-- Start log: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 9:06:51 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- PhilipC says, "Let the record show that Philip Crume, Chairman of the Board convened the Board of Directors meeting in 2014 June 11, per the requirements of the Bylaws. He is the only director present at this time, at 9:07 pm EDT. This meeting does not have quorum. " Lunadyne says, "We really need to change to a more modern interface. I'm Zorking out here." PhilipC says, "The meeting is now adjourned." -- End log: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 9:08:05 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- -- Start log: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 9:08:37 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- PhilipC says, "Hello! And welcome to the 2014 June 11 Management Committee Meeting." PhilipC says, "Will all who are present please state your name and position for the recorder." PhilipC says, "Philip Crume, Chairman" Lunadyne says, "Ken Murphy, President" pjbanyai says, "Paul Banyai, Vice President" dcarson says, "Dana Carson, Teasurer" Strangelv-1 says, "James Gholston, Secretary" Scottyg-1 says, "Scotty Gammenthaler, Assistant Treasurer" PhilipC says, "Let the record show that we do have quorum for this meeting." Jimnexus has arrived. Strangelv-1 says, "The mboard just doubled in size" Lunadyne says, "Mr. Keravala?" Jimnexus says, "hello!" PhilipC says, "If you check your emails, there are the minutes for several past meetings." PhilipC says, "Let the record also show that Jim Keravala is present." Jimnexus says, "say those, thanks" Strangelv-1 says, "If we could get Rose a tablet or notebook computer we'd have quarum" Jimnexus says, "sorry for late entry" PhilipC says, "Please take a moment to check out those past months minutes." Strangelv-1 says, "I still would be unable to typea accuartely, thougghd" PhilipC says, "Mr. Secretary, which months do we currently have? " Lunadyne says, "I do want to get Peter a Kindle." PhilipC says, "I mean, what months did you send out today?" Strangelv-1 chock Strangelv-1 checks, too Strangelv-1 says, "I emailed February, March, and May." PhilipC says, "Jim, I quickly convened a board meeting by myself since I was the only director present. It's mainly to satisfy the bylaws requirements. We didn't have an agenda planned." Strangelv-1 says, "February and March have corrections from the drlafts sent last month" PhilipC says, "Ok. Does anyone have any corrections they'd like to make for the Feb, Mar., or May minutes?" Jimnexus says, "understood Philip" Strangelv-1 says, "Should I update what I have to make minutes to show Jim as attending?" PhilipC says, "For tonight's meeting? Yes. I generally assume that appearance at any time during the meeting counts." PhilipC says, "Would someone like to make a motion to approve the Feb, Mar, and May minutes as a slate?" Strangelv-1 abstains, as usual PhilipC says, "Assuming no one has any objections to the minutes themselves?" Lunadyne says, "Where do we see the logo submissions? I haven't heard anything about them since signing the contract." Strangelv-1 saw last month's version, but not the version that Philip requested that he knows exists and was sent back shortly after Jessy goct the request dcarson says, " http://www.jessydaniels.com/" Strangelv-1 says, "There's a more specificr link" PhilipC says, "waiting for a motion to approve the minutes for feb, mar, and may" Strangelv-1: http://www.jessydaniels.com/themoonsociety/ Strangelv-1 brakes down and moves to accetpt the minutes PhilipC says, "any second?" Jimnexus says, "second" PhilipC says, "thank you" PhilipC says, "Any further discussion?" dcarson says, "none here" PhilipC says, "Hearing none. Let's call the question. All in favor of approving the Feb, Mar, and May minutes, please vote by saying aye or nay." Strangelv-1 says, "Abstain" Lunadyne says, "Aye" dcarson says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" Jimnexus says, "aye" PhilipC says, "Thank you. The ayes have it. 4 ayes, 0 nays, 2 abstentions" PhilipC says, "Ok, next the agenda." Scottyg-1 says, "Philip, I got the membership report." PhilipC says, "I sent out an agenda on the 6th" PhilipC says, "The agenda so far is:" PhilipC says, "web migration" PhilipC says, "sorry" PhilipC says, "website" PhilipC says, "-migration"" PhilipC says, "-design focus"" PhilipC says, "-hiring a website designer if needed"" PhilipC says, "-design focus group...."" PhilipC says, "logo vote" PhilipC says, "elections" PhilipC says, "project discussion" PhilipC says, "Is there anything else anyone would like to add?" Scottyg-1 says, "We need to