-- Start log: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 9:37:53 pm ASI Meeting Server time -- Strangelv-3 says, "Yeah, starting the recorlder probably would have been a good idea." PhilipC says, "Hello and welcome to the 2014 December 10 Management Committee Meeting" PhilipC says, "For the purpose of taking attendance, will all who are present please state your name and position" PhilipC says, "Philip Crume, Chairman" Strangelv-3 says, "Prior to the start of the recorder: " Strangelv-3: Scotty gave a report on PayPal Strangelv-3: Rose and James gave a website report Strangelv-3: Ken gave a membership report. Membership is at 144. Scottyg-1 says, "Scotty Gammenthaler, Assistant Treasurer" Strangelv-3 says, "James Gholston, Secretary" PhilipC says, "One thing at a time please" Lunadyne says, "Ken Murphy, president" Rose/Miros says, "rosalie dieteman, webmaster and board member" dcarson says, "Dana Carson Treaserur" PhilipC says, "Let the record show that we have quorum for this meeting" Rose/Miros might stop talking due to cruddy laptop shutting down for no visible reason, but will be back asap PhilipC says, "Also let the record show that I had attempted to cancel this meeting earlier today, posted an announcement to that effect, and hence we are mising a few members here on that assumption. However we did not have sufficient votes to cancel the meeting." PhilipC says, "Our Secretary, James, has sent out the minutes of last month's meeting in e-mail earlier today. Please review it now." PhilipC says, "Question... James, do we have any other minutes that we need to approve of at this time?" Strangelv-3 says, "None that are ready for approval" PhilipC says, "Alright." Lunadyne says, "Reviewed, no objections." PhilipC says, "If everyone has already reviewed the minutes, will someone please make a motion for its approval" dcarson says, "move to approve the minures" Rose/Miros says, "second" Lunadyne says, "Aye" PhilipC says, "Okay, we have a motion to approve the minutes for the 2014 November Management Committee Meeting" Strangelv-3 says, "Call the question" PhilipC says, "If there is no further discussion, let's call the question" dcarson says, "aye" PhilipC says, "Will all who are in favor of approving the motion say aye, all who are opposed nay, and all who abstain as such" PhilipC says, "Please repeat your vote if you already did so" dcarson says, "aye" Lunadyne says, "Aye, aye" Strangelv-3 waits in case his vote is needed for passage before abstaining PhilipC says, "I must abstain unless I need to break a tie" PhilipC says, "Rose, what say you?" Strangelv-3 says, "She way bedistracted. Aye" PhilipC says, "Okay, I'll mark her as abstained. The motion carries." PhilipC says, "Okay moving forward, does anyone have anything they would like to discuss for tonight's agenda?" PhilipC says, "We can simply mark the agenda as open discussion, unless anyone objects" Strangelv-3 says, "Obvious items include the annual meeting next week and action items" Strangelv-3 says, "Open discussion works" Strangelv-3 says, "That's what we've been doing with reports happening in more or less random order" PhilipC says, "Okay, moving on to the committee reports" Strangelv-3 says, "Ken gave a really brief one. Membership was 144" Lunadyne says, "I was anticipating a relaxed open discussion." PhilipC says, "Starting with membership. Ken you have the floor" Lunadyne says, "Membership is 144." PhilipC says, "...someone wanted a meeting...." PhilipC says, "Thank you. Any discussion?" Lunadyne says, "Question: How do we market Moon Socviety memberships for the holidays?" Rose/Miros says, "we're a little late on that one, holiday madness is upon us" Lunadyne says, "So let's tap it!" Strangelv-3 says, "Yeah, my first thought was 'earlier than now'" PhilipC says, "We need something that can attract people and then that can hold them" Scottyg has arrived. Strangelv-3 says, "So anything we think of must me something that doesn't require prep time" Strangelv-3 says, "This definitely rules out a snail mailing" Strangelv-3 says, "An email letter might work" Lunadyne says, "I was hoping we could do so (market) in part by offering a serialized young adult short fiction." Strangelv-3 says, "A generic happy holidays, here's what we're up to, looking into, remember we have an annual meeting on the 17th..." Rose/Miros says, "hit all the lapsed members?" PhilipC says, "We could try to approve adding some money to our FB page to pay FB to advertise to our own fracking members to consider joining" Lunadyne