-- Start log: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 9:07:28 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- Strangelv-1 says, "Charging per meeting might not work well for us for multiple reason,s admittedy" PhilipC says, "Hello and welcome to the 2014-08-13 Moon Society Management Committee Meeting " PhilipC says, "For the purpose of attendance will all who are present please state your name and your position." PhilipC says, "Philip Crume, Chairman" AlanSteinberg says, "Alan Steinberg, Director" MikeD-1 says, "a lot of charge per meeting stuff is about paying for the milk amd cookies" Strangelv-1 says, "James Gholston, secretary" pjbanyai says, "Paul Banyai, Vice President" dcarson says, "Dana Carson Teasurer" Strangelv-1 doesn't drink milk anymore and doesn't have any cookies after looking at the package PhilipC says, "Excellent, we have 5 management committee members present and we have quorum for this meeting." MikeD-1 says, "Mike Delaney former board member and insomniac observer" PhilipC says, "Welcome back Mike. Glad to have you with us tonight." PhilipC says, "Our secretary, James, sent out earlier today by email the minutes for last month's meeting" PhilipC says, "Please take a moment to review them and feel free to mention any changes you feel that we need to make." MikeD-1 says, "point is James, meeting dues are mostly about refreshments and room rental at local level" Strangelv-1 says, "Booths and tables at local events, too" MikeD-1 says, "indeed" Strangelv-1 says, "Supplies to distribute from them" PhilipC says, "Can I have a motion to approve the minutes for the 2014 July Management Committee Meeting?" Lunadyne has arrived. Lunadyne says, "Evening gentlemen" PhilipC says, "Let the record show that Ken Murphy, President, has arrived." Strangelv-1 hands Ken the email with the three sets of minutes needing approval PhilipC says, "We're just getting started" PhilipC says, "Welcome" AlanSteinberg says, "move to approve the minutes for the 2014 July Management Committee Meeting" PhilipC says, "Is there a 2nd?" Lunadyne says, "Second" Strangelv-1 says, "Rose had hoped to be here but doesn't have Internet at her new apartment yet and her alternate Internet arrangements fell apart" PhilipC says, "Understandable. Public access tends to only apply during business hours at most locations." Strangelv-1 says, "Is there objection to calling the question?" Strangelv-1 says, "Which is mhy she doesn't have a plan C I imagine" PhilipC says, "Ken moved. If there is no objection, can I have a vote to approve the minutes of the 2014 July Management Committee meeting?" PhilipC says, "I mean seconded." PhilipC says, "All in favor say aye. All opposed nay." Lunadyne says, "Aye" AlanSteinberg says, "aye" Strangelv-1 says, "abstain" PhilipC says, "Paul? Dana? What say you?" pjbanyai says, "aye" dcarson says, "aye" Strangelv-1 notes we have one more set of minutes to approve. The board probably needs to approve the third PhilipC says, "The motion carries. The same e-mail also includes the 2014 June minutes. Can I have a motion to approve those minutes as well?" AlanSteinberg says, "motion to approve June 2014 minutes" PhilipC says, "The board can approve its minutes at the next board meeting." PhilipC says, "Any second?" Lunadyne says, "Second" Strangelv-1 says, "any objection to calling the question?" PhilipC says, "Thank you. Alan moved and Ken seconded. If there is no further discussion on the 2014 June management committee meeting, can I have a vote. All in favor say aye, all opposed nay." dcarson says, "aye" Strangelv-1 looks around for anyone to say 'vaitaminute' or similar Strangelv-1 says, "abstain" AlanSteinberg says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "Aye" PhilipC says, "Paul?" PhilipC says, "Paul, what say you?" pjbanyai says, "aye" PhilipC says, "Thank you. The motion carries. 4 ayes and 2 abstentions" PhilipC says, "Next the agenda" PhilipC says, "Here is a summary of the agenda I sent out earlier today via email:" PhilipC says, "Attendance" PhilipC says, "Approve/revise minutes" PhilipC says, "Reports" PhilipC says, "Membership" PhilipC says, "Treasury" PhilipC says, "Old business" PhilipC says, "Election extension" PhilipC says, "Report on Moon Day" PhilipC says, "Website" PhilipC says, "New business" PhilipC says, "Chairman request for $250 slush fund for pressing expenses that benefit TMS (similar to existing fund already given to president) for future use" PhilipC says, "Revision to TMS store" PhilipC says, "We will need a new launch page on our website" PhilipC says, "Add Logo Teamsports for embroidered and printed apparel" PhilipC says, "Need approval for $50 for an embroidery digitization fee for our logo" PhilipC says, "Website revision to be handled by Philip" PhilipC says, "Leader and/or volunteer gift bag (business cards, embroidered hat and shirt, and policies on distribution)" PhilipC says, "Growth strategy" pjbanyai says, "Did we fix the mixup with the logo?" PhilipC says, "I apologize for the lack of structure, this is the firs time I pasted a bulleted list" Strangelv-1 says, "The Moon Day buttons use a