Log of the First Moon Society Town Meeting

February 11, 2009

on the ASI-MOO chat environment (Auditiorium)

-- Start log: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 9:13:13 pm ASI Meeting Server time --

(NOTE: some discussion had begun before the recorder was turned on, and is not preserved.)

kokhmmm says, "Thanks!"
shaunmoss says, "awesome"
davec [Guest] says, "1) Extracting metals from the regolith and sending them to
earth "
davec [Guest] says, "with a mass driver"
kokhmmm says, "You know that Dr. Peter Schubert has quite a paper on this very
davec [Guest] says, "Yes; I've read it and think it excellent."
kokhmmm says, "He has an idea that is several times more efficient to produce
oxygen (or any other element) from the regolith"
shaunmoss says, "what metals are you interested in?  Ti, Al, Fe?"
MikeD says, "heh, anything we can get!"
kokhmmm says, "His central idea is called a supersonic dust buster and he is
looking for 380k US to demo it"
kokhmmm says, "We want to produce all the engineering metals, so the above plus
shaunmoss says, "yas of course"
kokhmmm says, "The trick is finding suitable alloy elements."
davec [Guest] says, "I think we need to approach Steven Chu (DoE) for funding. 
The project"
shaunmoss says, "I think from memory that Mg can be used as an alternative to C
to make steel"
kokhmmm says, "So we may have to tread down metallurgical paths not yet taken"
kokhmmm says, "That sounds good Shaun"
davec [Guest] says, "will only need ~ $75 billion; small compared to stimulus,
jarogers2001 says, "You gentlemen may be interested in this"
jarogers2001 says, "http://www.physorg.com/news150396734.html"
kokhmmm says, "lol"
shaunmoss says, "well that's only half what facebook's worth now :) talk to Mark
bam says, "I have to step away, but will look at log later"
Gerry-SanDiego [Guest] quietly enters.
kokhmmm says, "Okay Bruce"
kokhmmm says, "Hi Gerry"
kokhmmm says, "We just started"
davec [Guest] says, "I have to sign off now; hope to be back later  Davec"
shaunmoss says, ""is that Bruce Mackenzie?""
davec [Guest] has disconnected.
The housekeeper arrives to remove davec [Guest].
davec [Guest] gets up from its seat.
MikeD says, "that is"
Gerry-SanDiego [Guest] says, "Hi, Peter -- you running a recorder so I can catch
MikeD says, "he is"
shaunmoss says, "cool"
kokhmmm says, "Yes, but we just turned the recorder on"
Gerry-SanDiego [Guest] says, "Great. Thanx!"
kokhmmm says, "Gerry Williams produced our powerpoint presentation for the Moon
Society crew at Mars Desert Research Station"
                                                 <Clap Clap>
jarogers2001 says, "The link leads to info on Self propogating high temperature
synthesis, like is used to make some forms of tank armor.  In this case its
aluminum and regolith to make bricks"
shaunmoss says, "that's cool"
shaunmoss gets up from its seat.
shaunmoss tiptoes out.
Gerry-SanDiego [Guest] says, "Peter, I'm multitalking tonight with a San Diego
Space Soceity meeting (with pizza) starting in about 15 minutes.  :-J"
shaunmoss quietly enters.
kokhmmm says, "Save me a slice, Gerry"
shaunmoss finds a seat in Auditorium.
kokhmmm says, "hi to the gang in SD"
shaunmoss says, "stay classy, San Diego"
kokhmmm says, "San Diego NSS has just come aboard as the 4th NSS chapter to
partner with the Moon Society"
kokhmmm says, "Thanks largely to Gerry"
                                   <Clap Clap>
shaunmoss says, "interesting.  I wonder if any NSSA chapters would like to
shaunmoss says, "although the only active one now is NSW"
kokhmmm says, "Others are Portland, Milwaukee, Twin Cities NSS chapters"
jarogers2001 says, "I look forward to working with you ant the guys and gals
from San Diego"
kokhmmm says, "Our affiliation with NSS signed in 2005 is working very well for
shaunmoss says, "a lot of great guys in that group"
kokhmmm says, "With ISDC 2010 in Chicago we will have done the ISDC Moon Track
four years in a row,"
jarogers2001 says, "NSW?"