says, "Everyopne seems cool with the $35 the author requested, so I'll go ahead and move forward on it." Strangelv-3 says, "if we act on that we could mention it. Do we need a motion?" Rose/Miros says, "can we get a list of lapsed members, scotty?" Strangelv-3 says, "We also really need to get around to finding a new editor" dcarson says, " http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-89213440/stock-vector-santa-s-sleigh-in-front-of-the-moon-and-wood-sign-with-north-poland-space-for-your-text-vector.html" PhilipC says, "We have a huge FB list that's larger than our expired member list" PhilipC says, "We really ought to convert them to paid members" Strangelv-3 says, "Good point; hitting both would be good as each is good for different reasons. Our lapsed member list needs some special handling thoug,h especially for teh rocket scientists who've not reneved since ASI" PhilipC says, "That's probably the lowest hanging fruit at this point" Lunadyne says, "Basically it's a 7,000 word short in which a young man has to do an exercise on the Lunar surface, and discovers only teamwork can solve the challenge." dcarson says, " http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/illustration/space-santa-and-reindeer-on-the-moon-royalty-free-illustration/132075554" Lunadyne says, "It was published in 1984, so this is a neat opportunity to bring it back." PhilipC says, "Most people joined us on FB because of name real estate. Our expired members, especially those who are involved in ASI, know better" PhilipC says, "I'd wait on our expired members until we improve our project offering" Lunadyne says, "What do you mean by name real estate?" Strangelv-3 says, "Do we need to make a motion in the next 10 minutes? I need to get to the kitchen" PhilipC says, "Moon Society" as thought we're something similar to the Mars Society" PhilipC says, "*though" Lunadyne says, "Nothing wrong with that. We're still way behind the others, even if we have topped 5,000" PhilipC says, "But we're not doing any projects that engage members at this time. " Strangelv-3 says, "Do we need a motion for the $35?" PhilipC says, "That's what I'd like us to work towards next year" PhilipC says, "James, I don't think so. Ken can just take that from his discretionary budget" Strangelv-3 says, "Ken, have you had any time to participate on the poster effort? is there somethinga bout that we could mwention?" Lunadyne says, "Everyone seems to think it falls within my discretionary budget, though I'm pretty sure I've tapped that out for this year." PhilipC says, "Fine, take it from my discretionary budget" Strangelv-3 says, "What's the name of the story again and what exactly are we doing with it with the $35?" Lunadyne says, "I wanted to do a Lavatube project, but the screwed up ISDC videos, 2 years in a row, kind of ruined that." Strangelv-3 says, "okay, that'll work" dcarson says, "if we can get a wholesale discount for next year http://www.thespaceshop.com/santaflag.html" Strangelv-3 will be away from its keyboard for a bit. Lunadyne says, "The story is Simon Sidekick. The author is givng us permission to publish the story in serial form in MMM. No other publishing rights are offered (as I think he hopes to get it into an anthology}." Lunadyne says, "No update on the banner. I need to focus on finding a solid background." dcarson says, "seems like a good thing to me" PhilipC says, "Considering that Peter wants to retire from MMM, perhaps we'd be better off using that in a new magazine once we can recruit an editor for it?" dcarson says, " http://www.zazzle.com/santa_moon_cards-137169781413831640" dcarson says, "hopefully we can keep MMM going with a new edotor not start a new magazine" Lunadyne says, "My thinking was to announce the serialization in MMM on Facebook and encourage gift memberships for youngsters." PhilipC says, "how many episodes are there in the serial?" Lunadyne says, "We were going to do six parts - Feb to Jul." Lunadyne says, "Do you want the text?" dcarson says, "see if we can post part 1 to facebook as a teaser" Lunadyne says, "We should be able to use excerpts. The author is John Stith, who has written some other sci-fi, IIRC" dcarson says, "I have a couple of his books, decent writer" dcarson says, "Reckoning Infinity" dcarson says, "Reunion on Neverend" dcarson says, "Manhattan Transfer" Lunadyne says, "He seemed appreciative that we had reached out to him, and I think he likes that we're re-publishing a 30-year old story." dcarson