get some discussion going about replacing Peter as newsletter editor." PhilipC says, "ok, will add that" PhilipC says, "if there's nothing else, then one more thing." PhilipC says, "I mentioned this several times tonight but I sent out a very detailed membership report this evening." PhilipC says, "It's on an excel spreadsheet that you should be able to find in the moonsociety.info address" dcarson says, "given Huntsville I'm surprised no AL members" PhilipC says, "if not, let me know so that I can send it to you" PhilipC says, "Ken, if you have no objection, would it be okay if we can simply make a note that a report was submitted in tonight's minutes?" Scottyg-1 says, "Information: I am able to open the spreadsheet with LibreOffice (OpenOffice)" PhilipC says, "If there are any sections in your file that has any broken links within that report let me know" PhilipC says, "yes" PhilipC says, "i made this in libreoffice" PhilipC says, "i have an ods version if you need it" Scottyg-1 says, "No, the xls worked fine." Strangelv-1 recommends the ODS version Lunadyne says, "Going to take some time to digest." Lunadyne has disconnected. Strangelv-1 says, "Check the second sheet -- is it a set of differing numbers or zeroes and infinities?" PhilipC says, "Come on guys, let's at least multitask here" Strangelv-1 says, "WE appear to have a lot of multi-pyear memberships and possibly lifetime ones" Strangelv-1 says, "only ambout a third of our memberships are listed as expiring this year" PhilipC says, "James, please make a note on the minutes for tonights meeting that a membership report has been submitted. We currently have 120 active members. " PhilipC says, "On to the treasurer's report. Dana, do you have anything for us?" Lunadyne has connected. dcarson says, "need to renew the SSL Cert, looking at prices" dcarson says, "no other things happening" PhilipC says, "our budget is still at around $31k?" dcarson says, "yes" Lunadyne says, "I need to spend a small amount of money" Scottyg-1 says, "Philip, the report is a little out of date. We currently have 134 members." Strangelv-1 was about to ote thout our pak membership number appears to have been at our last physical conference, but it no longer apperas to be teh current agenda item Lunadyne says, "Banner and postcards for Moon Day." PhilipC says, "Ken, we can discuss that after the logo. " Lunadyne says, "'kay" Strangelv-1 could see our bank balance as being above 30 grand, but not our budget. It took too many years to get the number back up to that dcarson says, "hopefully we can have the new logo for then" Scottyg-1 says, "id you mean bank balance Philip? Yes - about 31 K." PhilipC says, "Ok, thank you." PhilipC says, "Are there any more questions relating to hte treasurer's report?" PhilipC says, "Hearing none. Let's move on to the website." Jimnexus says, "What's the annual income?" Strangelv-1 doesn't know that number either PhilipC says, "Jim, we should be able to extrapolate that from the membership report that I gave. But I'd like to do something just as in depth with our financials next time" Jimnexus says, "ok sure. sounds good" Lunadyne says, "Seems to be about the same as annual expenses. We've been about flat at $31K for a couple of years now." Jimnexus says, "ok" Lunadyne has disconnected. PhilipC says, "Anything else for the treasurer? I don't want to step on anyone's toes." PhilipC says, "Seeing nothing else, moving on to the website. Scotty... you have the floor" Scottyg-1 says, "Total income for the last 12 months was $3560.00" Scottyg-1 says, "Website..." Jimnexus says, "Thanks Scott" pjbanyai says, "Do we have any domain names or other web assets about to expire?" Scottyg-1 says, "All pages have now been moved from the old to the new website, and for those where it is appropriate, reformatted to use the new Drupal page templates." dcarson says, "not that I know of" Strangelv-1 looks. Thecre's always something with the wikis that's expiring Scottyg-1 says, "Work that still needs to be done is too go over all of the pages and check for broken links and thaqt the links point to the new Drupal page version, not the old versions." Jimnexus says, "heads up, I will disconnect in 20 mins. am in London this week and will be 3am." The housekeeper arrives to cart Lunadyne off to bed. Scottyg-1 says, "I was out of the country last week and came back with Montezuma's revenge which I still have, so no work has been done during that period." Strangelv-1 says, "The next batch of expirlations I see for domains I still need to get transferred to something that isn't my personal and depreciated GoDaddy account is in September" Lunadyne has arrived. Scottyg-1 