variant that I created. I never got anything back from Jessy about a vector version of the proposal we approved" PhilipC says, "Not really. James worked around the problem and I put it into formats we needed." PhilipC says, "Is there anything anyone would like to add or remove on the agenda?" Strangelv-1 will need to scramble for a version he can paste here after we set the agenda Strangelv-1 says, "The wiki situation remain,s but I perosnally don't dhave an update" Strangelv-1 looks at the Angenda one more time PhilipC says, "There is a bulleted list sent by email earlier today." Strangelv-1 says, "We probably need to include the editor search, although probabyl at the end" PhilipC says, "Hearing nothing else, let's get started." PhilipC says, "Ken, do you have anything for us for our membership numbers?" Lunadyne says, "Just checked the report and looks like we're up to 136!" PhilipC says, "I'll need to compile a new membership committee report but I believe that's an increase of 12 or 18 since I last gave that report." PhilipC says, "That's great news." Lunadyne says, "I think we can go higher..." PhilipC says, "Oh I'm sure we can go much higher than that. We can talk about that later." dcarson says, "but up is good" PhilipC says, "If there is no further discussion, let's move on to the treasury. Dana, do you have anything to report for us." dcarson says, "two expenses, new SSL certificate, renew ASI.ORG" dcarson says, "balance still about 30K" PhilipC says, "Why are we paying for ASI? Aren't they a different organization? Do they have any assets to pay for that themselves?" PhilipC says, "What about Ken's expenses?" PhilipC says, "related to Moon Day?" dcarson says, "they are a subunit of Moon Society in that membership in us means membership in them" dcarson says, "so they have no income from membership" Strangelv-1 belatedly remembers the ISP that should also need a mention Lunadyne says, "The Moon Day expenses were, IIRC, $250 for the postcards (really nice) and whatever James expensed for the buttons (which are popular)." pjbanyai says, "Doesn't Cyberteams or TLRC maintain the domain for ASI?" PhilipC says, "Did we have a banner?" Lunadyne says, "I wasn't able to get the banner done. I couldn't decide on background imagery." Lunadyne says, "We still need one, though." Strangelv-1 says, "I've actually needed to talk to you about that. My price per button is not at amount I actualyl expected to actualyl ever charge anyone" dcarson says, "they host it, you still need to pay a name registration to a registrar" dcarson says, "the postcard print and the second half of the logo fee was late June" PhilipC says, "We can hash out the organizational structure of TMS, ASI, and TLRC at another time. But since ASI is technically a separate organization and with no explanation of exactly what our relationship is, we should have had a vote to approve any expenses related to it." Strangelv-1 posts http://moonsociety.lunarpedia.org/moonsociety/images/TMS_LOGO_06_2014_o710_0436_02.png ahead of the time that it needs to be pasted so it's here in case he's distracted PhilipC says, "Dana, is ASI likely to incur any other expenses?" Strangelv-1 says, "What could we categorize the essential expenses as so we caun authorize them in a motion?" AlanSteinberg says, "Philip ASI isn't technically a seperate org at this point, it's pretty much a Moon Society project.. or at least that's how I've understood it" Strangelv-1 says, "I'm pretty much in favor of taking control over it myself, but we'd need a better representation of TLRC people here before getting _too_proactive about it" Strangelv-1 says, "Domain names are rather critical to keep renewed" Lunadyne says, "Are any of the core ASI or TLRC folks still active?" pjbanyai says, "ASI is still essentialy owned by The Lunar Resources Company." Strangelv-1 says, "Dana and Scotty" PhilipC says, "With all due respect to TLRC, they wrote us off in 2004. Any new project we do at this point will be our baby." Strangelv-1 says, "I'm not sure if Paul has any shares" pjbanyai says, "nope" dcarson says, "cost is $19 for a year to register, that is the only expense I think" Strangelv-1 says, "I'm firmly in favor of the 'we acquire TLRC' concept. We were supposed to be an umbrella, but we became the de facto continuation" PhilipC says, "In the interest of moving on, we should probably vote on the ASI expense. Let's discuss what to do with ASI and TLRC at another time." PhilipC says, "Are there likely to be any other ASI expenses?" Strangelv-1 says, "I move that the treasurer is heremy authorized to perform any domain tenewalrs connected to the Artemis Society International, Artemis Project, and The Lunar Resources Company." PhilipC says, "Can I have a motion to approve the ASI web registration expense?" PhilipC says, "Any second?" Strangelv-1 look for a second Lunadyne says, "I second James' motion" PhilipC says, "If there is no further discussion, can I have a vote for the motion to authorize the treasurer to perform domain renewals? All in favor say aye. All opposed nay." MikeD-1 says, "why is it $19?" MikeD-1 says, "who's the registrar?" dcarson