Introducing our new Logo-Banner

Our new "Epic of Footprints" Logo-Banner
See how it looks on our homepage!

09.28.2010 - If you haven’t visited our homepage lately, you will find that it has received  a new look with our new Logo Banner

Left  - This image incorporates the classic photo taken of Earth by returning Apollo astronauts, and appropriately featuring Africa, our home continent.

Right - It also incorporates a downsized version of the 500 pixel-wide full moon image on which Greg Bennett, Moon Society founder, based the present Moon Society Logo. Note that in this larger banner image, the full moon image is larger and more prominent than that in the prrevious top left logo image, which had been confined to a 150-pixel menu column width.

Middle - The juxtaposition of the two footprint/bootprint images, the present earliest known human footprint, found in Kenya, and dating 1.5 million years ago, and the famous Apollo 11 bootprint from July 20, 1969 captures the human epic which is now solidifying its intercontinental expansion phase and preparing to become interplanetary. Earth and the Moon appropriately bookcase these footprints.

The message is clear:
The Moon Society is at the forefront of this transition from intercontinental to interplanetary.
We are just at the beginning of a new phase, which one day may lead us to reach even further, to the stars!
The juxtaposed foot/boot prints was an idea by Peter Kokh and published as part of our Apollo 11 40th Anniversary Moon Party.

It was Dave Dunlop, however, our Director of Project Development, who suggested we take this “iconic footprint pairing” and brand it as part of our identity and mission statement. This suggestion then lead to the creation of the banner above, which has had enthusiastic approval from Society Officers and Directors. Scotty Gammenthaler has redone the homepage to feature the image to best advantage.
Another Homepage change under consideration
We are playing with the muted Apollo bootprint background on our secondary pages and considering using it as background for the homepage center column. This would complement the banner imagery and creates better continuity between the homepage and secondary pages. We haven't made that switch yet, as there are several related issues that we need to address first.
The Challenge for The Moon Society
We hope that you like the new banner and that it catches the eye of visitors, and encourages them to join us in the work ahead.

We intend to live up to the vision the banner suggests!  Your continued support will help us to keep making progress!


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