says, " http://www.bonanza.com/listings/Santa-s-Moon-Mission-dvd-Great-stocking-stuffer-Santa-s-latest-adventure/203338605?gpid=18283950120&gpkwd=&goog_pla=1&gclid=CjwKEAiA-5-kBRDylPG5096R8mASJABqEdm4b74PwV928CcxJPaoWsZl8QdRK3GeCRD_Q-yZUzhAbBoC4x7w_wcB" Rose/Miros says, "we have manhattan transfer" Rose/Miros says, "my 2c, i'd likek to keep mmm going instead of starting new" Strangelv-3 says, "Back" Rose/Miros taps her microphone, is this on? Lunadyne says, "I'd like to keep MMM going as well. I intend to hit on needing an Editor at the Annual Meeting" Lunadyne says, "And content." Strangelv-3 says, "Fallback we need something that we could have temporary fill-ins editors as needed" Strangelv-3 says, "Here are the template,s standards, et c." Strangelv-3 says, "Standard graphics" PhilipC says, "I think we can find editors once we have projects in place. That will help us recruit new members and follow it up by focusing on communication/graphic design students" PhilipC says, "Find some students that are looking for graphic design experience " Strangelv-3 says, "Remember that we can't up the number of pages without upping the price tag" Strangelv-3 says, "There's changes we probably want to make, but we need to figure out what they are and what they entail" Strangelv-3 says, "Editing might get easier if we changed to bimonthly" PhilipC says, "if we have more members, not all of whom will want printed versions, they should more than cover the cost of more pages" Lunadyne says, "Hey wait! Now that we've got Paypal figured out, we should be able to put the MMM Theme Issues on Amazon, right?" PhilipC says, "I could advise on content but I really want to focus more on actually working on the subject matter rather than talk about it" PhilipC says, "Is it possible to use another online book retailer?" Lunadyne says, "I want a monthly calendar in the new MMM. If we set one up online that chapters can update with their meetings and events, we can feed that right into the newsletter" Strangelv-3 says, "I do not know what the current per issue printing cost is, what other options that vendor offers, what competing vendors want, but it's really hard to keep things in physical print these days. It's a bit of a carrot in our hat that we HAVE a print publication. That it may be the final example of its type does-n't hurt, although it would be nice to upgrade to something bigger" PhilipC says, "Like Powell's or Abe Books?" dcarson says, "like smashwords, sure, I think you can use most of them as well as Amazon as long as you have it the same price everywhere" Lunadyne says, "The only other online bookseller I can think of is Abebooks, and I'm not sure they do e-pubs." dcarson says, "abe books is just a consortium of used dealers not a publisher unless that changed" dcarson says, "smashwords is a online publisher" PhilipC says, "Amazon is just a little too predatorial and monopolistic for my taste" PhilipC says, "I'" PhilipC says, "I'm starting to avoid them like I already avoid Microsoft and Google" dcarson says, "agreed" Strangelv-3 says, "I can accept that argument. It sounds like something I say with great regularity" dcarson says, "but mifght use several" Lunadyne says, "Don't disagree, but they're the largest market." Strangelv-3 says, "Would not using Amazon exclusively help?" Strangelv-3 says, "ie here's the Amazon edition, here's this other edition, et c.?" Lunadyne says, "The only issue there is formats. Now that I think about it I'm not sure we ever got it properly formatted for Kindle." dcarson says, "also feedbooks, google play books, kobo" Rose/Miros says, "so that's a subitem on getting it to multiple publishers" Strangelv-3 says, "I don't like the single column print arrangement. Print realyl needs two or three columns" dcarson says, "3 main formsts, mobi, epub, pds" dcarson says, "kindle is mobi with DRM, plain mobi works if you don't want DRM" Rose/Miros says, "what's the proposed cost per issue, and why should they buy a membership that includes a subscription?" Strangelv-3 says, "I'd argue agaidnst DRM" Strangelv-3 says, "I'm pretty sure none of us like DRM" dcarson says, "kobo is epub as in iBooks, each can have DRM" PhilipC says, "I was always suspicious of kindle but when I heard that amazon could go in there and delete files, I avoid kindle like the plague" Rose/Miros says, "yeah, if someone "shares" how is that different from xeroxing the paper copy?" Lunadyne says, "These were the Theme Issues, so something like $2.99 or something like that." Rose/Miros says, "so the membership gets you cool stuff