says, "pair" AlanSteinberg says, "abstain" dcarson says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "aye" pjbanyai says, "Non profits can get 1 free domain name with Dreamhost. Maybe ASI could could get an account. Not sure if 501c3 is required." MikeD-1 says, "probably not worth quibbling over $8 or $9 a year" PhilipC says, "Paul and James?" Strangelv-1 says, "Aye" MikeD-1 says, "it is Paul, and I've been banging on that drum for years" PhilipC says, "Paul what say you?" Strangelv-1 says, "For the free account it is. IIRC you were the one who was looking into that. Then we needed to getw our 501(c)(3) paperwork in order" MikeD-1 says, "and would have needed to move some domain names also" Strangelv-1 says, "If we set up a DraemHost account I'd recommend as many logins as we feel safe creating and move all of our domain names there" MikeD-1 says, "the wikis are all on dreamhost" PhilipC says, "Because we have 6 voting members present with the chair needing to abstain, we need 4 votes for a majority" PhilipC says, "Paul, what say you?" Strangelv-1 says, "There are too many that are still part of my GoDaddy account waiting to become lost if I get dit by a bus or something" MikeD-1 says, "and I find it scary that the wikis rely on me staying alive" MikeD-1 says, "not that I have any plans to the contrary, but one never knows" PhilipC says, "Paul?" pjbanyai says, "aye if we can't get anyone else to actually step-up and take responsibilty for it" MikeD-1 says, "maybe paul timed out" PhilipC says, "Thank you, the motion carries." MikeD-1 says, "ah, he's back" PhilipC says, "Moving on. " PhilipC says, "Is there any further discussion for the treasurer's report?" PhilipC says, "The motion has 4 ayes, and 2 abstentions." PhilipC says, "Hearing no further discussion, let's move on to old business." PhilipC says, "Ken, would you like to take a few minutes to summarize Moon Day?" Lunadyne says, "Moon Day was awesome! We had over 1200 attendees, 30 exhibitors, it was just great." Lunadyne says, "Even NASM did a Moon Day this year." Lunadyne says, "I think this is something that we can help spread around the country and around the world." Lunadyne says, "A link to a photo gallery was posted on the Facebook page." Lunadyne says, "IIRC, Scotty grabbed postcards to send to Peter. I have a bunch here somewhere that I'm going to use for InOMN on Sep 6th." PhilipC says, "What is InOMN?" Lunadyne says, "As well as James' cool buttons. I think we should adopt #CarpeLunam for Twitter." Lunadyne says, "InOMN is International Observe the Moon Night." Lunadyne says, "Noble Planetarium in Fort Worth invited me out to appear at their event, where I'll be giving some sidewalk Moon lectures, maybe do a quiz with prizes." dcarson says, "lrts publicize that on the web site and facebook" PhilipC says, "Maybe some day we can offer a raffle fundraiser for a telescope" Lunadyne says, "NSS of North Texas does raffles at events to raise money for their Science Fair Scholarship." PhilipC says, "Applauds Ken for a job well done at the Moon Day event" Strangelv-1 wonders if there's a photograph of one of the buttons. What he has that he could post in here is vector simulation that isn't exactly like what he was able to actually produce in time for Moon Day Lunadyne says, "I posted the image you sent me on our Facebook page." Strangelv-1 says, "Could we get some olganization to donate a telescope for this purpose?" Strangelv-1 says, "or rather some manufacturer" PhilipC says, "I'm sure." dcarson says, "thanks Ken and James" PhilipC says, "We still have a lot to discuss tonight. Is there anything further to add for Moon Day?" Lunadyne says, "Maybe Celestron. They sent materials for the Lunar Sample Bags this year, so I now have a contact..." Lunadyne says, "Nothing further on Moon Day." PhilipC says, "Again, thank you all for a job well done! " PhilipC says, "Ok, next, we have the website." Strangelv-1 says, "We need a new announcement on the website" PhilipC says, "Scotty or James, do you have anything to add regarding the website?" Strangelv-1 needs to finish upgrading the wikis before he can resume work on upgrading the Coriolis theme for the website. One to do item is to replace the Moon Society text with the logo and text Strangelv-1 says, "We have a bug that needs to be resolved" PhilipC says, "I would add that I need to contact our members in the 20-39 age bracket to set up a focus group to find out what if anything they would like to see us change or add." Strangelv-1 says, "Scotty isn't here. He's overwhelwed by a pileup at his day job" PhilipC says, "Is there any discussion on the website?" Strangelv-1 says, "The problem appears to involve caching done after the page is generated. " PhilipC says, "I agree that we need to incorporate the new logo." PhilipC says, "Seeing no other discussion, let's move on to new business." Strangelv-1 says, "So if you look at the main page in a proper CSS3 web brawser right after someone looked at it in MSIE 6 for example it's not going to look right. Scotty and I are aware of this problem and Mike has also spent sime time looking into it. WE don't