shaunmoss says, "New South Wales"
jarogers2001 says, "Ahh"
Gerry-SanDiego [Guest] says, "I'll snail-mail it to ya.  :-D"
Gerry-SanDiego [Guest] says, "Aw shucks, it wer nuttin.  :-]"
kokhmmm says, "Shaun, years ago the Milwaukee and Queensland chapters had a
sister chapter relationship,"
kokhmmm says, "Noel Jackson"
shaunmoss says, "hey that's cool"
shaunmoss says, "I'm still friends with Noel, he has just got back from the US"
kokhmmm says, "At ISDCthis year we are in charge of a second, new track - Space
& Environment"
shaunmoss says, "I'm thinking of starting a regular meetup in Melbourne for Moon
Soc, Mars Soc and NSSA members in the area"
kokhmmm says, "Peter Schubert is heading up that"
kokhmmm says, "Sounds good Shaun"
shaunmoss says, "sounds like an interesting track Peter"
kokhmmm says, "In Philadelphia the chapter is an alliance of NSS, SSI SFF, Mars
Society, World Future Society, and Planetary Society members and of course they
all get MMM"
shaunmoss says, "well the reason there aren't any meetings (other than MSA
dinners) is because of the low numbers - if the groups meet together then maybe
it will gather some momentum"
kokhmmm says, "Makes for an interesting group"
shaunmoss says, "wow sounds pretty cool.  I've never heard of the World Future
Society, will have to check that out"
kokhmmm says, "Whatever works! Worth a try"
shaunmoss says, "for sure"
Strangelv-1 says, "HOw many tracks in Chicago?  I hope fewer than the 11 in
North Texas"
dcarson says, "at the local SF converntion NSS and Moons Soc always hold a joint
shaunmoss says, "is anyone from the Philly chapter here?"
kokhmmm says, "WFS has been around for many decades"
kokhmmm says, "James, I don't know about Chicago. In 1989 they had 13 tracks.
Doubt if they will try that again"
kokhmmm says, "I don't think any Phillies are here Shaun"
jarogers2001 says, "gentlemen, I have to step out.  the kid is sicking up
jarogers2001 has disconnected.
kokhmmm says, "Ok JR"
MikeD says, "yuck, he has my sympathy, and so does the kid"
kokhmmm says, "So what is the Moon Society doing that you like?"
shaunmoss says, "analog studies"
kokhmmm says, "Anyone?"
shaunmoss says, "publishing the MMM and the new one that Chuck is doing, cant
recall the name"
shaunmoss says, "keeping the dream alive!"
kokhmmm says, "Shaun we want to get into that and have lots of ideas, finding
seed money and a location are top of the agenda."
Chard [Guest] says, "I enjoy learning more about space and the moon in
particular.  I have been learning quite a bit from the other members and from
the wikis."
kokhmmm says, "I have Phoenix working on finding a location."
shaunmoss says, "awesome"
kokhmmm says, "Well, it is official but not yet public that MMM and the Moon
Society are  in for a publicity boost"
shaunmoss says, "I think you mentioned Mojave the other day, I have pushed this
as a location for Mars Homestead before, I think it's a great location"
shaunmoss says, "if nothing else, it's accessible, and will be close to
space-oriented companies"
Gerry-SanDiego [Guest] says, "Anyone coming to SpaceFest next week in San
kokhmmm says, "Having been to MDRS on two crews, I have some ideas about must
features for a location."
shaunmoss says, "cool"
kokhmmm says, "I know some of our Phoenix people are headed there. And I think I
heard Veronica mention it."
shaunmoss says, "all depends whether you want to open it to visitors (=income),
or adhere strictly to analog research"
The housekeeper arrives to cart jarogers2001 off to bed.