says, "That's all I have Philip." Strangelv-1 says, "The next batch of expirlations I see for domains I still need to get transferred to something that isn't my personal and depreciated GoDaddy account is in September" PhilipC says, "Thanks Jim. We have about 3 things we might need votes for. We can try to get through them quickly" PhilipC says, "Thanks Scotty." PhilipC says, "Okay, onto the next agenda item: Focus group" Strangelv-1 still doesn't have anyplace to transfer those domains TO PhilipC says, "After scouring through membership list, I found that we have about 25 members that would fit the demographic we'll be looking for 20-39." PhilipC says, "We can contact them and do a focus group to get their feedback on the website." PhilipC says, "As James mentioned, we might want to do some info updates to make it look like someone's home" PhilipC says, "that doesn't really require any funds or votes on your part. Just fyi" Strangelv-1 . o O ( we'll be handing out this button at North Texas Moon Day? ) PhilipC says, "Just a reminder though that as we discussed in previous months, if they don't like it and we do need a redesign, we might need to hire a website designer to redo it." Scottyg-1 says, "Yeah, the latest "New" material is Early Jan." Strangelv-1 says, "I'm not sure that the web site is what we need for millenials." PhilipC says, "I believe that we already approved up to $3k for that purpose" Strangelv-1 says, "That seems to be mhat busters and older talk about and then nothing happens -- at least with a certian other organsization I'm with" PhilipC says, "Since Jim here has to leave soon. I'd like to put that on hold to get to the things we need to vote on." Strangelv-1 says, "The new website is in place with evwerything that's promised, and the next round of 'we need to update our aging website' is already underway. In this case less than six mbonths after the new one went up" Strangelv-1 looks at the angenda PhilipC says, "Next on the agenda is the logo. Per our contract with Jessy Daniels, he agreed to work on one main logo." Jimnexus says, "agenda" Jimnexus says, "Oops" Strangelv-1: http://www.jessydaniels.com/themoonsociety/ Strangelv-1 says, "It's been changed since our last meeting" PhilipC says, "I worked with him in developing that logo and shared with all of you the main concepts behind it" Strangelv-1 says, "HE's connected to Skype but isn't available to respond" PhilipC says, "Please check out the logo and tell me what you think? We need an yes or no vote on this, so that we can decide to accept it or not." dcarson says, "yes on the revised one" PhilipC says, "If we don't accept it, then we will not use it and Jessy won't get paid an additional $250 from us" Strangelv-1 says, "What if we listed our options and had aa pproval vote?" PhilipC says, "If we do accept it, then we will need to pay him $250 for final acceptance" PhilipC says, "Keep in mind that if we accept it, we're more than free to keep revising it" Strangelv-1 says, "No logo, our historical placeholder, the solid Jusys logo and the feature Jessy logo?" PhilipC says, "So I'll leave this open to you" Strangelv-1 says, "FOur options. I misseda comma" Jimnexus says, "I say yes to revised one too. looks good" PhilipC says, "Would someone like to make a motion?" Strangelv-1 says, "1: No logo, 2: our historical placeholder, 3: the solid Jessy logo, 4: the feature Jessy logo" Strangelv-1 says, "I move gfor an approval vote" Strangelv-1 says, "Four items" PhilipC says, "On which logo?" Strangelv-1 says, "Highest item with above 50% approval wins" dcarson says, "yes on the revised one (4)" PhilipC says, "Do I have a second for the motion?" Strangelv-1 says, "The vote is for four options, including both of the submitted Jessy logos" Jimnexus says, "Yes on revised one (second from the bottom on the webpage)" pjbanyai says, "Here is the link to Dremhost's info on setting up a non-profit account http://wiki.dreamhost.com/Non-profit. I suggest Dana setup the account since currently he is the only one with a personal moonsociety.org account and probably a moonsociety credit card and other proof of eligibility. Other people can be added to administer the account after it has been setup. " Jimnexus says, "Second" Strangelv-1 says, "DO we have any discussion before we see which of teh items each voting member approves of?" Strangelv-1 says, "Wel,l actaully call teh question on the motion for the vote" PhilipC says, "I have a motion and a second. Any further discussion?" Strangelv-1 says, "Which is separate from the vote" Strangelv-1 says, "Is there objection to the motion for how to do the vote?" PhilipC says, "Paul, please check out Jessy