-- Start log: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 9:16:34 pm ASI Meeting Server time-- PhilipC says, "Hello and thank you all for coming" PhilipC [to tonight's]: 2014 October Management Committee Meeting PhilipC says, "to tonight's 2014 October Management Committee Meeting"" PhilipC says, "For the purpose of taking attendance, will all who are present please say your name and position." Lunadyne says, "Ken Murphy. President" Scottyg-1 says, "Scotty Gammenthaler, Assistant Treasurer" PhilipC says, "Philip Crume, Chairman" dcarson says, "Dana Carson, Treasurer" pjbanyai says, "Paul Banyai, Vice President" Strangelv-1 says, "James Gholston, Secretary" PhilipC says, "Let the record show that we have quorum for this meeting." PhilipC says, "If you review your email boxes, you will find that our secretary sent out the minutes for last month's meeting. Please take a moment to review them." PhilipC says, "When you've read them over, will someone like to make a motion to approve those minutes?" Strangelv-1 says, "August, I don't have last month's in order to submit. Apologies." Lunadyne says, "Very concise. Move to approve." dcarson says, "move to approve the Aug 2014 minutes" PhilipC says, "Is there a second?" PhilipC says, "Dana seconds" PhilipC says, "Any further discussion?" PhilipC says, "Seeing none, I call the question. All in favor of approving the August minutes, please say aye. All opposed nay. All abstained as such." Lunadyne says, "Aye" pjbanyai says, "aye" Strangelv-1 says, "axstain" dcarson says, "aye" PhilipC says, "Ok, the motion carries with 3 ayes, and 2 abstentions" PhilipC says, "Next, I'll open the floor for the next 3 minutes for anyone who wants to add items to the agenda" Lunadyne says, "I'd like to add a quick FenCon update." Lunadyne says, "Or just conferences in general" Lunadyne says, "How 'bout a discussion of potential new board members?" PhilipC says, "Okay, we can add that too" PhilipC says, "Probably also need to talk about the election" Scottyg-1 says, "Is there a published agenda?" PhilipC says, "No, feeling like I'm drowning trying to start a new business" PhilipC says, "Didn't realize that the mgmt committee meeting was today. Thought I had more time" Scottyg-1 says, "Ok, then add Treasurer's report and website report" Lunadyne says, "I'd try to push the Leaders e-mail w/State of TMS out but I'm at the wrong /admin site." PhilipC says, "Oh god yes, but can't afford to pay anyone right now" PhilipC says, "But I can talk about that some other time" PhilipC says, "Okay, so tonight's agenda is:" PhilipC says, "1) reports (membership, treasurer, and website)" PhilipC says, "2) Conferences" PhilipC says, "3) Election and new board member" PhilipC says, "4) Open floor" PhilipC says, "Okay, let's get started" Lunadyne says, "Couple of Membership Items:" PhilipC says, "Ken, do you have..." Scottyg-1 says, "Ken, are you trying to get to http://www2.moonsociety.org/admin?" PhilipC says, "I like him better every time!" Lunadyne says, "1) Last time I checked Membership was at 144" Lunadyne says, "2) I got a weird e-mail: 'Trying to renew membership, and I'm not going to send my credit card number for the world to see. You should have an address somewhere so I can send the form to you. Dennis Creamer'" Scottyg-1 says, "If you go into the online registration system, there is an option for mail-in membership." Strangelv-1 says, "Do we have a snail-in form? We do have a stail address. Possibly two of them" dcarson says, "I had one where their son signed them up with their CCard as a joke, reversed the charge for them" Lunadyne says, "3) Another e-mail: 'Please unsubscribe me to this, as I didn't request to purchase a membership. It was done as a prank by a family member thank you. -Kenny Simpson'" dcarson says, "Scotty, I still need to remove them from membership" Lunadyne says, "That might be the one Dana mentioned." Strangelv-1 hopes that's the same case and not two of them pjbanyai says, "Mass emails to all members are through teamdir. Mailinglists like leaders@moonsociety.org or leaders@moonsociety.info are simply sent an email." dcarson says, "thats the one" dcarson says, "charge is reversed" Lunadyne says, "Leaders e-mails still need some kind of push in the system, right?" Strangelv-1 dasn't know how to send an email through the system. He just sends the emails to both email adresses outside of the system Lunadyne says, "That is all for membership" PhilipC says, "Ok, thank you." PhilipC says, "Next is the treasurer's report" Scottyg-1 says, "Bank balance as of 8/31 (latest statement received) was $31,335.43" dcarson says, "sent a check #1197 for $1179.55 for MMM" dcarson says, "that covers the last of last year and this year ip to Aug" dcarson says, "emailed them today to make sure they got it" Lunadyne says, "We do need