kokhmmm says, "Proximity to a major air hub helps. From Salt Lake City to MDRS
is avery beautifu 250 mile drive. But shorter, much shorter, would be better"
kokhmmm says, "And proximity to a major active chapter would be an enormous
asset "
shaunmoss says, "what's the biggest Moon Soc chapter?"
jarogers2001 quietly enters.
jarogers2001 finds a seat in Auditorium.
kokhmmm says, "I think visitors are okay only if in a duck blind. Otherwise they
interfere just by being visible."
shaunmoss says, "sure"
kokhmmm says, "That's the very strong experience from MDRS. Mixing visitors with
research spoils the spell of pretending to be on another world, and when the
spell goes down the drain so does the quality of research."
shaunmoss says, "yeah I noticed that with the Mars analog studies, when they
started it was very strict, but they've become very lax in the past few years
(as far as I can tell, anyway)"
kokhmmm says, "On the other hand, visitors bring money. So I like the idea of
letting them watch without being seen - duck blind"
shaunmoss says, "good solution"
MikeD says, "let them watch via video stream"
kokhmmm says, "Well the Mars folks are lax about media visitors but strict about
the public"
kokhmmm says, "Media spells publicity spells contributions"
kokhmmm says, "But my experience is that even Media spoil the situation we work
so hard to create,"
shaunmoss says, "yeah a webcam solution might work, but can't really charge for
kokhmmm says, "Best to get media during off-season"
Strangelv-1 says, "Higher resolutions?"
cfrjlr quietly enters.
cfrjlr arrives.
cfrjlr says, "hi all"
shaunmoss says, "You could make a TV show of it"
shaunmoss says, "sell it to Fox"
kokhmmm says, "Shaun, I would like a physical look alike mockup with TV sceen
imports from each area of the real station to same area of the mockup. So people
could watch. (but maybe not hear?)"
MikeD says, "Zubrin has done that at least once"
jarogers2001 says, "Anybody have the latest word on Peter Schubert's smaller
scale demo?"
kokhmmm says, "Therw would have to be private time."
cfrjlr says, "what are we dicsussing?"
shaunmoss says, "yes of course"
kokhmmm says, "No James, Peter is working on it though and I sent him word about
an opportunity - NASA looking for vomit comet research"
jarogers2001 says, "ok :D"
kokhmmm says, "Hi Charles. It has been mostly analog stations, now Peter
Schubert's research"
shaunmoss says, "is Peter still onthe BOD?"
kokhmmm says, "One thing, a note of caution about an analog program. The Mars
Society has a much larger base for finding volunteers. When we did our stint, I
had to go to former members to find three people, and recruited others from Mars
Society friends as no current Moon Society members volunteered."
shaunmoss says, "yes - I think our first priority is definitely a recruiting
kokhmmm says, "So we would have to open it up. On the good side, NSS might want
to go in 50-50 with us on an analog program and we would then have no trouble
finding enough volunteers."
kokhmmm says, "At least NSS said so at the time of our Utah effort.'"
shaunmoss says, "the key is momentum and activity.  It's pointless to get people
excited enough to join if nothing's happening.  So there has to be meetings,
presentations, projects, etc."
shaunmoss says, "sounds like a great idea, Peter"
kokhmmm says, "Shaun, Peter Schubert did not run again last year for the BOD
because of high research demands on his time. But he is still part of the team,
an enormous asset."
shaunmoss says, "ok that's good"
kokhmmm says, "He is now a new Advisor"
kokhmmm says, "By the way, we just announced nine new additions to our Board of
shaunmoss says, "I sense a trans-Pacific lag, thanks for your understanding :)"
kokhmmm says, "Check our homepage announcements area front center"
kokhmmm says, "No, Shaun, I was late in noticing your question"
shaunmoss says, "ah, np :)"
kokhmmm says, "Any questions abiut the new advisors?"
kokhmmm says, "silence"
shaunmoss says, "lol.  Was just having a look.  It's great to have Will Watson
on board."
cfrjlr says, "who are the new advisors ?"
kokhmmm says, "Yes,"
shaunmoss says, "also Phil Sadler"
kokhmmm says, "Charles check home page announcement today"
kokhmmm says, "Phil is a great guy"
shaunmoss says, "yes"
kokhmmm says, "Both Phils!"
cfrjlr-1 quietly enters.
cfrjlr-1 arrives.
kokhmmm says, "We got turned down by Paul Spudis ("too busy")"
shaunmoss says, "never mind"
shaunmoss says, "can I discuss something with the group?"