have a solution at this time, however" Strangelv-1 says, "That's everything I can think of right ow" PhilipC says, "We'll make a note of the problem and address it when we have the time." pjbanyai says, "Reminder, we must announce the Annual Membership Meeting at least 30 days before it takes place." PhilipC says, "Actually before moving on to new business, we still have the matter of the election to discuss" Strangelv-1 says, "And it needs to be after our election count is tallied" PhilipC says, "We haven't decided as a group when the election results should be in. " PhilipC says, "Any suggestions?" Strangelv-1 says, "X days belofe the annual meeting?" PhilipC says, "And when will that be?" Strangelv-1 says, "X being however much time is needed ot handl/e the counting" dcarson says, "I needed a date so I put Sep 1 in the ballot, we can extend that if needed" PhilipC says, "Considering that previous elections have only had a dozen or so ballots, I don't think it will take long to do a count" Strangelv-1 says, "HOld the meeting on ... wait, that's less than 30 days from now" MikeD-1 says, "I really don't think there are many people using MSIE6 anymoer" Strangelv-1 says, "17 September?" PhilipC says, "We should stop supporting browsers with known security issues. " Strangelv-1 says, "People do, and it's not the only one that looks wrong. Remember: the different themes are only designed to look correct on the browsers they're intended for." pjbanyai says, "The ballot had I believe 3 dates on it. Augest 1, 2011[really late for that], August 1, 2012[a lttle better:)], and September 1st. I think we once had the deadline in October and had the meeting in November." PhilipC says, "But that's a website issue. We need to discuss the election right now." Strangelv-1 says, "The theme system that Scotty created eliminates any reason to break anyone's experience" PhilipC says, "James, let's focus on the election." dcarson says, "I believe I have 9 ballots returned so far" Strangelv-1 says, "MSIE 6 is still technically supported by Micr0osoft, BTW, and will be until the start of 2016" Strangelv-1 says, "The 17tnht is the earliest Wednesday we could hold one at and not overlap with our montnhly business meeting" PhilipC says, "I don't think we need a vote on this matter since it was already announced as part of the ballots that were sent out. Just for us to be aware of it." PhilipC says, "Is there anything anyone would like to add on this matter?" Lunadyne says, "Let's just get it wrapped up ASAP." PhilipC says, "Agreed." PhilipC says, "Moving on to new business." MikeD-1 says, "previous elections the counts took almost as long as the arguments about counting procedure" PhilipC says, "I added to the agenda earlier today a request to grant the chair a similar sized slush fund as what the president has, an amount I believe to be around $250, for the purpose of TMS expenses that reflect opportunities to benefit the organization in between meetings." PhilipC says, "What would the management committee here feel about that?" Strangelv-1 says, "$250 I can handle, and you do have things you're attempting to do" PhilipC says, "Uses for this money would go to items such as buying business card sheets for meeting with other organizations on TMS' behalf, authorizing small scale printing of fliers and materials, and other small scale expenses" Lunadyne says, "I'm game with that. " dcarson says, "seems good" Strangelv-1 waits for the 'so moved' so he can jot it down in his minutes draft PhilipC says, "Can I have a motion then?" Lunadyne says, "So moved" PhilipC says, "Any second?" dcarson says, "second" PhilipC says, "Thank you." Strangelv-1 says, "move to $250 slush fund for pressing expenses to benefit the Moon Society for future use? is that the correct language?" Strangelv-1 looks for anyone saying it isn't PhilipC says, "Ken moves and Dana seconds. If there is no further discussion, can I have a vote to give the chairman a $250 slush fund for minor expenses that benefit the Moon Society" dcarson says, "aye" AlanSteinberg says, "aye" Strangelv-1 says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "Aye" PhilipC says, "Thank you. The motion carries" PhilipC says, "4 ayes and 2 abstentions." PhilipC says, "Next on the agenda is the matter of our store" Strangelv-1: * Ken Murphy moved to give the chair of the board a $250 slush fund for pressing expenses to benefit the Moon Society for future use Strangelv-1 looks for anyone to nit how he put that PhilipC says, "As I mentioned before, I finally accessed CafePress and found that it needs an overhaul" PhilipC says, "We haven't had a sale in there for several years. Looking at our product offering and its not hard to see why." MikeD-1 says, "is that the cafepress site?" Strangelv-1 says, "I placed an 11th hour order from CafePress. The handbag is the same as several years ago, and the hat was a disaster. " PhilipC says, "When reviewing Zazzle, a webstore comparable to CafePress, I found that it has a slightly better product selection that includes posters of fairly standard sizes (while CafePress doesn't)" Strangelv-1 says, "Not only was