faster" Rose/Miros says, "does b&n epublish for nook?" Lunadyne says, "Yeah, these weren't monthly MMMs, but rather ciollections of articles culled from the vast archives." dcarson says, "yes B&N uses nook" Rose/Miros says, "so we can talk about brain storming and contributing to NEW articles" Lunadyne says, "These were mainly envisioned as a means of more broadly distributing some of our work, like Cislunar Econosphere." Strangelv-3 says, "Something I actually want is legacy issues with all of the dated content too. Frequently when I'm diving through orld newsletterls for an organization taht's PRECISELY what I"m looking for. That's where I find out who was on the committee or board, who was doing what, who the chapters or affiliates were and so on" dcarson says, "nook is also epub" Lunadyne says, "That should be available to all members through the website." Rose/Miros says, "so 3-4 formats would cover the known world?" Rose/Miros says, "archive access should also be mentioned in membership drive letters" Lunadyne says, "Surely there are some cross-platform translators." Rose/Miros says, "wanna contribute to st jude's children's hospital so the bald kids can grow up and grow hair?" Lunadyne says, "Heh, I've got one of the CD-ROMs that were put out a few years ago." dcarson says, "program called calibre will read and write most ebook formats" Rose/Miros had a long day at kmart dcarson says, "and has plugins to remove most DRM on ones you own" Rose/Miros says, "can you contribute time for conversions if necessary?" Lunadyne says, "There are still Kmarts? I thought that corp had been sucked dry." Rose/Miros says, "lol" dcarson says, "Nook DRM for example uses you CC number as the seed so if you know what card you bought it with you can remove the DRM" Rose/Miros says, "we have one because our sears was a franchise, so they bought out the franchise and put sears appliances into the kmart" dcarson says, "or you can go to B&N and redownload with a new CC number for free" Rose/Miros says, "AND sold a new franchise with appliances, lawn tractors, and similar stuff in the mall, spread across a bunch of empty stores" Rose/Miros says, "good for everyone, except we have ANOHER empty store downtown" dcarson says, "I think similar for kindle" Lunadyne says, "Well, I'm not anticipating huge demand or pirating issues for the MMM Theme Issues. Just a way to get some more bucks, something to put in the "Moon Marketplace" section of the website." Lunadyne says, "And something we can advertise on Facebook." dcarson says, "most peole aren't thieves and won't steal from people that treat them right" dcarson says, "so DRM isn't needed for things with reasonable proces" dcarson says, "the warz people with 11ty hungred gifs of pirated stuf they'll never look at will grab it anyway with or without DRM" Strangelv-3 says, "And even if they do get pirated, it still brings attention to us" Lunadyne says, "You know what, if someone pays $3 for a Theme Issue and gives it to a classmate or colleague I'm not going to lose any sleep." dcarson says, "cold meds make my brain fuzzy" Rose/Miros says, "it's the backed up snot that does that" PhilipC says, "If it becomes a problem, we can always include some text in the first page that thanks people for buying the issue or for paying their dues" Rose/Miros says, "leave that comment out of the minutes" Lunadyne says, "Members have to pay $3 as well. They've already got all of the archives available to them." Strangelv-3 says, "We should make sure each one has enough info for someone who grabbed it off of a filesharing network can find their way to us and maybe our website for where to find more, and how to join" Lunadyne says, "I'll check with Peter and see where they stand. Maybe we can get them out for Christmas..." Lunadyne says, "Everything we do should be branded with our website. Just sayin'" dcarson says, "can we get a members cupon that can be use don Zazzle? I know Zazzle sends one out, can we" dcarson says, "so 10% off for members" Strangelv-3 says, "That's a thought" Strangelv-3 says, "It would all come out of our share, naturally" PhilipC says, "I wonder if we can use green lasers to put our website address on the sky in front of the moon?" dcarson says, "sure but makes a reason to be a member" Lunadyne says, "Philip, what's the address for our Zazzle store?" dcarson says, "price stuff accordingly" Lunadyne says, "No, XKCD already looked at that." Lunadyne says, "Even their laser focus is crap by the time the lasers get to the Moon." PhilipC