to renew the mailbox. Postal place may be closing down, will know by end of month." Lunadyne says, "So are we caught up on MMM payments?" dcarson says, "they should have, sent it the 22nd" dcarson says, "no, there are still the ones where my data is missing and the blocks around those months" dcarson says, "those are years back however" dcarson says, "so they really need to send my invoices" Lunadyne says, "Do we have an envelope of how much that might be, and are they willing to settle to wipe the books clean?" dcarson says, "so they really need to send me invoices" dcarson says, "I'll email them about it" dcarson says, "should be a couple thousand max" Lunadyne says, "We're just paying for the printing and mailing right? Not for content?" Scottyg-1 says, "Yes" dcarson says, "basically" Lunadyne says, "When we get an editorial board we should look at revamping the delivery methodology." dcarson says, "thats it for me" PhilipC says, "Okay thank you" PhilipC says, "Next we have the website report." pjbanyai says, "The moonsociety.org mailing lists are actually using Majordomo listmanager. The teamdir system is somehow linked so that it can manage members. I think Mike as list manager was familiar with how to actually access majordomo directly. I manage the moonsociety.info lists through a limited no longer available free Google Apps account. Ideally the .org lists should be transfered to our fully functional Google Non-Profit Apps account. However, no mail can currently be redirected to other mail servers since we need DNS/MX access." Scottyg-1 says, "I can have Randall change DNS/MX settings." dcarson says, "I can manage majordomo also" Scottyg-1 says, "Kenny Simpson is deleted." dcarson says, "thanks Scotty" Lunadyne says, "State of TMS draft delivered" dcarson says, "got it also, read it" Lunadyne says, "Weak? Milquetoast? Meh? Awesome?" pjbanyai says, "Ok If Philip can send me any Greengeeks dns/mx settings, Then I'll make sure there is no conflicts before sending Scotty a list of all settings." PhilipC says, "I thought it was pretty good. It maintained a pretty optimistic point of view" PhilipC says, "paul, what settings do you need?" dcarson says, "looks good" dcarson says, "one idea for section 4 projects" Lunadyne says, "Science Fair Scholarship matchign funds?" dcarson says, "Peters old lunar paint with waterglass and minerals on glass" Strangelv-1 . o O ( Waterglass? ) dcarson says, "might be a project to get art types interested, maybe figure out a package for schools" Lunadyne says, "Ooh, I like. My sister does wineglass painting classes at her art studio." dcarson says, " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_silicate" Lunadyne says, "Might be a good Lunar Lab. Artsy types are more science knowledgeable (re paint, materials, etc.) than they generally get credit for." dcarson says, "since organics are scarce on the moon, sodium silicate with ground minerals suspended in it painted on the reverse of glass sheets" Lunadyne says, "Dana, that's what the Mooncrete Lunar Lab is all about." Lunadyne says, "Us of Sodium Silicate (that the students make) as an adhesive substance for Mooncrete." pjbanyai says, "Greengeeks mail servers' mx settings so that the greengeeks mail can receive moonsociety.org mail and any DNS settings for example mail.moonsociety.org redirecting to a greengeeks webmail page or similar Greengeeks subdomain pages." Scottyg-1 says, "I got distracted when the website report came up. Not too much to report except I've been working with James to understand the caching problem he is having." Scottyg-1 says, "Paul, Greengeeks does not do our DNS." dcarson says, "need Randall then" Scottyg-1 says, "It is handled by pair networks and Randall is the account manager." PhilipC says, "I thought the whole point of migrating over to greengeeks is because our previous provider was unreliable" dcarson says, "pair was reliable, problem happened after randall went elsewhere" Scottyg-1 says, "pair is not our web provider. Things were very reliable when they were." dcarson says, "but I think they are still DNS provider" Scottyg-1 says, "We can move our DNS elsewhere but it really isn't broken." Scottyg-1 says, "Or only broken in the sense that we have to get Randall to do it." Scottyg-1 says, "But he's responsive." dcarson says, "adding a couple DNS recorde Randall will probably do quickly" PhilipC says, "Part of my concern here is that our entire system is based on a few commendable diehards, without whom the whole thing will fall apart" pjbanyai says, "Philip setup an email system with Greengeeks. I am refering to DNS and MX records that we would then ask Randall to add to the DNS system. This allows subdomains and emails to redirect properly to Greengeeks and to Google." Lunadyne says, "Agreed." dcarson says, "diehard dependancy I've