the mission patch too small as shown on the site, it was BLURRY. And the hat was awfully flimsy" Strangelv-1 says, "I'm completely in favor of filing CafePress at this point" PhilipC says, "However Zazzle also only offers a silk-screen printed apparel" Strangelv-1 says, "firing, too" Strangelv-1 says, "Vtan is the embroidery limited to?" MikeD-1 says, "zazzle prices are high, are they and cafe press the only games in town?" PhilipC says, "I would like to upgrade our apparel selection with embroidered items which we can get by having a store on Logo Sportswear" Strangelv-1 says, "Clarification: I'm assuming the $250 is one time as there was no mestion of it recurring" Lunadyne says, "I ordered some stuff from CafePress years ago and was thoroughly underwhelmed by the quality." Strangelv-1 says, "The handbags look pretty nice -- that is, until, you need to wash them..." PhilipC says, "James, the slush fund is similar to what the president has, so it would be recurring." Strangelv-1 says, "I found the one I orhdered originally. It not only shrank and not only did half the mission patch grlaphic disappear, what's left is faded" PhilipC says, "But on to the webstore, there could be other options on the table instead of CafePress or Zazzle, but doing so would probably require having an inventory on hand while CafePress and Zazzle offer one-time/small batch printings" Strangelv-1 says, "That was something we didn't clarify, and that's at least partially my fault. Is annual recurring inconsistent with anyone's understanding?" Lunadyne says, "We definitely don't want to load up on inventory." PhilipC says, "When checking out Logo Sportswear, I think we would have a better selection of goods." PhilipC says, "However there is a caveat with Logo Sportswear" Strangelv-1 says, "I could go for an inventory of something made at a far lower cost than Zazzle if we could get fulfillment" PhilipC says, "It requires a one-time $50 fee to convert digital images into embroidered format" PhilipC says, "So this brings us to a set of decisions." Strangelv-1 says, "Remind me about the details. We'd want to hive them the best possible source image -- vector or bitmap." Strangelv-1 says, "And are we going with the vector variation that I submitted?" Strangelv-1 says, "The link is for a bitmap but if anyone wants to see an SVG or PDF I could quickly put one of those up to look at too" PhilipC says, "1) Is everyone okay with moving from CafePress to Zazzle, where we would limit our selection to merchandise (no or a small selection of apparel)" dcarson says, "yes unless we find somewhere even better" PhilipC says, "And 2) Move our apparel selection to a webstore on Logo Team Sports?" pjbanyai says, "While looking through our meeting logs I found out that Michael Mealling had apparently set up a team to manage advertising and store sales. He at the very least setup a Google ads account and probably has control of an email address like to moonsociety@gmail.com. He or someone in his team probably also setup other store accounts like Cafepress." PhilipC says, "Paul, I now have full control over the CafePress store" MikeD-1 says, "do you have somewhere inm mind for #2 Philip?" Strangelv-1 says, "I would like at a minimum the Sim 1 patch to be carried over, but I'm completely in favor of firing CafePress" PhilipC says, "Mike, Logo Teamsports is a partner of CafePress" Strangelv-1 says, "That's a strike against Logo Teamsports" PhilipC says, "CafePress is "okay" but Zazzle allows us to offer standard sized posters" Lunadyne says, "Some Carpe Lunam stuff would be cool too." PhilipC says, "For now, I'm mainly thinking about digitizing our logo. But we could digitize other items as well." MikeD-1 says, "some of the posters on cafepress were designed specifically for use on display stands" PhilipC says, "In general though, I'd like to avoid offering t-shirts and focus on a nicer selection " PhilipC says, "Embroidered apparel fits the bill and logo teamsports has a very nice selection" Strangelv-1 only wears long sleeve button down shirts, but he's weird. pjbanyai says, "Didn't you mention that it looked like there was also another existing store account with another company. I can't remember if it was Zazzle or another one." MikeD-1 says, "lulu maybe" Strangelv-1 says, "Who has the MoonSociety account with Zazzle? Do we know?" MikeD-1 says, "zazzle wasn't around back when Mealling setup the cafepress account" PhilipC says, "Paul, yes, someone else is using our name in Zazzle. We can get around that by giving our store the "Official Moon Society Store"" PhilipC says, "At least until we apply for a copyright or trademark" Strangelv-1 says, "An overdue action item" Strangelv-1 says, "But we don't ghave time for that today" MikeD-1 says, "Oh I bet that's the other moon society that registered .net and .com " PhilipC says, "then we can ask zazzle to give us the name. but yes we don't have time for that " PhilipC says, "i don't know" Strangelv-1 says, "It could also possibl/y have been one of us" MikeD-1 says, "wasn't me" Strangelv-1 says, "If it was actually beig used it would be a lot easier to guess" Kealga [Guest] has arrived. PhilipC says, "possible. I don't really like the selection in the current moonsociety zazzle store any way. it's all kooky metaphysical/ufo type stuff" pjbanyai says, "Unless it is the Harvest or Full Moonsocieties. If so then they should have said so ;(" PhilipC says, "But again, we can cross that bridge when we get to it" PhilipC says, "Is everyone okay with us moving to zazzle and in setting up an apparel store in logo team sports" PhilipC says, "along with authorizing $150-200 in digitizing fees for our logo, carpe lunam, and other images for our apprel?" Strangelv-1 wonders how to list Kealga in the minutes. He doesn't remember Kealga's name or if he's a member of Oregon L5 PhilipC says, "Welcome Kealga" AlanSteinberg says, "i don't think its a good use of our money" AlanSteinberg says, "i do not think people will buy the merch" Strangelv-1 says, "We could make the motion to authorised expenditure of funds earmarked for the purpose -- we'd then need to raise those earmarked funds" PhilipC says, "Alan, would you propose simply eliminating the web store altogether?" AlanSteinberg says, "I would just leave it as it is" dcarson says, "I see two motions" dcarson says, "! Move to Zazzle" dcarson says, "2 pay to gigitize so we can do embroidered" PhilipC says, "In my opinion, our current selection at CafePress makes us look bad, and worse amateurish." PhilipC says, "Actually it would be 3 motions" PhilipC says, "1) Move from CafePress to Zazzle" AlanSteinberg says, "we could always add more to the current selection for no cost, right?" dcarson says, "1 is free if we have s volunteer to do it" PhilipC says, "2) Move to Logo Teamsports" Strangelv-1 says, "If forced to remain with CafePress I'd remove most of what we'd offer. Starting with thi hdisastrously bad hats" PhilipC says, "3) Authorize the expenditure of at least $50 for the digitizing fee of our logo, or at most $200 for other images" AlanSteinberg says, "I don't think we need the store... and I'm fine moving to Zazzle if people think that is better. But I don't see a point in spending $150+ to still not sell anything. We do not have a customer base who will buy it" Strangelv-1 says, "Do we have more than two things we'd want to digitize at this time? Would buying for an option for more than that be something with a shelf life for adding things later?" PhilipC says, "It's a catch-22. Our current selection isn't very good and so no one is buying it. No one will buy a new selection if we don't offer one." dcarson says, "can we do anything on Logo Teamsports without digitizing?" MikeD-1 says, "might sell something is we posted ads on the front page, one-click purchases so to speak" Strangelv-1 says, "I suspect that aside from some disappointed insiders no one knows we even have anything with CafePress" PhilipC says, "If we move to Logo Teamsports without digitizing our logo, we would only be able to offer silk-screened/printed items and no embroidered items" Strangelv-1 says, "We could create a spotlight entry for our Zazzle store" PhilipC says, "That's something Zazzle or CafePress can do" dcarson says, "so lets do 1 and 2 and if we get any sales pay for digitizing" PhilipC says, "I'm game with that. " MikeD-1 says, "what's involved in digitizing?" Lunadyne says, "I like Dana's idea. I'm still not clear on why we're digitizing our digital files." PhilipC says, "Ken, Logo Teamsports has a one-time fee for converting a digital image into embroidered format" Strangelv-1 says, "Can the ebroidering file be transferred?" AlanSteinberg says, "I just don't think People are not going to pay $30+ for a polo with the moon society logo" MikeD-1 says, "so it's a bit like making printing plates, only it's creating a pattern for the embroidery machine to follow" Strangelv-1 doesn't do polo shirts. He might go for a hoodie or similar, though PhilipC says, "Mike, correct" MikeD-1 says, "I'd buy a hat with a decent embroidered logo" AlanSteinberg says, "Mike, at $30 a pop?" PhilipC says, "as would I" PhilipC says, "Alan, they'd be $20" Strangelv-1 says, "So if wve wanted to do embroidery with someone else we'h daev to pay their expense for doing it too. Another argument for waiting" MikeD-1 says, "how much of the $30 would the society get?" PhilipC says, "pretty standard price for embroidered hats" Lunadyne says, "Okay, I've seen that before with polo shirts and stuff." Strangelv-1 says, "A hat I'd definitely go for. especially if it's better than the flibsy blurry thing that arrived at my door teh other day" PhilipC says, "the key point isn't the revenues we'd get from these sales but in how they would serve as walking advertisements for TMS" AlanSteinberg says, "Mike, we get nothing" PhilipC says, "we could raise the price to get some money" MikeD-1 says, "nada?" PhilipC says, "its up to us to decide" dcarson says, "they have a base price, we can charge more" Strangelv-1 says, "Getting anything for us ups the price. It would help to have any clue what our demand curve might look like" MikeD-1 says, "surely there's a sweatshop in china willing to make a batch" AlanSteinberg says, "we can make our own