says, " http://www.zazzle.com/the_moon_society" PhilipC says, "no... not have the laser actually touch the moon, but to visibly show up in front of it, inside the atmosphere. Similar to how they use lasers for point at stars" PhilipC says, "it would only work for those that are close to the laser" Rose/Miros says, "so we just need some product, and dana can convert formats if needed, and we can list them in several places for $2.99, members (old and new) get a discount, BRANDING The Moon Society and moonsociety.org" Rose/Miros says, "good summary?" Lunadyne says, "I'm actually interested in the holographic technology. I had an idea for a 3-D holographic aircraft control system" PhilipC says, "yeah i did too about 10 years ago" PhilipC says, "maybe it was 20" PhilipC says, "no 30" Strangelv-3 visits http://www.zazzle.com/the_moon_society for the first time. It immediately announces that it hates his web browser Rose/Miros has a holographic pendant somewhere around here Lunadyne says, "Mine was like, 25 - 30 years ago." PhilipC says, "What? Every kid who sits in the back seat of a car with an open window and his hand outside imagine flying " Lunadyne says, "Shortly after I saw Princess Leia, so maybe like 35..." PhilipC says, "Probably where you got the same inspiration" PhilipC says, "or not" Lunadyne says, "I still stick my hand out the window and ride the flows." PhilipC says, "Dont we all?" Strangelv-3 says, "Shul we have asked Munroe before appropriating the Up Goer Five poster? Isn't that under a non-commerical licence?" Lunadyne says, "That's the Up Goer Five? Whoops!" PhilipC says, "I didn't need to. I already read the terms and conditions of xkcd and it gave us permission" Lunadyne says, "Cool!" PhilipC says, "Besides our version is more expensive anyway " Lunadyne says, "We always send him traffic when I post his Moon toons." Lunadyne says, "On Facebook" Strangelv-3 says, "I don't see the Moon Base Sim 1 mission patch anywhere. DO we need to find and/or adapt the graphic for that?" Lunadyne says, "Did we ever figure out how to port homepage postings automatically over to Facebook?" PhilipC says, "I don't think so. I'd imagine that would require some kind of script" Lunadyne says, "Probably. I don't think I've seen it." Lunadyne says, "Is the graphic in the ASI archives?" PhilipC says, "Munroe simply asks people to notify him when they sell his content on another site, which I did" Lunadyne says, "I was just curious because Rand over at Transterrestrial Musings noted that he does that." Strangelv-3 says, "I don't know where it's located. We might need to ask. I don't even know who did it, although Michael Mealling is an obvious suspect" Rose/Miros says, "has anyone updated the cafe press site with the new logo?" Strangelv-3 says, "We nseed a homepage posting for the annual meeting. What should its text be?" Strangelv-3 says, "Is the plug pulled on the CafePress site?" PhilipC says, "For what?" Strangelv-3 says, "You were'nt there at the meeting. We made one last look at CAfePress and with recent orders Ken and I both gave it a big thumbs down" Lunadyne says, "I did a post today on the homepage with the State of the Society text." Strangelv-3 looks at the site PhilipC says, "Rose, we're trying to shut down the CafePress store. The Moon Base 1 account is shared with ours" Rose/Miros says, "Don't forget the annual meeting on Dec XX! We'll be discussing the pre-christmas ebook release and other neat stuff!"" Rose/Miros says, "ok by me" Strangelv-3 says, "Ok'ay, good. Nevermind. We have something" Rose/Miros says, "but the new logo would look cool on a coffee cup" Strangelv-3 sees that in relation to the caching issue someone looked at our home page with a mobile device shortly before he did PhilipC says, "We could do patches, but we'd need to pay a setup fee with an embroiderer for every patch we make" Lunadyne says, "I'll do a post on the Facebook page indicating that the ultimate in hipness these holidays can be had with a new Moon Society logoed hoodie or mug..." Rose/Miros says, "oh giraffees might become endangered, so I'll have to add them to my list of cool animals" dcarson says, "I need to order a new tshirt" dcarson says, "zoo raised giraffe is kosher to eat" Rose/Miros pokes at dcarson. Lunadyne says, "We voted to buy polos for leaders who do public outreach, right?" Rose/Miros says, "not nice" Strangelv-3 orders Rose a Giraffe instead of the PATA drive she needs to get her computer back up and running PhilipC says, "Rose, in case you missed it. Here's our