Strangelv-1 : looks at Shaun
kokhmmm says, "Dave Dunlop knows Harrison Schmitt so I have tasked Dave with
making the approach when the opportunity presents itself."
kokhmmm says, "Of cours, Shaun"
shaunmoss says, "Bruce already knows about this.  For some time now I have been
planning an online social community (think facebook, myspace) especially for the
space groups.  I am still putting this together in my spare time."
shaunmoss says, "not that I want to compete with those sites, just provide some
special features, like project management, solar system browser, links to the
lunarpedia/marspedia, etc., that would be of interest to us"
kokhmmm says, "Shaun you know that we do have Facebook, MySpace, and Orkut
kokhmmm says, "Sounds great, Shaun, I encourage you to proceed!"
shaunmoss says, "yes I know.  But I think there's some benefit to being in a
community where you know everyone is interested in space"
shaunmoss says, "especially the project management and team management features. 
we can create task forces, SIGs, research groups, etc."
shaunmoss says, "similar to what used to be on the ASI site to some degree"
jarogers2001 says, "If you set it up, I'll be happy to do a Moon Society profile
as well as one of my own (I hope you have email notifications of new messages)"
kokhmmm says, "I see, do you have a name for your site?"
shaunmoss says, "project leaders will be able to post things like required
resources, tasks, etc., and these will appear on the home page"
kokhmmm says, "(best to keep it secret, perhaps)"
kokhmmm says, "Sounds awesome!"
shaunmoss says, "well it has changed a couple of times :) was spacefriends.net
then spacesettlers.org, but I just registered moonmars.com which I think is the
shaunmoss says, "so it will be dedicated to moon and mars colonisation"
kokhmmm says, "I like it fine"
shaunmoss says, "thanks!"
jarogers2001 says, "sounds good.  I like that name better than the others"
shaunmoss says, "I just wanted to know if people like the idea, because nothing
like that exists yet"
kokhmmm says, "Great! and it will help heal the silly divisions between some
Moon only and some Mars only people."
shaunmoss says, "but it could be a major catalyst for activity"
shaunmoss says, "I hope so, because I have always been in both groups"
kokhmmm says, "It's a well kept secret that I started out as a Mars Man!
shaunmoss says, "lol"
dcarson says, "it sounds useful"
kokhmmm says, "I can't vouch for Zubrin, but the other Mars groups will all be
for it"
shaunmoss says, "okay well if there any graphic designers or programmers here
who would like to help, perhaps contact me after the meeting"
dcarson says, "are you planning to see if other groups are interested"
shaunmoss says, "Bob knows me, I can convince him I think"
kokhmmm says, "MarsDrive, MarsHome, Mars Foundation, etc."
shaunmoss says, "and I think Bruce Mack likes the idea too"
kokhmmm says, "Bob know me too"
shaunmoss says, "I am hoping to meet Frank Stratford from Mars Drive soon, as he
lives in Melb"
shaunmoss says, "and I met with Daniel Fabier a couple weeks ago from the board
of NSS"
jarogers2001 says, "I've been doing a little graphics design lately, so I might
be able to lend you a hand"
kokhmmm says, "I have met Hal Fulton"
shaunmoss says, "he really likes it"
shaunmoss says, "thanks, James!"
cfrjlr says, "Shaun you have been busy!"
cfrjlr says, "do you know Kirby Ikin?"
kokhmmm says, "Yup, we'll be happy to sign on and co-sponsor"
shaunmoss says, "yes, I meet with as many people as I can, especially when I
come the US"
kokhmmm says, "Yes, I know Kirby"
shaunmoss says, "thanks, Peter!"