Daniels' logo page. We need a yes/no vote" PhilipC says, "None so far James. @who" PhilipC says, "Ken? What say you?" Strangelv-1's call of he question for approval voting remains PhilipC says, "So far, I have a yes vote for the revised version from: Jim and Dana" Strangelv-1 says, "Then we would vote" Strangelv-1 says, "That's not the motion" PhilipC says, "I'm still waiting to hear from Ken, Paul, and James" Strangelv-1 says, "I'm calling the question on the motion for approval voting" dcarson says, "in preference order 4,3,2,1" PhilipC says, "This is why doing meetings through text is confusing." Strangelv-1 says, "If I were to assume teh motion is passed without ombjection my votes are for no log, and both of Jessy's logo." PhilipC says, "We can always further revise Jessy's logo." PhilipC says, "Ultimately, it comes down to accepting it or not." Strangelv-1 says, "I still believe it's the wrolg persepective, but anything is better than whdat we've been stuck with since 2000" PhilipC says, "Paul and Ken, what say you?" Scottyg-1 says, "James, you are making a bad assumption that everyone knows what "approval voting" means." Strangelv-1 still has a priviledgfed motion that doesn't hawve an answer Strangelv-1 says, "Each item is viewved one by one in approval voting" Strangelv-1 says, "Do you approve of X or not? Do you approve of Y on not?" PhilipC says, "Alright..." Jimnexus says, "gents, with apologies I have to depart" Strangelv-1 says, "It was good to have you here" Lunadyne has disconnected. dcarson says, "have fun in London" PhilipC says, "Jim's vote will be recorded as affirmative." PhilipC says, "since he voted while it still took place" PhilipC says, "enjoy London Jim" Jimnexus says, "thanks, look forward to catch up soon. Let me know by email after meeting if anything I can do" dcarson says, "yes on 4 and 3 then" Strangelv-1',s understanding of the situation on the floor is that there's a motion for approval voting. The question has mbeen called PhilipC says, "I'm waiting for Ken and Paul to respond" Strangelv-1 says, "ME might be able ot argue over Jimw's intent, but the vote counting righht now is not in order" Jimnexus goes South. PhilipC says, "James, you structured the vote as four options on a single vote" Strangelv-1 says, "And that wotion is not yet approved." Strangelv-1 says, "it has not been voted on." PhilipC says, "Jim already seconded it" PhilipC says, "And he and Dana already cast their votes" Strangelv-1 says, "That wasa second to cols-idera nd discuss it" Strangelv-1 says, "I called the question" Strangelv-1 says, "Next step is to wvote on whether or not we want to do it that way" Strangelv-1 says, "Aye or nay on approval voting, or do we handle this differently and make a diffeneth motion" PhilipC says, "That wasn't the motion. The motion was to determine whether or not to decide on the logo through a four-way optional process: 1) No logo, 2) Old logo, 3) Unrevised Daniels logo, or 4) revised Daniel's logo" The housekeeper arrives to cart Lunadyne off to bed. Strangelv-1 says, "That is not how I meat for it to be structured, but given that that's the way it's been misinterpreted I guess i can live with that as soon as I figure out how to document it in the minutes" PhilipC says, "If we did this on video, we could've gottten through this technicality in 30 seconds. It's now taken us 15 minutes." Strangelv-1 says, "Vyvote is to approve all ophtions but the old logo" Strangelv-1 says, "My vote is to approve all ophtions but the old logo" PhilipC says, "Thank you." PhilipC says, "The motion carries. 3 ayes and 3 abstentions" Strangelv-1 says, "-/but/except/" PhilipC says, "I cannot vote so in reality it's 2 abstentions" Strangelv-1 says, "What is the vote total gfor each item?" Strangelv-1 says, "That's the only way that makes sense in the way you interpreted it" PhilipC says, "2 for item 4 and 1 for item 1,2,4" Strangelv-1 tries to go back and count PhilipC says, "given the way you structured the vote" Strangelv-1 says, "I believe three out of fiev for the fourth item (I appoved of it too, but also applove of the previous iteration and no logo)" Strangelv-1 says, "The exact count I can try to work out later, but the fourth option got the highest vote total and got enough votes to pass" PhilipC says, "Good. Let's move on. Dana, I will let Jessy Daniels know that we accept his logo. Can you go ahead and send him the remaining $250 per our contract? " Strangelv-1 says, "And this attempt to work out what we want my a motion wouldn't have gone any more smoothly in person" Strangelv-1 can remember too many arguments over a point of ovred that took far too long to resolve Strangelv-1 says, "or