Moon Desert Research Station


Welcome to Artemis Moonbase Simulation One!

Designated MDRS Crew #45, the Moon Society is hosting Artemis Moonbase Simulation One from February 25th to March 12, 2006 at the Moon Desert Research Station outside Hanksville, Utah. To learn more, please see our Frequently Asked Questions. Feel free to view the habitat webcams (sponsored by the Minnesota SFS).

The Moonbase crew is headed by Expedition Leader Peter Kokh and includes: Laurel Ladd, Guido Meyer, Leslie Wickman, William Fung-Schwarz, Steven Winikoff, Ben Huset, Chip Proser, and Hugh S. Gregory. Learn more here…

Research studies conducted by crew include projects on the following topics: increasing simulation fidelity, closed ecological life support systems, greenhab growth studies, human factors, mechanical counter-pressure analogue suits, and a data collection for Project M.A.S.T. (Moon/Mars Analogue Simulation Trainer. Learn more here...

For daily updates on crew activities, go to the Crew 45 section at MDRS Daily Field Reports or you're welcome to view our Mission Blog. To down load Mission Day Pictures, Audio, Video, & Reports, go to the Index of /swhab/Crew45.

Mission Commander's Summary Report.

The Mission ended March 11, 2006

Read the 03/24/2006 Post Mission Report

Our PowerPoint Slide Show: Download this 11.7 mb production graciously created for us by one of our mission volunteer CapComs, Gerry Williams of Mars Society San Diego.
Or Download the pdf file version of this slide show.

What Comes Next?

Visit Our PROPOSALS Page


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Where not cited elsewhere, copyright © 2005-2006 by the Crew of Artemis Moobase Simulation. All Rights Reserved.
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