current zazzle store: http://www.zazzle.com/the_moon_society" Lunadyne says, "Ken looks forward to the guinea pigs we'll be eating on the Moon." Rose/Miros says, "nah, a polar bear sweater" Rose/Miros says, "lol, cooie for all!" PhilipC says, "Ken, yes we did. But we wanted to hold out for embroidered versions" dcarson says, "cows are in no danger of going exticent" Lunadyne says, "No, cows have done quite well by us, but they're unlikely to find a home on the Moon in the near future." dcarson says, "story in Analog, punch line, but where would you get ham except from a hamster" PhilipC says, "I'm still trying to raise enough money so that I can simply pay for the embroidery fee myself, so that we can all have something nice" Lunadyne says, "We need a mission cool patch that incorporates the new logo." Strangelv-3 only wears button-down shirts Strangelv-3 says, "We need a bissino for that mission patch for a start" Lunadyne says, "Don't get me started on hamster jokes. You really, really don't want to go there." Strangelv-3 says, "or even a mission" PhilipC says, "the embroidery fee is for the logo itself regardless of color or on what fabric/patch it's placed on" Strangelv-3 says, "Are we able to get a copy of whatever data format they encode it in?" Rose/Miros says, "i'm not butchering the cooie, but i'll cook it" PhilipC says, "I don't know" Strangelv-3 says, "So that we could theoretically hand it to another vendor. It might be worth asking when the chance arrives" Lunadyne says, "I know. I got Moon Day patches made for our Girl Scout program." Lunadyne says, "Speaking of Moon Day, guess who finally agreed to make an appearance!" Rose/Miros says, "um, i had conversion software somewhere..." Strangelv-3 says, "Which br0igs up anothr question, if they give us the format could WE do it..." Strangelv-3 looks at Ken and tries to think of a VIP in North Texas Strangelv-3 says, "Carmack?" PhilipC says, "I'm not sure. I suspect they simply use the fee as an excuse to make extra money on us" Lunadyne says, "Nah, he's back in the software world. Armadillo assets were sold to Exos Aerospace" Rose/Miros says, "dunno if i still have the software, but i could probably buy the cheap converter and digitizer" Lunadyne says, "A clue: We're trying to arrange an Amateur Radio ISS (ARISS) Uplink." Strangelv-3 says, "Crap. Who's Exos? And did any of the expertise that Carmack assembled get there? He had people whdo racked up experienec with quite a few diffelent types of engines" Lunadyne says, "Neil Milburn is teaching chemistry in the Plano ISD." Strangelv-3 says, "Never heard of him" Lunadyne says, "Phil Eaton is running the new shop." Lunadyne says, "Neil was the Armadillo Chief Engineer." Strangelv-3 says, "Oh. these are the people from Armadillo?" dcarson says, "so one of the ISSnauts/" Lunadyne says, "Not just an ISSnaut, a private ISSnaut." PhilipC says, "It's almost 11... could we make one decision before we close?" PhilipC says, "I suggested in email earlier today that we have an all day planning & strategy session" PhilipC says, "Sometime in January or February" Rose/Miros says, "zazzle is showing its black shirts as dark gray, it's a little confusing" PhilipC says, "the best day for most of us would probably be a saturday" Lunadyne says, "How about...I move that The Moon Society become a name sponsor of Moon Day." PhilipC says, "Rose, I still need to work out the transparency background with our logos" dcarson says, "whats that cost?" Rose/Miros says, "i can ask for it off, my hr lady thinks it's cool that i'm on the board of a not for profit" dcarson says, "Jan 10 or ant Sat in Feb is good for me" Strangelv-3 says, "Transparency background?" Lunadyne says, "For Moon Day sponsorship? $0. I've never had a budget for the event." Strangelv-3 says, "What exactly are you needing?" dcarson says, "so just permission and we send logos etc" Rose/Miros says, "um, embroidery is determined by colored threads on a cloth background" dcarson says, "sounds like a great deal" PhilipC says, "Would January 10 be a good day for everyone?" Lunadyne says, "Well, I do already put the whole thing together, and I'm kind of having a temper tantrum with NSS." Rose/Miros says, "yes, i'm good" dcarson says, "can send a stack of Project Artemis posters if you want" Strangelv-3 says, "I can neither confirm nor discovferm the 10th as a good day for me. it also probabyl depends on the time, which I also can't predict" PhilipC says, "Does anyone have a problem with having a strategy session on January 10, where