order" Strangelv-1 says, "I must admit my typos wouldn't have mbeen an issue" PhilipC says, "Moving on to the next agenda item." dcarson says, "will send a check" PhilipC says, "Approval for a budget on banners, tabling displays, stationery, and brochures." Strangelv-1 says, "We need to get Ken back into the meeting" PhilipC says, "Now that we have a new logo. Let's put it on something eye catching" dcarson says, "like a banner and postcards for Moon Day?" PhilipC says, "Yes" PhilipC says, "I'm thinking of a 3 panel 2'x8' backdrop we can hang on a metal frame" PhilipC says, "and maybe something nice to hang on a table too" PhilipC says, "of course then there's stationery and brochures" PhilipC says, "The backdrop would look very nice at indoor events like conventions" dcarson says, "I know Ian has been very happy with price and customer service of VistaPrint" PhilipC says, "If you check our facebook page, the top picture has something similar to what I'm thinking of. I'm just thinking of doing it on a larger scale in a way that looks nicer" Strangelv-1 says, "Ket got taken out by MS Windows updates. He'll be back on as soon as he can" PhilipC says, "I think spending up to $1k in this area would be money well spent" dcarson says, "8x2.5 ft is $55 for one, $110 for 2" Strangelv-1 says, "I was thinking of using the same bagkdcop that we designed for the website. We have a wery high resolution image just waiting to be put to use. The multilayper original is multiple gigabytes" PhilipC says, "We can probably hold off until after the election, but then we might want to send everyone on the mgt committee business cards" PhilipC says, "i agree" PhilipC says, "basically, I'd like for us to "one-up" the Mars and Planetary societies, and even the NSS" PhilipC says, "it'd be awesome!" dcarson says, "6 x 2.5 is $45, thats the size of most table spaces" Lunadyne has arrived. PhilipC says, "We could use that for a table hanging banner" Strangelv-1 says, "MWE could also put a smaller (and admittedly not full resolution) one on 2 3/8 inch buttons. The logo/name of the Moon Society can go at the bottom. Will probably requier repositioning the Earthrise so that it's still on the button" Lunadyne says, "Sorry, having troubles with internet access" PhilipC says, "Ken, I'm recommending that we spend up to $1k on banners and stationery" Strangelv-1 says, "And Ken needsa summary of what you've been saying" Strangelv-1 says, "Should we put Ken in charge of deciding how to allocate that and which designs to use?" Lunadyne says, "I'm good with that. I need to get a banner this month." Strangelv-1 says, "So that those of us with ideas can coordinate with Ken?" Strangelv-1 still has plenty of button supplies and a shortage of candidates in his queue to make buttons for PhilipC says, "I'd like to work with Ken to advise but I'm happy letting him handle the details" Lunadyne says, "I'm thinking a Moonscape, maybe with a base in the distance, and Earth in the sky." PhilipC says, "Exactly" Strangelv-1 says, "I move that we allocate $1000 for a banner and other promotional materials, to be handled by Ken Murphy." Lunadyne says, "Aye" PhilipC says, "Basically a three panel 8'x2' that cuts up a moonscape/earthrise pic" Lunadyne says, "(It should cost much less)" Strangelv-1 says, "WE could probably find a good spot in our existing bac9kdrop to put in a base of some sort" Lunadyne says, "You want a big hangy thing?" Strangelv-1 says, "or if we want to go vector, I could vectorize it, althougch it was designed to be photographic and may require some time I won't have until after the end of the month" PhilipC says, "It would either be held up by a free standing base (like a prop-up movie projection screen) or by a metal/pvc frame" PhilipC says, "Is Paul around?" Strangelv-1 looks for a second Lunadyne says, "I was just going to get a table banner for Moon Day." Strangelv-1 says, "We need Paul around or we can't allocate the money" PhilipC says, "Is the Moon Day event outside?" Scottyg-1 says, "No, indoors." Lunadyne says, "No. It's a big hangar space with about 30 exhibitors squeezed in." Strangelv-1 says, "Unless Rose is able to get back on" PhilipC says, "A backdrop would be perfect there" Lunadyne says, "Dallas Mars Society has a 3x6-ish hangy display on a frame." PhilipC says, "according to my "@who" search, Paul is technically still here" Lunadyne says, "Dana, can I have the printer invoice you for payment?" dcarson says, "sure" Lunadyne says, "Where at?" PhilipC says, "Would someone like to make a motion?" dcarson says, "via email if possible, to treasurer@moonsociety.org" Strangelv-1 says, "I already did" PhilipC says, "Second?" Lunadyne