked like Rose had another artist lined up" PhilipC says, "Uh oh." Strangelv-1 says, "And Mike was suggesting we needed someone with a more external viewpoint" Strangelv-1 says, "I also have a colorived version of this. Both versions are vector, but probably need more work" Strangelv-1: http://moonsociety.lunarpedia.org/LogoMoon/NA06_logo_04.png Strangelv-1 says, "Change the png to swvg and they should work" Strangelv-1 says, "or svg" Lunadyne says, "Eh, it's okay. Kind of reminds me of the mutant in Total Recall coming out of the guys' chest," Rose/Miros doesn't remember that scene Strangelv-1 says, "In what way?" PhilipC says, "The whole reason we're even revisiting the logo issue was because I took on the initiative to do a redesign, with the hope of getting something more iconic" Strangelv-1 says, "The problem is that the ones I remember seeing were'nt distinctive enough. They look too much like the corporate swoosh" Lunadyne says, "When the Schwarzenegger character meets the head of the underground on Mars." Rose/Miros says, "unfortunately, we've been revisiting the logo for 10 years that I know of, and james or dana can probably vouch for longer" Lunadyne says, "That was my impression as well. I'm not sure why logo redesign is a priority right now." Strangelv-1 says, "it's beena long time since I've seen it. Probably in the theater. I was far less impressed than I expected to be" Strangelv-1 says, "it was assigned to me and Simon Rowland at a Meta Team meeting in 2000. I don't remember which month" Lunadyne says, "My view is the existing logo has a certain heft to it. It's a classic Lick image, with our name and website. Couldn't ask for much more." PhilipC says, "Should we try to find another artist to develop a logo portfolio?" Strangelv-1 says, "I'm all in favor of linig up more" PhilipC says, "I have a hard time trying to imagine it on merchandise" PhilipC says, "like hats, shirts, coffee cups, pens, etc." Strangelv-1 says, "My view that what we have is a non-logo has not changed over the coures of the past 13 1/2 years" Rose/Miros says, "go to a cafe press shop and test fit it..." Rose/Miros says, "someone must have a password somewhere" dcarson says, "or just set up a new one" dcarson says, "or a zazzle one" PhilipC says, "The Cafe Press page is a different matter. I'd like to change out some of the merchandise if possible" PhilipC says, "But in the interest of saving time, will someone be willing to find another artist to develop a logo portfolio?" PhilipC says, "saving time as far as discussion goes." Strangelv-1 says, "I'd like to line up more than one, and possibly start from a default of wo logo if we do not approve of one" Lunadyne says, "What's our budget for this?" PhilipC says, "I think it was up to $100-200 " Rose/Miros says, "you want pros or art students?" Strangelv-1 says, "A budget authorization might not be a bad idea. I do know a literal starving artist that I might be able to recruit but he would need money" PhilipC says, "pros if possible"" Strangelv-1 says, "We'e turned down pros as eagerly as art students" PhilipC says, "but i could go with an art student if its creative/simple/iconic" PhilipC says, "James, if you can, go back and find the previous budget authorization, find someone, and lets get this in the bag by next month" PhilipC says, "We need to move on to other agenda items" Strangelv-1 says, "Does anyone remember which month or meeting?" PhilipC says, "it could be as far back as september" PhilipC says, "Again, let's move on." PhilipC says, "Okay the website migration..." PhilipC says, "Rose would you like to say something? " Rose/Miros says, "scotty fixed most or all of the test.moonsociety.org references" Rose/Miros says, "i figured out how to put static text on the front page" Rose/Miros says, "nobody wants to do the copy and paste since there's a reformatting step in between" Rose/Miros says, "or a deformatting step" Scottyg-1 says, "I have all the preparations made to move the HTTPS server over to a new server naqme - secure.moonsociety.org. Just waiting for Dana to install the new SSL certificate." Rose/Miros adds nag Dana to her to-do list dcarson says, "I missed a renewel norice and let my domain lapse, this messed up my email" Scottyg-1 says, "( https://secure.moonsociety.org is actually working now, but you gat a warning about the certificate." dcarson says, "domain resecured and SSL cert now generted" Strangelv-1 says, "I see discussion in roughrly the September timeframe -- forgot which meeting already -- but no motion" Strangelv-1 says, "There is not an