and sell them and deal with inventory" PhilipC says, "its printed in the USA" AlanSteinberg says, "that's how other non profits do it as a source of income" MikeD-1 says, "at $30 a hat iot's going to be low" dcarson says, "then we pay upfront and if we don't sel them we eat the cost" Strangelv-1 says, "That might be the better solution if we have a VERY limited number of things to do and have a way to hand/e fulfil/lment" MikeD-1 says, "the thing that scared me about zazzle was the price of phone cases" MikeD-1 says, "and t-shirts" Strangelv-1 says, "We eat the cost, then we still put them to use if no one buys them" Strangelv-1 says, "We don't spend moer than we can offord to use for a giveaway" PhilipC says, "I'd really like to avoid having an inventory if possible" dcarson says, "http://www.printfection.com/" MikeD-1 says, "remember if we buy a batch we have to store a batch, Tim Cadell got stuck with loads of stuff" AlanSteinberg says, "quick poll... we are the most active and willing members to spend any money. Who here would buy a T-shirt for $20, a Polo for $30 or a hat for $30. If non one is going to do this... we are just wasting time even continuing this discussion." dcarson says, "thats their model, you pay for the run, they do fufilment" Strangelv-1 says, "We have tradeoffs, and i suspect for the embroidered items we need more time to go over it than we have remaining this evening." MikeD-1 says, "what's the url for logo teamsports?" Strangelv-1 says, "Hat for $30 maybe. I do't do T-shirts or Polo shirts" dcarson says, "I'd want a new shirt or two, my old Moon Society ones are worn" Lunadyne says, "Had I an income I'd probably buy something. Right now food is the top priority for what little money I do have." dcarson says, "don't wear hats" MikeD-1 says, "I wear hats, and polo shirts and t-shirts" dcarson says, "although if we had a table at ISDC and I was attending I might wear hat" PhilipC says, "I normally don't wear hats either but I would wear something that allows me to advertise for TMS" AlanSteinberg says, "As I said in e-mails. Philip, if you want to create a zazzle store do it. Then we can either link to both that and cafe press or just cafe press. But clearly there is very little demand at this time for embroidered stuff or really any merch for that matter." MikeD-1 says, "logo shirts are meaningless in Ireland in winter though" AlanSteinberg says, "We can just spend $150 and get hats for board members instead... if these are the few people who would wear them." PhilipC says, "Mike, we could also offer logo winter caps too" Strangelv-1 says, "We need more time to discuss one of these items. we probably should act on what most of us CAN agr0ee on" Strangelv-1 says, "move our stuff to Zazzle, Shut down CafePres,s and see what we can do to draw attention to our new Zazzle store" Strangelv-1 says, "Who has a copy of our Sim 1 graphic and do we have a vector version?" PhilipC says, "Let's hold off on authorizing the expenditure of the embroidery fee pending a sales push. But move forward with moving to zazzle and to logo teamsports. When we have enough support to buy apparel, then we can expand to offer embroidered items" AlanSteinberg says, "I move to "move our stuff to Zazzle, shut down Cafe Press, and table any further discussion of merch until 2015" pjbanyai says, "Does anyone know about our arrangement with Phil Harris for a few of his books?" Strangelv-1 suspects the answer to the secon question is 'not until James creates one from the bitmapped graphic he may not have' Strangelv-1 says, "I move to move out stuff to Zazzle atd shut hown our CafePress account" MikeD-1 says, "what's the url for logo teamsports?" PhilipC says, "Alan, if we get enough sales support, would you be amenable to offering embroidered items if we get a bump in sales?" dcarson says, "second" Lunadyne says, "I had some dealings with Phil Harris stuff." Strangelv-1 wonders if anyone else is going to move something and which motion will get a second Strangelv-1 says, "Who's motion are you seconding?" PhilipC says, "Note, we have two motions on the floor" MikeD-1 says, "printperfection has some stylish looking stuff" Strangelv-1 says, "only one motion -- whichever one Dana seconded" Strangelv-1 says, "So we need to know which one" Strangelv-1 looks at Dana PhilipC says, "Alan's motion that involves shutting down CafePress and moving Zazzle, AND tabling discussion on merchandise until 2015, and James' motion to shutdown CafePress and move to Zazzle, WITHOUT tabling discussiong on merchandise" dcarson says, "I second James" AlanSteinberg says, "I'll support embroidery if we have at least 6 people or 10 items committed to pre-sale" PhilipC says, "fair enough" AlanSteinberg says, "You can withdraw my motion to make it clear :)" AlanSteinberg says, "i'll support James'" PhilipC says, "thank you, Alan's motion is withdrawn" Strangelv-1 says, "could we postpone discussion of embroihery until after the meeting?" PhilipC says, "sure" AlanSteinberg says, "vote on James' motion?" dcarson says, "aye" PhilipC says, "If there is no further discussion, let's have a vote on the motion