seen as true for all nonprofits that aren't big enough for lots of paid staff" Scottyg-1 says, "Tell me exactly what you want in an email and I'll have Randall change it. Just be thoughtful about breaking a current system we depend on." PhilipC says, "Why do we need to change the DNS for anyway?" Scottyg-1 says, "Mail is sent to the mail server specified in DNS." Scottyg-1 says, "That is currently the unreliable xisp server." PhilipC says, "So if we want to use greengeeks email server, we'll need to change the DNS? " pjbanyai says, "Yes" Scottyg-1 says, "But the DNS settings are not very fine grained. I think a change results in all mail being sent to a new server." PhilipC says, "What would be the potential problems here if this doesn't go according to plan?" pjbanyai says, "Mail settings can be set to forward mail to many different server." Scottyg-1 says, "There may be difficulties with mail sent by scripts." Scottyg-1 says, "But the only way I can think of to find out what breaks is to do it." Scottyg-1 says, "I would suggest scheduling a date when a number of people can be available to help fix problems." PhilipC says, "what about the leaders listserv and all other listservs we currently use with team director" Scottyg-1 says, "Those could be forwarded back to the existing server." Strangelv-1 says, "FWIW, the .info leaders list is completely separate from XISP AFAIK. I don't actually know how it's set up." Strangelv-1 says, "So presumabyl if somewhing went wrong taht would still work" Scottyg-1 says, "The mail handler setting applies to a domain, so moonsociety.info can use a different mail server than moonsociety.org" dcarson says, "or I can grab the list of addresses and we put them in greengeeks mail list sw" PhilipC says, "I guess the main question is what's our backup if this breaks down and we can't fix it?" Lunadyne says, "We do do regular archives of the site, right?" Scottyg-1 says, "Put the DNS settings back to what they are now. I think its no more than two lines in the DNS setup." Strangelv-1 says, "My assumption is that .info is our backup, but all I know is Peter had it set up" PhilipC says, "Ok, then no harm done. " PhilipC says, "Is there anything else related to the website that we need to discuss?" Strangelv-1 says, "Probably, but I'm not awake enough to remember what it is" PhilipC says, "If there's nothing else, I suggest we move on." PhilipC says, "Ken, you have the floor to discuss conventions" Scottyg-1 says, "I don't think there's anything else that needs to be discussed here." Lunadyne says, "Alrighty. I was on several panels at the FenCon speculative fiction writers conference recently." pjbanyai says, "I set up moonsociety.info and have to manually setup the list through Google apps. We should be able to use Cyberteams api to work with Google's api to sink memberships with the .org Google account. If done correctly we can set it so every option works and we can check email with either Greengeeks or Google and have redundacy for mail." Lunadyne says, "These were Getting the Geos Right, Future of NASA, Billionaires in Space, and a Moon class for the kiddos." Lunadyne says, "NSS-North Texas also through a space party in the prime suite. I handed out a bunch of Carpe Lunam buttons, and gave a Moon talk till about 1:30 in the morning." Lunadyne says, "Overall a good experience, and one I think we should encourage of our members." PhilipC says, "That's awesome!" Lunadyne says, "There's a Next Giant Leap conference in Nov. in Hawaii. Does anyone know if we have any representation there?" Lunadyne says, "In Hawaii." Lunadyne says, "Jim Keravala will be there, but representing Shackleton Energy." Lunadyne says, "Also, any particular topics of interest for next year's ISDC?" PhilipC says, "As my company's sales starts to improve, I'd like to travel around the space conference circuit a lot more. Don't know if I'll be able to go. Would be nice to go" PhilipC says, "Probably not this year though" Lunadyne says, "No kidding. Hawaii..." dcarson says, "if nothing else we should see if Jim will drop a stack of fliers on the freebie table" Strangelv-1 says, "Remind me when I'm awake that I need to find time to make more Carpe Lunam buttons" dcarson says, "which menas we need fliers" Lunadyne says, "I do have some postcards left." Lunadyne says, "And a few buttons. They're quite popular." dcarson says, "so we have a couple weeks to find if anyone sles is going and ship a box to the hotel for them" Strangelv-1 doesn't know where his circle cutter is hiding. He may have to buy another one if he can't find it, but can't before the end of the month Lunadyne says, "That's all I have on cenferences, but do want input on themes for our ISDC track." PhilipC says, "Ok, thank you Ken." PhilipC says, "Next on the agenda is discussion on the election