existing budget as best I can tell. We may have discussed it without actually making a motion" Rose/Miros says, "i don't remember a motion about paying for a logo, but i missed a few meetings in there" Strangelv-1 says, "16 October. The minutes we approved earlier" Strangelv-1 says, "The logo was discussed. No motion." Scottyg-1 says, "Next weekend I'll be setting up test.moonsociety.org as a separate server for testing." PhilipC says, "We'll get back to that in a moment." Strangelv-1 still prefers eval. We'll be getting search engines visiting the testingc site PhilipC says, "Having a secure server allows us to have a test area, which will allow us to avoid any messy in-progress/construction areas" Scottyg-1 says, "And once the secure server is in place, we can swap the domains so that www.moonsociety.org is the new website and we can move the old site to legacy.moonsociety.org." Rose/Miros says, "that's not what the secure server is for. it's for membership payments" Strangelv-1 needs a cehcklist of to do items. Especially the ones he's needed to work on PhilipC says, "In talking to Scotty before, he said that with Peter's help in marking pages for migration, we should be able to complete the entire migration processby March 1" Rose/Miros says, "there's a james-do page on the new server" PhilipC says, "Although March 1 is a somewhat arbitrary deadline, we really need to start focusing on projects as an organization" PhilipC says, "We need to migrate the content, ensure a smooth back-end operation, and to market test the design." PhilipC says, "Ideally we should test it with the type of audience we'd like to recruit (like SEDS students)" PhilipC says, "Does anyone have an issue with this? " dcarson says, "nope" Scottyg-1 says, "Do we want to change the home page design?" PhilipC says, "If we market test the site, say next month, and it doesn't pass with flying colors, then we might need to consider hiring a web designer to develop a style that will be attractive for them." Strangelv-1 says, "Any new or revised design must work with Drupal 7" Rose/Miros says, "only after the content migrates" Strangelv-1 says, "otherwise we'll be right back to where we are now" PhilipC says, "Hopefully by next month, we'll have the key areas migrated and can be begin market research by then" PhilipC says, "It might cost us a few thousand to do it, and yes it will be a hit, but if it can attract new members, then we'll blow right past that goal of 150 members by March 31" PhilipC says, "and the new member dues will pay for itself" pjbanyai says, "I just sent an email to both board@moonsociety.org and board@moonsociety.info concerning the Google apps account and getting our email addresses updated. I believe Dana is the only member with a moonsociety.org email address in addition to the other mailboxes linked to helpdir. If there is no email which needs to be saved and transferred to the new mailboxes we can do a fairly easy transfer. Otherwise we need to use moonsociety.net as an alias for the new mailboxes until everything is transferred. " Strangelv-1 says, "Does moonsociety.net belong to us or the squatter. There's one that was pointed to us by accident" pjbanyai says, "Dana" Strangelv-1 says, "Wel,l actualyl squatter is being too kind. I suspect less pleasant motives" pjbanyai says, " moonsociety.net redirects to moonsociety.org" Lunadyne says, "The goal was for 150 members by the end of the year. I noted that we could achieve that number by Mar 31st if we tried, but -I- did not set Mar 31 as the deadline for 150 members." PhilipC says, "Hopefully by this time next month, we'll have enough content migrated over that we can begin market testing next month. But we can cross that bridge when we come to it." PhilipC says, "Let's move on to the next item in the agenda." pjbanyai says, "The commercial .com is taken by the Lunar Registry/Republic" Strangelv-1 says, "And one other. Possibly .net" pjbanyai says, "Nope look up the dns registy it say Dana is the owner." PhilipC says, "Let's move on." PhilipC says, "Next on the agenda is video conferencing" PhilipC says, "This can be an open discussion. I suggested before about using Adobe Connect Pro as a platform. As Alan pointed out, we could use Skype which is less expensive" Lunadyne says, "I've been working with Google Hangouts for the Space Finance Group and they seem to do the trick." PhilipC says, "Alan also pointed out that we could use Google+" Lunadyne says, "Same thing." PhilipC says, "But I don't trust Google. Although I have gmail, I plan to migrate off of it