says, "I'll second, if I can" Strangelv-1 says, "I move that we allocate $1000 for a banner and other promotional materials, to be handled by Ken Murphy." PhilipC says, "Any further discussion?" Lunadyne says, "James, do we still have button stuff? I do kind of like Carpe Lunam" Strangelv-1 says, "I still have uttons stuff, ye" PhilipC says, "Ken, I'd recommend offloading as much of our old logo as you can" Lunadyne says, "What do you mean by offloading?" Strangelv-1 says, "I probably won't make them until after the end of the month though. I'm runningo ut of time on something with a tighter deadline" PhilipC says, "Hearing no further discussion, let's call the question" Strangelv-1 says, "I'll call the question" PhilipC says, "All in favor of spending up to $1,000 for a banner and promotional materials, say aye. All opposed nay." Lunadyne says, "Aye (again)" dcarson says, "Moon Day is July 20 so we have time to get tuff together for it" dcarson says, "aye" Strangelv-1 says, "Aye" PhilipC says, "Ken, try to give out any existing materials we have with our old logo." Lunadyne says, "I was just going to reprint the Last Breath ad on postcards." Lunadyne says, "We do have a bunch of lapel pins." PhilipC says, "That's 3 ayes, and 2 abstentions. Teh motion carries." Strangelv-1 says, "Are we ready to move on to society elections?" PhilipC says, "Now that we have a new logo, we will also need to revise our offering at our store. " Lunadyne says, "Which one did we go with?" PhilipC says, "If everyone wouldn't mind. I'd like to work on that." Strangelv-1 says, "Which storedo we have the passwords to make changes at?" PhilipC says, "it doesnt' matter which one, we can revise them. But we did go with the rvised version." Strangelv-1 says, "Almost everyone voted for the revised Jessy logo. I don't believe anything else got 50%" Lunadyne says, "The one with the odd splotches on the Moon?" Strangelv-1 notes one bug that fortunately didn't come into play is what to do if NOTA won Strangelv-1 says, "Yeah, that one" Lunadyne says, "So be it." PhilipC says, "Yes, it's the Moon's main geological features yet still in an iconic format. But remember though, once we accept it, we can always revise it even more." PhilipC says, "So we can have both the revised and plain version." PhilipC says, "Okay, on to the next agenda item...." Lunadyne says, "I thought you indicated it had already been accepted?" PhilipC says, "We just accepted it tonight." PhilipC says, "Okay... on to the elections" PhilipC says, "Before we really get into that, we have an issue that has come to my attention that we really need to discuss." Strangelv-1 says, "We need an elections admwinistrator" Lunadyne says, "I'd like to recommend we ask Paul Graham of OpenLuna to run for the Board." Strangelv-1 says, "I am not eligible as my position is up for reelection in even numbered years and I'm running for re-election" PhilipC says, "It appear that Rose Dieteman's membership has lapsed" Lunadyne says, "If she's still working on the website I'm okay with rolling her free membership." Strangelv-1 says, "Shoud we apply the Randall Severy rule based on her work on the web site last year?" PhilipC says, "Either someone needs to cover her membership dues or we need to remove her from the board and appoint someone to take her place" Strangelv-1 says, "'how should we phrose the motion to grant her one year of membership?" Strangelv-1 got ambushed by yet another exbpense he wasn't planning on this afternoon pjbanyai says, "There are 2 revised logos the one used depends on the type of background it is placed on. In 2010 David Dunlop's position was misidentifed as a 1 year term. Since then we have basically had a floating position which has basically appeared almost every year for the elections or been forgotton about in the even years that it is actually open." dcarson says, "move that Rose be given one years membership as thanks for the website work" PhilipC says, "I'll leave it up to you. As long as she's willing and able to serve as the webmaster, we can continue giving her a subsidized membership" PhilipC says, "any second?" Lunadyne says, "It does need to be contingent on web work." Strangelv-1 says, "second" PhilipC says, "Okay. Dana made the motion and James seconded. Any further discussion?" PhilipC says, "5" PhilipC says, "4" PhilipC says, "3" PhilipC says, "2" PhilipC says, "1" Strangelv-1 says, "Call the quiestion" PhilipC says, "Hearing none" Lunadyne says, "Aye" PhilipC says, "The question is called. All in favor, aye. All opposed, nay." Strangelv-1 says, "With no objection to calling I vote aye" dcarson says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "I am searching through our logs trying to figure out who's postion is actually open this year besides the only one that I am sure about - Ben's." Strangelv-1 says, "Scotty ypointed out that the officer posihtions are hord-caded into the bylaws" Lunadyne says, "Brad Blair might be another person to solicit for the Board." pjbanyai says, "aye" Strangelv-1 says, "SO I've only served for one year but the bylaws say it's up for election this year, theerfore it is." PhilipC says, "Okay, the motion carries. 