and in finding new board members." PhilipC says, "I'll open the floor for this one" pjbanyai says, "Dana have you compiled the election results?" dcarson says, "Scotty, are there any physical mail in ones?" Scottyg-1 says, "Nope." dcarson says, "ok give me a minute to double check" dcarson says, "no write ins" PhilipC says, "While he looks, does anyone have ideas for a new board member?" dcarson says, "Ken 9 votes" dcarson says, "James 9" dcarson says, "Alan 9" dcarson says, "Philip 6" dcarson says, "Philip 6" dcarson says, "I think the 6 is people only voting for ine director and voting the first one" Lunadyne says, "My first thoughts are Chris Carson and Brad Blair, and Paul Graham from OpenLuna." PhilipC says, "I already asked Chris but didn't get a response" PhilipC says, "It's possible that my email got lost in a spam box" Lunadyne says, "I talked to him recently and planted the seed of the idea in his head. I'll be following up soon." dcarson says, "water him throughly" Lunadyne says, "He can be a handful to manage, but he is brilliant and nearly as knowledgeable about the Moon as I am. lol." Strangelv-1 says, "Hope it goes better than the time I nominated Steve Jackson" Lunadyne says, "I think I gave Mr. Jackson a Carpe Lunam button at FenCon." Strangelv-1 says, "So maybe he's at least partially forgiven us?" Lunadyne says, "It may have been to his assistant. :(" Strangelv-1 says, "I must admit I wasn't allowed into the meetings so I didn't get to witness the disaster firsthand" Lunadyne says, "Since w'" dcarson says, "no disadter, he wasn't willing to sit through our disorganized meetings" dcarson says, "he didn't hate us or anything" Lunadyne says, " http://www.lunarsail.com/a-mission-to-the-moon/" Strangelv-1 says, "Thdat sounds better than the other reports I've heard. Again, I'm at the mercy of what others tell me about it. I should probably see if we have the logs sometime if I can guess the dates correchtly" Lunadyne says, "Since we're wandering afield, has everyone heard of the LunarSail cubesat project?" Lunadyne says, "http://www.lunarsail.com/a-mission-to-the-moon/" Strangelv-1 says, "It sounds familiar, but probably only because it contains the worlds 'sail' and 'cubesat'" Lunadyne says, "Might be a good way to apply the $3K bequest for just such a [project." Lunadyne says, "And milk some publicity" pjbanyai says, "Brad Blair Has not been a member since 2001 and Paul Graham's membership expired August 2013. Only Chris is still current with his membership set to expire November 14." Strangelv-1 says, "A cubesat using sail to escape orbit is a VERY big deal, actually, now that I've had a moment to actually think about it. " PhilipC says, "We might have better luck recruiting one of them if we could start a project. I'd like to contact some universities to see if we can find someone to host a site for us. If we can cover the cost of a few robots, tools, some lab equipment, and raw materials, we can start a lunar lab that would generate a lot of interest." Lunadyne says, "The main issue there is getting the university behind it, and not just a professor. And finding a university that is willing to fund a lunar project." dcarson says, "have you contacted Amy McGovern?" Strangelv-1 says, "It's been too long since we've heard from her" Strangelv-1 says, "I don't remember what her current last name is either" Strangelv-1 says, "It changed when she got married" dcarson says, "she's friendly, teaches at OK U and her husband is there as a robotics prof" dcarson says, "http://www.cs.ou.edu/~amy/" dcarson says, " http://www.cs.ou.edu/~fagg/" Lunadyne says, "Hmmm, when did we lose her?" dcarson says, "her and husband" Lunadyne says, "How about we take over LPI?: http://procurement.jsc.nasa.gov/lpican/LPI%20CAN%2007102014.pdf" Lunadyne says, "Oops, a bit too late." dcarson says, "when we elected her Secratary, we lost several that way" Strangelv-1 says, "Yeah, this has been kind of a defense of dark arts position" Strangelv-1 says, "I've broken once such curse before, maybe I can break this one" PhilipC says, "lol, nice way of putting it" PhilipC says, "That's too bad about LPI" Lunadyne says, "In a larger context it could be thought of as part of the subtle ongoing sabotage of the Moon as a place of interest. NLSI-->SSERVI. LPI? What next? The Lunar Rock LAb?" Lunadyne says, "Just kidding, folks. I'm not that paranoid." Strangelv-1 says, "Maye it didn't change when she got married. I could be mistaken" Lunadyne says, "Should I reach out to her about Philip's idea?" Strangelv-1 says, "Might be better to ask her what ideas she has first" Strangelv-1 says, "And mention that our current chair has some ideas" Lunadyne says, "OU does have an aerospace engineering program, and his idea of internet control falls within her bailiwick." Lunadyne says, "Philip's