soon." Strangelv-1 says, "Isn't this one of the featpures of Apache Wave?" Lunadyne says, "Fine - the tool's availablebe we refuse to use it and are going to what? Wait for a perfect solution? Design it ourselves?" PhilipC says, "Skype could be acceptable for now but Adobe Connect would allow us to do webinars which we can use to generate extra income" PhilipC says, "But enough from me, what do you think?" Rose/Miros says, "what is the purpose of the video conferences?" Rose/Miros says, "if it's meetings, i don't have a webcam and i don't think you want to look at my messy living room anyhow" Scottyg-1 says, "Or listen to my TV going in the background." pjbanyai says, "Google+ uses Apache Wave. Messages on Google + should easily be able to transfer to Wave. http://www.wavewatchers.org/ has a tour of Wave including Google's first introduction of it (most if not all of the developers have since left Google and now independently work on it). There is even a list of stable and experimental servers and the links for building running and installing a server at http://www.wavewatchers.org/wave/explorer." Lunadyne says, "Google Hangouts allows for calls to people to add to the discussion. I usually do SFG Hangouts via phone." Strangelv-1 says, "The Apache Wave solution has an important feature: we would control it." PhilipC says, "the purpose of video conferences would be for meetings which allows us to have a more efficient communication medium" PhilipC says, "in short, we could get more work done in the same time we use now" PhilipC says, "but it would also be for projects and webinars" PhilipC says, "for educational purposes and demo videos" PhilipC says, "so it would go beyond the meetings." PhilipC says, "Is this resonating with everyone here?" PhilipC says, "If we start reaching out to a younger crowd, they're going to wonder why we're still relying on a chatroom to have our meetings when everyone else has moved to video or teleconferencing" PhilipC says, "Remember Jim talking about how he hadn't used chat in many years?" Strangelv-1 says, "Where we hold our meetings only matters when they're attending them. I believe the amin applications of video would be things we're not alread5y doing" dcarson says, "because you can't search video for what was decided months ago" PhilipC says, "well that's why we'd rely more on minutes like most organizations do" dcarson says, "we would have to have much more detailed minutes" Lunadyne says, "Something like this is what we could do: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7xkwRyuSvg" pjbanyai says, "We could also use one of the stable or experimental servers until we set our own up. I believe one of the sites allows for individually controlled sub nodes." Lunadyne says, "I'll admit that for Space Finance Group we do have someone taking summary notes." pjbanyai says, "Wave combines text and video chat. There is also an app feature which can be used to extract text from the video in order to make minutes." PhilipC says, "My hope is that we can start experimenting with different solutions next month and maybe March, but then come to a decision by April" PhilipC says, "Its just that when start our recruiting drive, that the communication medium itself reflects what is generally used by our target audience, and that it doesn't become a distraction" PhilipC says, "Ideally, we'd also have multi-threaded discussion forums" pjbanyai says, "We tried using Skype for our Town Hall meetings. Peter originally made a new discussion group for each meeting and had to manually add everyone. Unless he was available the meeting could not be held." PhilipC says, "Paul, do you have experience with Apache Wave?" PhilipC says, "I think I recall James mentioning that you did" dcarson says, "thats not a Skype problem its a usage problem I think" Rose/Miros says, "skype is still clunky and awkward" bnault says, "because MOO isn't?" Strangelv-1 says, "We can't control skype; it has significant reliability problem,s at least for text chat" pjbanyai says, "I experimented with Google Wave before Google had a change in management, abandoned most of their projects including a possible NASA MMO with both NSS and Moonsociety play important parts, and started to become an evil empire;)" Strangelv-1 says, "MOO is only as unstable as the server it's on" Strangelv-1 says, "It's the most stable option I know of" Strangelv-1 says, "A text chat featuer of Apache Wave is teh only potential candidate to replace it that's not inferior" PhilipC says, "Okay, but how do we use Apache wave... or install it?" dcarson