4 ayes and 1 abst." PhilipC says, "Okay... the election administrator" Strangelv-1 says, "HOw about Scotty?" Strangelv-1 says, "Scotty has strongviews on how it should be handled" PhilipC says, "Any suggestions?" pjbanyai says, "The bylaws have both the Secretary and the Vice-president collecting votes." Strangelv-1 says, "ARe you up for reerection this yearL? I can't remember" PhilipC says, "Paul, perhaps you can certify the votes?" pjbanyai says, "President and Secretary this year. Last year we had Ben as elections secretary since Peter left the Secretary position and we had a special election." Lunadyne says, "Ooh, should I run for the Board?" PhilipC says, "Do you want to?" Strangelv-1 says, "We'd need a new president" Strangelv-1 says, "I'm guessing we couldn't get Peter to run for it again" Strangelv-1 says, "DAve DUnlop?" Scottyg-1 says, "My view is simply that the Bylaws specify how to do the election and we should follow them." PhilipC says, "We could consolidate the board and simply have the chairman and president become a single position" Lunadyne says, "The first person that comes to mind would be Jim Keravala, but I'm not sure he's deeply enough involved yet." PhilipC says, "I don't think he'd have the time" Strangelv-1 says, "It would be good to have someone with a level of prestige, and there's not a lot of people who have that" Strangelv-1 says, "At least not ones with the time to participate" Lunadyne says, "How do the officers feel about consolidating the President and Board Chair position?" dcarson says, "probably a good idea until we get much bigger" Strangelv-1 says, "The main question I have is how to do that if we shill have a separate board and managcement committee. WE could have the chair of the board ONLY chair board meetings" Strangelv-1 says, "And have the presdinet chair the management meetings" PhilipC says, "By closing out the mgmt committee and just have a board of 9" Strangelv-1 says, "and the leadershipy meetings whenever they occur" PhilipC says, "We started to discuss this months ago but go distracted dealing with the website" Strangelv-1 says, "That would give the officers a gr0eat deal more power than they presently have. With aconsolidation of that nature it could be up to the board whether or not the president is also chair" Strangelv-1 says, "and that would be a dynamic decision" PhilipC says, "We need to have another board meeting next month to make up for the one we missed last time" PhilipC says, "We could take it up then" Strangelv-1 says, "Scotty and Dana are likely the best people here to argue in favor of maintaining the sepacation" PhilipC says, "Let's discuss this through email. Seriously. We can't do all of our business 1-day per month" Lunadyne says, "One of the issues I have with NSS is that they are too complicated for an organization of their size. Perhaps the same is also true of us." Strangelv-1 may have mentioned that the officer positions would suddenly become a lot more powerful. Scottyg-1 says, "I would need to read over the Texas Business Organizations Code to see if that structure is legal." pjbanyai says, "As I have mentioned the Chairman must be a member of the Board. Members are legally defined by the state of Texas as both elected Directors and as "any EX-officio" members." PhilipC says, "We have a few more items to discuss on the agenda. " PhilipC says, "Scotty, the mgmt committee sructure is optional. But carrying on... the election secretary." Strangelv-1 says, "An ex officio basicalyl doesn't count for multiple purposes. If you don't vote and don't count towards quorum..." Scottyg-1 says, "We might have to redefine some of the positions to include the "Director" title." Scottyg-1 says, "Like President/Director, etc." Scottyg-1 says, "So that the officers are also Directors." PhilipC says, "Yep" PhilipC says, "Basically, eveyrone would vote for directors only and then we'd choose amongst ourselves who'd serve in officer positions. It's a pretty common structure among nonprofits" PhilipC says, "But before we continue that discussion. We REALLY need to get this election secretary." Scottyg-1 says, "Could also be left to the electorate." Strangelv-1 