Moon Society welcomes
Calgary Space Workers
as new local partner

2006.10.08 Following the informal model of partnership with the Moon Society pioneered by the Oregon L5 Society, the Lunar Reclamation Society, and the Minnesota Space Frontier Society, all National Space Society chapters based in Portland, Milwaukee, and Minneapolis-St. Paul respectively, the Calgary Space Workers of Calgary, Alberta, Canada have voted to accept a Moon Society invitation to do likewise.

This dynamic group, in the largest Canadian urban area between Vancouver and Toronto, works together with the NSS-affiliated Calgary Space Frontier Society Chapter. Together they include four members who get MMM either directly from LRS or through Moon Society membership.

CSW is well into the ambitious project of creating a mobile-modular lunar analog research station. They are currently reoutfitting a used 31 ft. Airstream travel trailer as their command module. Additional inflatable module, some of which may be inflatable, are planned.

They have also identified an ideal location in "Dinosaur Valley" near Drumheller, Alberta, 90 miles NE of Calgary. Another project is creation of simulated lunar regolith. CSW wishes to partner with the Moon Society in a Lunar Analog Research Station program. What they learn as they make progress will benefit us substantially, and we have an open invitation to participate. CSW and the Moon Society agreed on this collaboration on October 8, 2006.

This is an analog outpost architectural option that we have ourselves been considering. It has these two major advantages

1) Each module can be built/converted/outfitted where there is a local cluster of volunteers to do so, avoiding expensive accumulative transportation expenses.

2) the expandable complex of one-story horizontal modules, in stark contrast to the double tuna-can Zubrin design, is shielding-friendly, using sand bags or bags of mulch to provide thermal equilibrium benefits (and serve as a model of radiation shielding)

So this gives the Society, courtesy of our new partner chapter affiliate, our first Lunar Analog Research Station, at least "under construction."

Welcome to our growing family!


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