says, "can James write that up and email by next meeting?" Strangelv-1 says, "I'm not the one with experience with Apache Wave, Most of what I know I learned from Paul" Strangelv-1 says, "or maybe all of it I did" PhilipC says, "Apache wave sounds great, but let's get it installed on a test page so that we can try it out, or do something else. " PhilipC says, "My suggestion is to try an all of the above and just see which solution works best. " Strangelv-1 says, "I don't know the preresiquites. I know someone who knows someone who has a server that might or might not be useful that does have a lot of bandwidth, but it would be a rather severe case of a friends and family plan -- but possibly adequate for testing. We'd need to talk to Steve Nixon" PhilipC says, "what ever that needs to be done, let's make it so (invokes the spirit Captain Picard)" PhilipC says, "Next month if possible" PhilipC says, "We have about 20 minutes left, let's move on to the last agenda item" PhilipC says, "I'm hoping that all of you got the program proposal i sent out on January 1 through the leaders@moonsociety.info listserv?" PhilipC says, "the attached file is 6 pages long." PhilipC says, "it's the introduction of a much larger program management plan" PhilipC says, "I'm also hoping that all of you read that before this meeting" PhilipC says, "Yes? No? Are you reading it right now?" Lunadyne says, "I have reviewed it. It is ambitious in its scope." Strangelv-1 gave his disappointing answer before the meeting started PhilipC says, "It's very ambitious" PhilipC says, "In a nutshell, it's even more ambitious than the Artemis Project" Lunadyne says, "I do think you're right to point out the Cislunar Economy, and I think that's really where our focus should lay at the moment: defining the Cislunar Economy." Lunadyne says, "I'd also like to see us revisit the Cislunar Econosphere at this year's ISDC." Lunadyne says, "Which I can't make." Strangelv-1 says, "if we can jump ahead of the bandwagon that could help" PhilipC says, "Neither can I. LA is out of reach and beyond my budget" Lunadyne says, "With all the Moon stuff going on over the holidays, was anyone contacted for comment or to answer questions?" Strangelv-1 says, "Short of getting a telepresence robot it's not the only thing I really need to attend this year but can't" Strangelv-1 says, "We should probabyl consider paying someoen's expenses to get them there" Lunadyne says, "I'm guessing no, and we should be the go-to folks whenever the Moon comes up." Strangelv-1 says, "Peter is probably at the top of the list" PhilipC says, "I've been working on a possible telepresence robot design" PhilipC says, "But given the audience and the need to get patents for it, I'd rather refrain from using it at an ISDC" Lunadyne says, "So I will again re-iterate my challenge to the Leadership Team, and that is that each individual should have at least one article/letter to the editor/blog/whatever published this year." Lunadyne says, "At Moon Day last year we worked a telepresence robot in conjunction with NLSI." Lunadyne says, "Hard to set up and hard to get working properly at the event." PhilipC says, "My hope for discussing my proposal right now is to get a high level agreement that this is something we as the Moon Society would consider doing" Strangelv-1 isn't needing one with cislunal implications, merely Internet-spanning (terrestrial) ones PhilipC says, "If it is, I'd be willing to finish it. As of right now, it's nearly 25 pages long and when I'm done, it'll likely be closer to 40-50 pages" PhilipC says, "the goal is nothing less than to do what's needed for us to get to the moon" PhilipC says, "the program contains about 9 different projects" PhilipC says, "6 of them research related" Lunadyne says, "I think we'd be better off focusing on the idea of the cislunar economy. " Lunadyne says, "Atleast in the near term." pjbanyai says, "I might be able to attend ISDC this year if I can work out my vacation to coincide with it. Last year I missed it by a week. " dcarson says, "May 14-19" Lunadyne says, "It's always ever about the economy anyway, so defining how we can grow that economy using the nearby Moon is a good thing." PhilipC says, "Ken, the real focus IS the cislunar economy. but we need to lay the foundation first, which is what this program focuses on" Lunadyne says, "I'd say that educating people about what it is is the groundwork before us." PhilipC says, "That will of course be a major part of it" PhilipC says, "My hope is that we will kickstart telerobotic projects that focus