says, "State parties in Texas, the chair is separately elected but is also part of the State Partynamegoeshere Executive Committee" Strangelv-1 says, "Dito vice chair, treasurer, and secretary" PhilipC says, "As far as I can tell, the best persons for the job would be: Dana, Paul, or Scotty. Maybe there could be someone else?" Strangelv-1 says, "If none are volunteering, should we draw lots?" PhilipC says, "Do you think we could ask Rose?" dcarson says, "I've done it before, I'll volunteer" PhilipC says, "Are you sure? " pjbanyai says, "There are both voting and non-voting ex-officio members. Voting ex-officio are legally bound to all legal duties and restrictions for elected Directors. Basically Non-voting members have alittle bit more freedom when it comes to compensation such as the nonprofit paying for a hotel room at a conference." Strangelv-1 says, "Rose's availability may still be up in the air until she gets a place of her own" Strangelv-1 says, "Voting vould have to count towards quorum by definition" Strangelv-1 says, "IN which case I'm not realyl sure they should still be considered ex-officio" Strangelv-1 says, "Do we need a vote to make Dana the elechtions admin?" PhilipC says, "Dana, will you accept the election secretary?" dcarson says, "sure" PhilipC says, "Ok, thank you." PhilipC says, "I don't know, do we need to vote him in?" Strangelv-1 can simply document that Dana Carson volunteered PhilipC says, "That works for me." Strangelv-1 says, "Done" PhilipC says, "Ok we have about 5 minutes left." PhilipC says, "What do you guys think about starting a search for a possible research site?" Strangelv-1 says, "Define researlch site" PhilipC says, "If we go with telerobotics, we'll need a place to host it." Strangelv-1 says, "We've had a longstanding search for an analog station site. It might be good to combine them" Strangelv-1 remembers prosposing a mini-analog site that wouldn't be, but no longer has the money gor the quonset hut to assemble on Scotty's land PhilipC says, "A small-mid-size room, in a secure location, with 24-7 utility service, high speed wi-fi, and perhaps occasional service/maintenance" Strangelv-1 says, "I must admit I wasn't thinking indoor" PhilipC says, "We could start out small to focus on generating membership interest" dcarson says, "might want to team with a university" pjbanyai says, "I think there was also an option for limited voting such as 2 members having the equivalent of a single vote. Dana I will subscribe you to the elections list. Warning there is a lot of spam." Strangelv-1 says, "Would be good to document a list of possibilities" PhilipC says, "then later we could set up a much more ambitious site" Strangelv-1 says, "if combined with an analog station it would't need ot be indoor" Strangelv-1 says, "Vo an indoor robotic site that would be ethe equiwvalent of the not-goingsoutside analog station?" PhilipC says, "it would be nice if we could also get someone who knows how to bend metal to build us a vacuum chamber" dcarson says, "University of Oklahoma miht be worth looking at, Amy McGovern is a Assc Prof there and her husband is also" Strangelv-1 is admittedly skeptical that that would be cost-effective for us dcarson says, "so we have contacts" PhilipC says, "who said we have to be limited to one site? That's the beauty of telerobotics"" Strangelv-1 says, "it would be VERY good to work with her again" dcarson says, "http://www.cs.ou.edu/~amy/" dcarson says, "http://www.cs.ou.edu/~fagg/" PhilipC says, "With the website and logo out of the way, it's time to start focusing on generating value for our members" PhilipC says, "It's high time we start growing again" PhilipC says, "I'd like to encourage everyone to really focus on making a proposal for projects we can work on. My own proposal got sidetracked but I will try to finish it." PhilipC says, "That concludes tonight's meeting." PhilipC says, "As far as the agenda goes." PhilipC says, "Does anyone have any announcements they'd like to make?" PhilipC says, "Hearing none. Can I have a motion to adjourn?" Strangelv-1 doesn't Strangelv-1 says, "so moved" dcarson says, "so mioved" PhilipC says, "Second?" Strangelv-1 says, "Was I first or second to say that?" PhilipC says, "James moved. Dana seconded." PhilipC says, "Any objections to adjourning at this time?" Strangelv-1 <- Okay. Nondexbatable wvote Strangelv-1 says, "I wote aye" PhilipC says, "5" PhilipC says, "4" PhilipC says, "3" PhilipC says, "2" PhilipC says, "1" PhilipC says, "So moved. We are adjourned." PhilipC says, "Thank you all for coming." -- End log: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 11:04:39 pm ASI Meeting Server time --