in question to "shutdown our CafePress store and move to Zazzle and Logo Teamsports, but not to offer embroidered items"" PhilipC says, "All in favor say aye, all opposed nay." AlanSteinberg says, "aye" Strangelv-1 says, "aye" MikeD-1 says, "can the logo digitizing be applied in different sizes once it's paid for" PhilipC says, "yes and in different colors" AlanSteinberg says, "wait... i never saw anything in James' motion about Logo Teamsports" Strangelv-1 says, "That's correct" Strangelv-1 says, "It's potoponed pending further discussion" Lunadyne says, "aye" Strangelv-1 says, "We need to talk about it some more" PhilipC says, "Okay, my apologies. Strike moving to Logo Team Sports" AlanSteinberg says, "okay" MikeD-1 says, "isn't it logosoftwear?" MikeD-1 says, "or logosportswear from the link on the bottom of the cafe press page" Strangelv-1 says, "We have more than one CafePress account. Is thdere objection to sayig it's our accounts in the minutes?" Strangelv-1 says, "as we hawve more than one to shut down" PhilipC says, "Another apology the actual name is: http://www.teamsportswear.com/" Strangelv-1 says, "We may also need at least one more motion" PhilipC says, "Okay we have 4 ayes. the motion carries" Strangelv-1: http://moonsociety.lunarpedia.org/moonsociety/images/TMS_LOGO_06_2014_o710_0436_02.png PhilipC says, "James? What other motion?" Strangelv-1 says, "is this the version of our logo we want to use?" Strangelv-1 says, "It's vector, unlike the one we voted to approve earlier" PhilipC says, "yes" Strangelv-1 says, "and has already been used on some of our materials" AlanSteinberg says, "fyi - http://www.logosoftwear.com/logo-give-back.php" Strangelv-1 says, "is it too presumptious for me to move that we adopt the logo version dated 10 July 2014 if I'm the one who created it?" Strangelv-1 says, "That's the version I pasted the link for." AlanSteinberg says, "I'm going to have to go in a few minutes... it's been over two hours" MikeD-1 says, "I don't think so James, since we've lacked a logo for 14 years" MikeD-1 says, "or is it 15" PhilipC says, "We can discuss the rest of the agenda offline" PhilipC says, "or in email" PhilipC says, "James, make the motion" Strangelv-1 says, "I move we adopt the logo variant dated 10 July 2014" PhilipC says, "Any second?" PhilipC says, "Just to be clear, it's this logo: http://moonsociety.lunarpedia.org/moonsociety/images/TMS_LOGO_06_2014_o710_0436_02.png" Strangelv-1 says, "Is there an alternate motion of someone doesn't like the way I put it?" Strangelv-1 says, "Is everyone already piling out the exit?" MikeD-1 says, "trouble is it's 23:03 for most people" PhilipC says, "Just to be clear, Jessy Daniels ended up giving us a logo we did not approve. We have been unable to get the final logo from him due to miscommunication" Strangelv-1 says, "And the version we did approve was not a vector version. He was not expecting us to approve that vecrsion" dcarson says, "we need to bug him again" PhilipC says, "He likely removed the logo we approved from his system." Lunadyne says, "I second Dana's motion." Strangelv-1 says, "Motion?" PhilipC says, "Thank you. Is there any further discussion? " Strangelv-1 says, "What motion has been seconded?" PhilipC says, "Ken, do you mean James' motion?" Lunadyne says, "No, Dana's motion about bugging the artist." PhilipC says, "Oh, that wasn't a motion. It looks like James' motion has not been seconded." MikeD-1 says, "that wasn't put as a motion :-)" PhilipC says, "I will bug Jessy Daniels again." dcarson says, "I'll second James move to zazzle motion" Strangelv-1 says, "Didn't we alerady pass that?" PhilipC says, "Yes we did" PhilipC says, "We'll table the last item on the agenda for next month." Strangelv-1 looks at the agenda Strangelv-1 says, "Is there anything left that we have any hope of getting a motion passed for at this point?" Strangelv-1 says, "Such as a date for an annual meeting?" MikeD-1 says, "probably not, I think you're up against nodding head hour" dcarson says, "that we should do or the meeting has to be 2 months from now" Strangelv-1 says, "Which means we won't havee an annual meeting until October at the earliest" pjbanyai says, "Motion to pass out liquid stimulent to keep eveyone up ;/)" PhilipC says, "October sounds as good a time as any" Strangelv-1 says, "But that depends on getting it passed next meeting" PhilipC says, "In addition, does anyone have any news or announcements they'd like to make? " PhilipC says, "Hearing none, can I have a motion to adjourn?" dcarson says, "move to adjourn" PhilipC says, "Second?" PhilipC says, "Is there a second?" Strangelv-1 abstains Lunadyne says, "I'll 2nd" PhilipC says, "If there is no objection, we are now adjourned." Strangelv-1 says, "abstains" pjbanyai says, "consider my previous motion as either a second or an aye" Strangelv-1 says, "which isn't an objection" MikeD-1 says, "what's happening now is part of why I didn't run for re-election to the board years ago" PhilipC says, "Thank you all for coming and good night" -- End log: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 11:11:20 pm ASI Meeting Server time --