shaunmoss says, "I don't know Kirby"
cfrjlr says, "Do you know Gordon Briggs in Canberra, a very old friend ofm
ine....we worked together in 1981"
kokhmmm says, "Lives in Sidney and is Pres of NSS"
shaunmoss says, "really?  I never met him at any sydney NSSA meetings"
cfrjlr says, "Kirby has been active in NSS for over 20 years"
kokhmmm says, "He is head, or was, of NSSA, and started it."
shaunmoss says, "cool.  No, I don't think I know Gordon"
cfrjlr says, "Gordon is on my Facebook friends"
shaunmoss says, "cool, I will add him"
Chard [Guest] is an asp.net programmer with 10+ years of experience and
currently in school for an Associates in Web Graphic Design...
shaunmoss says, "that's great Chard"
kokhmmm says, "We (some of us) are working on a new look for the Moon Society
kokhmmm says, "(Scotty Gamenthaller and James Rogers)"
Chard [Guest] says, "i might be able to throw some ideas their way"
shaunmoss says, "if nothing else, I think the template should be consistent"
cfrjlr says, "two satelites collided today, and Iridium with and old Russian
shaunmoss says, "but it's pretty good"
cfrjlr says, "the iridium satellite is smashed, and lots of debris"
shaunmoss says, "wow it's getting busy up there"
cfrjlr says, "first time an operational satellite has been destroyed by an
unplanned collision"
kokhmmm says, "Good think ISS wasn't involved!"
jarogers2001 says, "The new look will be very different"
cfrjlr says, "the collision ocurred over Siberia"
kokhmmm says, "Too bad I wasn't still there (in Siberia)"
davec [Guest] quietly enters.
davec [Guest] finds a seat in Auditorium.
shaunmoss says, "James - let me know if you need any PHP code"
Gerry-SanDiego [Guest] has disconnected.
The housekeeper arrives to remove Gerry-SanDiego [Guest].
shaunmoss says, "or JavaScript"
davec [Guest] says, "are there (will there) be meeting minutes ?"
shaunmoss says, "davec, all is being recorded"
kokhmmm says, "Thanks for the offer, Shaun"
shaunmoss says, "no worries"
kokhmmm says, "Davec, I will post the log for this session in a few days"
davec [Guest] says, "Shaun: how could I access recording ?"
jarogers2001 says, "Scotty is the code man at this point.  We're probably going
to go with mostly javascript and maybe a little php"
shaunmoss says, "cool"
davec [Guest] says, "Thanks; where will the log be posted ?"
kokhmmm says, "I will post it in the December Frontlines"
jarogers2001 says, "I've got some amatuer php you could look at though and tell
me if it could be done better"
shaunmoss says, "sure, James, would be happy to!"
jarogers2001 says, "email?"
kokhmmm says, "The Frontlines monthly report is the yellow link center of the
shaunmoss says, "shaun@starmultimedia.biz"
jarogers2001 says, "sent"
cfrjlr says, "if you type   finger   it shows everybody's emails"
shaunmoss says, "Chard, what's ur email?"
Gerry-SanDiego [Guest] quietly enters.
jarogers2001 says, "Scotty, do you need anyone to help with JavaScript?"
Gerry-SanDiego [Guest] finds a seat in Auditorium.
kokhmmm says, "I don't think Scotty is here tonight"
Chard [Guest] says, "tuttlepc@hotmail.com & mail@jasontuttle.com"
Strangelv-1 : notes that some people need to update their emails
davec [Guest] says, "Mine is d437@comcast.net  davec  guest_13"
shaunmoss says, "is anyone involved in the Google Lunar X-Prize?"
jarogers2001 says, "Lunarpedia is doing some cooperation with TeamFrednet"
kokhmmm says, "None that I know of unless Charles is"
jarogers2001 says, "They ask a question, we go and find answers"
kokhmmm says, "Someone from Frednet had been engaging me in a lot of questions
recently about Lunar Prospector and other space activist initiatives"
jarogers2001 says, "Anders Feder.  :D"
kokhmmm says, "Yes"
davec [Guest] says, "Does anyone know if Burt Rutan is on Google Lunar X-Prize
bam says, "minor clarification, Kirby Ikin of Australia has been Chair of BoD of
NSS for many years, I think he is 'acting' President while NSS holds the
presidency open for a big name or good public speaker or astronaut type person"
Strangelv-1 says, "I've been wondering what content they might add, as their
project is GPL and Lunarpedia is Public Domain"
kokhmmm says, "They have a cool minimalist rover design"
kokhmmm says, "Bruce, Kirby has now been pres for several years."