we start at say 10 am EST?" PhilipC says, "We'll likely go on until about 2 to 4 pm (EST)" Lunadyne says, "Should be okay, but I'll need a reminder. Especially for that kind of ungodly hour on a Saturday afternoon." dcarson says, "I don't mind making it a hour later" PhilipC says, "Then 11 AM EST?" Strangelv-3 says, "What are the posters for? I missed osmething. I also need to get moer button supplies and figure out why my printer messes up printing tabloid-sized sheets" Rose/Miros puts 10-6 on her schedule for travel time and overruns PhilipC says, "So would everyone prefer that we start at 10 or 11?" dcarson says, "I like 11" Rose/Miros says, "i doubt shelly would schedule me for before, but she might go for after" Lunadyne says, "Dana, I'm tempted on the posters, but I don't want to concentrate too many resources here in DFW. I have the Solar Power demonstrator and the Lavatube display, plus miscellany." Rose/Miros says, "don't care, i just have to ask" Lunadyne says, "11 should be fine." dcarson says, "can send just enough to give away for the day" Strangelv-3 says, "What should I describe this session as in the minutes?" PhilipC says, "Okay then, then let's start at 11 am. I'll try to develop the agenda before hand" Rose/Miros says, "you're the most active demonstrator, so that makes you the logical place for resources" PhilipC says, "James, it will be our 2-3 year planning and strategy session" PhilipC says, "no, make that our 3 year strategic plan" Strangelv-3 types A *BLANK* was scheduled for 10 January at 11:00 CST and hears the Match GAme theme with the ghost of Gene RAyburn walking around with a smirk an a microphone PhilipC says, "The meeting will start at 11 AM EST" Strangelv-3 says, "So 10 CST. I've beet keeping all times as CST as that's where we're officially oncorporated" Strangelv-3 says, "Well CST/CDT" Rose/Miros says, "we need to develop some sort of event kit. i didn't have time to get organized for Bonagany this year because of the turmoil in my personal life, but it would be nice to have stuff i could get printed at Staples and set up a table/booth out of common household stuff" PhilipC says, "I didn't realize that" Strangelv-3 says, "We're incorporated in Texas" Rose/Miros says, "for historical reasons" dcarson says, "CST or GMT seem like the reasonable choices" Strangelv-3 puts an imaginary 10 gallon hat on Philip's head Rose/Miros says, "please put "event kit" on the agenda" PhilipC says, "I can start a conversation thread in the listserv to work out an events agenda " PhilipC says, "I hope to finalize the agenda a week before" PhilipC says, "That's the main thing I wanted to agree upon tonight. I'll send out an announcement of the meeting after we wrap up tonight" PhilipC says, "That's all for me" PhilipC says, "James, I'll make sure to wear my black straw cowboy hat that I bought at Cracker Barrel next time" Rose/Miros says, "i'll wear something with a polar bear on it" Lunadyne says, "No, you need a proper black hat." PhilipC says, "Rose, the logos on Zazzle are printed, not embroidered. The gray background is black ink. I need to revise the logos so that the background is transparent" Rose/Miros says, "i meant the shirt is dark grey in the pic, but black in the description" dcarson says, "zazzle only has baseball caps" PhilipC says, "Ken, maybe when I visit Texas some day" PhilipC says, "Remember, I wanted us to have a store featuring embroidered items on logo sportswear but that was shot down" PhilipC says, "Rose, I think it's probably the dye of the shirt they're using, or its an imaging technique to make the features of the shirt stand out better" PhilipC says, "Ken, I have an aunt & uncle who live near Houston" PhilipC says, "I haven't visited them yet but have been meaning to" PhilipC says, "I think this wraps up everything. Because we had a formal meeting. We still need to close it out" PhilipC says, "Would someone like to make a motion to adjourn?" Strangelv-3 wonders if anyone can think of anything that would require a motion Strangelv-3 looks around Strangelv-3 says, "Move to adjourn" PhilipC says, "Is there a second?" Strangelv-3 looks around to see if theer's a second or an objection dcarson says, "second" PhilipC says, "Thank you. If there is no objection, we are now adjourned." Strangelv-3 sees it's 22:20 CST PhilipC says, "Alright, thank all of you for coming and my apologies for those who missed the meeting tonight." -- End log: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 11:20:38 pm ASI Meeting Server time --