idea." PhilipC says, "Give me a few weeks before I focus on that. At a critical stage with my new business."" Strangelv-1: Last seen : Mon Mar 27 18:07:00 2006 EST Strangelv-1 says, "It's been even longer than I thought" Lunadyne says, "Wow that's stale. What a cold call." Strangelv-1 says, "So this probably needs to be more than a single specific item" PhilipC says, "I'm using sales to drive growth, and I need to grow to a certain level where I can feel free to focus on other things" Strangelv-1 says, "This may be a catch back up call" Strangelv-1 says, "on both sides" Lunadyne says, "That's how I'd approach it." PhilipC says, "Oh before we go, I want to ask for one item that would probably need a vote" Strangelv-1 says, "She used to be a MOO regular" dcarson says, "I've chatted with her on books a few times a year so she isn't totally a stranger to us since then" dcarson says, "anyone here on goodreads/" PhilipC says, "The matter of paying for the cost of trademarking our logo and name" Strangelv-1 doesn't remember the cost for a (R) Lunadyne says, "How much?" dcarson says, "several hundred" PhilipC says, "it's about $250-300" Lunadyne says, "Ick, but doable." dcarson says, "nonregistered is cheap and worth getting, registered I think is too expensive for now" PhilipC says, "can someone make a motion" dcarson says, "I move we do a nonegistered trademark" PhilipC says, "any second?" Strangelv-1 says, "I move to authorize up to $400 for trademark registration of the Moon Society logo asd name" Strangelv-1 says, "Nonregistered trademark wouldns't need a motion" Strangelv-1 says, "We either already have that, or we're completely bleeped" Lunadyne says, "I second James' motion" PhilipC says, "Ok, it looks like we will be going with registering a tm" PhilipC says, "any further discussion?" PhilipC says, "hearing none, let's call the question. All in favor say aye. All opposed nay. All abstained as such" Strangelv-1 says, "Aye" Lunadyne says, "Aye" Strangelv-1 gets ready to record the non-unanimous vote totals dcarson says, "abstain" PhilipC says, "Paul?" pjbanyai says, "aye" PhilipC says, "As chair I have to go on record as abstained" PhilipC says, "so the motion passes" PhilipC says, "I think that's all that we have for tonight. " PhilipC says, "Does anyone have any announcements or news?" Strangelv-1 says, "Keith Henson has made a contribution ot exoplatz" dcarson says, "I'll be going to Philcon next month, if we have stuff for a freebie table I'll take it" Lunadyne says, "I'll be at UT Arlington Astronomy Day on the 25th." Lunadyne says, "I'll see what I have left afterwards" Strangelv-1 says, "When do you need it by? Admittedly, I can't afford to bupy a replacement circle cutter or $25 to ship the buttons until the end of the month at the soonest" Lunadyne says, "How much is a circle cutter?" dcarson says, "Nov 21-23" Strangelv-1 says, "Acutally here's a quiestion..." Strangelv-1 says, "A circle cutter is somewhere around $30" Strangelv-1 https://www.facebook.com/groups/6457556893/reported/ Lunadyne says, "Dana, how much do I have left in my discretionary fund?" Strangelv-1 says, "Not sure who here can see this. Should these posts be removed for being off topic from our Facebook page or left in place? There's plenty others just like them" Strangelv-1 says, "They're obviously put up in good faith and are at least space related" dcarson says, "I'd say leave them" Strangelv-1 says, "Okay, the volcano lakes isn't, it's geologic" Lunadyne says, "Who's Dave Duca who is reporting them?" PhilipC says, "Can we continue this conversation after the meeting? It's taking all of my willpower to stay awake" Strangelv-1 says, "Probably just some random person who signed on" Lunadyne says, "Not a member - has no say." Strangelv-1 says, "I've been up for two hours and need to tcry to get back to sleep immediately or it'll be another two hours before I can get back to sleep" Lunadyne says, "I move we adjourn." PhilipC says, "Thank you" Strangelv-1 says, "So the consensus is to keep the posts. noted" PhilipC says, "Any second?" dcarson says, "not sure how much is in the fund, with Peter I sent him a check for the amount and he had it localally" Strangelv-1 does not object to adjoirnment PhilipC says, "is there a second to adjourning?" dcarson says, "second" Scottyg-1 says, "If I'm allowed, I second." Lunadyne says, "Not a good idea given my situation. Can we send $100 to James to set us up with a bunch more buttons. Includes shipping." PhilipC says, "If there is no objection we are now adjourned." dcarson says, "if he sends me a link I can buy it and have it shipped, especially if from Amazon" PhilipC says, "Thank you all for coming. The meeting was adjourned at 11:24 EDT." -- End log: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 11:24:52 pm ASI Meeting Server time --