jarogers2001 says, "and they're all open source, so we can use anything they
develop :D"
kokhmmm says, "Everyone seems happy with him"
Strangelv-1 says, "So if it's something they did for the project, it can't be
posted to the main namespace of Lunarpedia"
Strangelv-1 : finally remembers the almost unused GPL namespace
shaunmoss says, "random announcement: movie "Moon" due out in June 2009:
jarogers2001 says, "I want to see that.  Looks entertaining"
cfrjlr says, "Rutan is not involved with any Google Luanr xprize team"
kokhmmm says, "Is that the UK film that Richard Perry has been talking to me
jarogers2001 says, "Yes"
Scottyg-1 says, "I'm here but not listening full time.  I think the JavaScript
is too near finished to benefit much from help."
jarogers2001 says, "Have you looked at the php I sent you?"
shaunmoss says, "me? I will do it after the meeting :)"
jarogers2001 says, "Scotty"
Scottyg-1 says, "No, haven't had a chance yet. "
Strangelv-1 : wonders how many of the 70 votes the move's had are from people
who've actually seen it
Scottyg-1 says, "But I got it and its in the queue."
Chard [Guest] says, "lol"
davec [Guest] says, "Bye again  davec"
davec [Guest] has disconnected.
The housekeeper arrives to remove davec [Guest].
davec [Guest] gets up from its seat.
Chard [Guest] gets up from its chair.
Chard [Guest] walks over to the table and grabs some coffee and cookies.
Gerry-SanDiego [Guest] has disconnected.
The housekeeper arrives to remove Gerry-SanDiego [Guest].
Gerry-SanDiego [Guest] gets up from its seat.
shaunmoss says, "now, another thing I am very interested in is a moonbase
Chard [Guest] finds a seat in Auditorium.
shaunmoss says, "this is obviously much more long-term but fun and worthwhile to
discuss (imho)"
kokhmmm says, "Shaun, are you talking about a design project?"
dcarson says, "so we need to see if we can get theatres to let us do publicity
whenit opens"
shaunmoss says, "yes"
shaunmoss says, "I know ASI already did this exercise"
shaunmoss says, "I've talked about this before but with different people -
usually I get told it will just cost too much"
shaunmoss says, "I think the main catalyst for the first moonbase will be space
kokhmmm says, "I would like us to look at an International Lunar Campus open to
all nations, open to all contractors, to enterprise, etc. in other words
something that could turn into a settlement."
shaunmoss says, "love it"
kokhmmm says, "Tourism will be a catalyst for growth"
dcarson says, "Moon will be hown in Austin at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Film
Conference and Festival March 13 through March 21, 2009"
dcarson says, "got any locals who can see if we can tie into that"
shaunmoss says, "if Space Adventures and V.Galactic start carrying people around
the moon, the next step is landings"
shaunmoss says, "then they will want a hotel"
kokhmmm says, "Yes, once we do lunar flybys there will be self-contained
landings, then the demand for ground excursions and real hotels, etc."