on basic research in lunar simulated environments" PhilipC says, "then by demonstrating the technology, attract private investment for far more ambitious research" PhilipC says, "in my opinion, we should focus on existing markets, consider what technologies we can develop on the moon to serve those markets, then develop industry that can produce those technologies. All in a lunar simulated environment. Once we can reach that point, reverse engineer the process down to a bootstrap phase, and then test it by unpacking it as we would on the Moon. That would allow us to prove to investors that the technology will work" PhilipC says, "If we can prove reliability, then we can demonstrate risk management and then look for funding." PhilipC says, "That is on the high-level" PhilipC says, "For us, we'd focus mainly on demonstrating telerobotics technology and in lunar analogs" PhilipC says, "The development of the industrial ecosystem would be the equivalent of replacing the function that TLRC once played. developing telerobotics and lunar analogs would replace the role that ASI once played" PhilipC says, "On the whole, this would be as close as we're going to get to a reset of the Artemis Project, only with a new twist" PhilipC says, "The last and important issue is how we can do this?" PhilipC says, "For starters, if we have a basic demonstration capability in place, then I would like to contact as many universities as I can to recruit them" Lunadyne says, "Again, my view is that if we are the thought leaders in exploring and defining the cislunar economy, then that should help attract people that want to see it happen, from which the rest follows. " Lunadyne says, "As far as taking the lead on the Cislunar Economy: (a) ISDC, (b) publications, (c) Public powerpoint presentation on topic, (d) MMM Theme issue, (e) other avenues." PhilipC says, "If we have the demonstration, then I will be very aggressive in reaching out" Lunadyne says, "(f) video series, (g) Twitter feed, (h) &c." PhilipC says, "i once worked as a telemarketer and can call between 80-100 people/day" Lunadyne says, "Remember - Le Monde Diplomatique picked up on my Cislunar Econosphere article at The Space Review." PhilipC says, "in our case, i'd call universities that do research somewhat relevant to what we do" PhilipC says, "university professors can draw in students" PhilipC says, "What does everyone else here think about this? I'm getting tired of reading my own text." dcarson says, "seems god" Lunadyne says, "Okay, it's getting late and I've got stuff to do for tomorrow. I would just note that the Google Lunar Day I helped organize here in Fort Worth went well. Over four hours we had about 150 folks wander through the exhibit hall, where Greater Fort Worth Moon Society had a display, and about 40 folks total attended the three talks I gave on Moon 101, Cislunar Space, and Future Moon." Lunadyne says, "Working on something with UT Arlington, maybe during their Engineers Week." Lunadyne says, "This is for the new GLXP show "Back to the Moon - For Good."" PhilipC says, "That's awesome" PhilipC says, "Keep up the good work Ken!" PhilipC says, "Does anyone else have any announcements?" dcarson says, "later in MAy is Balticon that gives out the Heinlein Award For outstanding published works in science fiction and technical writings to inspire the human exploration of space." dcarson says, "I aways attend, its local and I'm a life member" dcarson says, "we should have material at that" Lunadyne has disconnected. dcarson says, " http://www.bsfs.org/bsfsheinlein.htm" PhilipC says, "I'd like to get a new logo if possible. When we have one, we can develop a variety of displays" PhilipC says, "Before we go, I'd just like to know should I proceed in completing the entire program management plan? Do you like the ideas or no?" PhilipC says, "If you started reading it during this meeting, I'm sure you're going to want more time to think it over. " The housekeeper arrives to cart Lunadyne off to bed. PhilipC says, "Does anyone else have any more announcements?" PhilipC says, "If not, can I have a motion to adjourn? I'm willing to stay afterwards if you have any questions." Scottyg has disconnected. Rose/Miros says, "moved" PhilipC says, "Second?" Strangelv-1 says, "I'll second, albeit because I need to sleep" PhilipC says, "Thank you. We are now adjourned" Strangelv-1 says, "and I need any motions to be clear. We probably should have budgeted for a logo now that I tihnk ogf it though" -- End log: Wednesday, January 8, 2014 11:13:53 pm ASI Meeting Server time --