shaunmoss says, "if we're lucky, by then NASA (and possibly others) will have
already done some more manned missions and may already have some assets on the
surface - hopefully near the south pole"
bam says, "on earlier topic, Shaun mentioned analog or mockups, I assume that is
a analog Moon and/or Mars base, yes, I love the idea, and we (under MarsHome)
have been working on a proposal for that, a combined demo site, research,
test/integration, and open to the public (when it is safe), for school visits /
overnights / living-history sort of place.   (it was a little hard to tell, as I
am reading your log backwards). "
kokhmmm says, "Hawking says we should not put all our (humanity) eggs in one
(planet) basket. Well we can't put our moon dreams in one (NASA) basket either"
shaunmoss says, "agree totally.  in a perfect universe the space agencies would
form an alliance (perhaps based on the ISS team) and would colonise the moon
shaunmoss says, "and private enterprise will want to be involved as well"
cfrjlr says, "Dana, in Austin we have Bryan Bishop"
jarogers2001 says, "I'm thinking that it may be entirely up to commercial
ventures to initiate lunar development"
shaunmoss says, "it has been mentioned before, but I really like the idea of a
Lunar Consortium, which would be made up of space agencies, universities and
kokhmmm says, "I am very excited about the strong positive reaction all over
India to our introduction of the MMM-India Quarterly last November."
dcarson says, "we should tell him about the festival and movie and see if he
wants to do anything"
shaunmoss says, "yes India is an awesome country"
kokhmmm says, "Including power companies!"
cfrjlr says, "Dana, send us a link or something"
Strangelv-1 says, "Any volunteers to write for or help edit it yet?"
bam says, "P.S. I saw Richard Branson this morning, I accepted an invitation for
breakfast with him (along with 720 other people), lots of mention of Virgin
Galactic, but main reason was kick-off of Virgin America flights serving Boston
to Calif."
                                 <Clap Clap>
shaunmoss says, "wow Bruce, very exciting!"
cfrjlr says, "Dana, I have 7 Facebook friends in Austin"
kokhmmm says, "James, we have a very bright young student woman already signed
up as a reporter and she will have something in next issue. We are talking with
SEDS India"
dcarson says, "festival site, http://sxsw.com/"
Strangelv-1 says, "Excellent"
cfrjlr says, "ok thanks"
dcarson says, "about the movie  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1182345/news#ni0667333"
cfrjlr says, "Dana, does not look spacey to me, mostly musical"
kokhmmm says, "By the way, we have a much larger and more active group today
than we did for our first Annual Membership meeting."
dcarson says, "the movie Moon is showing at it"
kokhmmm says, "Our next town meeting is scheduled for the second Wednesday in
May. But is anyone interested in doing this the 2nd Wed every month?"
cfrjlr says, "it is a sneak privew of Moon movie ?"
shaunmoss says, "that's great!"
cfrjlr says, "ok"
dcarson says, "yes, apparently"
shaunmoss says, "I can be here every month if it's at this time.  I think the
AGM was at 2am"
kokhmmm says, "No, it was same time."
shaunmoss says, "ah"
jarogers2001 says, "I made a post about "Moon" on myspace, including the preview
jarogers2001 says, "http://forum.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=messageboard.viewThread&entryID=72040468&groupID=100349125&adTopicID=30"
jarogers2001 says, "I encourage everyone to read it"
shaunmoss says, "good one, James!"
jarogers2001 says, "Town meetings every month sounds ok to me."
dcarson says, "quartly currently, if enough peopel are interested we could make
it more often"
kokhmmm says, "Okay, we'll try it. Some stellar ideas today!"
kokhmmm says, "This is what we need, members energizing one another!"
shaunmoss says, "definitely"
shaunmoss says, "it's a great bunch of people, a good nucleus"
shaunmoss says, "from which we can develop into a world organisation"
kokhmmm says, "Hey, there you go!"
kokhmmm says, "But we just start with this world, then ..."
shaunmoss says, "I just thought of something else... has everyone seen Gaia
Selene?  It's really, really good, Peter's in it, too, check it out if you
haven't seen it yet"
kokhmmm says, "It has been out for a while. Part with me was filmed in the trio
of geodesic botanical domes in Milwaukee three years ago I believe."
jarogers2001 says, "If anyone gets that paper from davec, can you forward it to
me?  I;m very interested in Al extraction"
shaunmoss says, "http://www.gaiaselene.com/"
kokhmmm says, "This is the work of Chip Proser who is behind all the Moon Colony
kokhmmm says, "By the way, our front page Moon Colony Video link needs to be
replaced (attn Scotty)"
shaunmoss says, "hmm haven't seen those yet"
cfrjlr says, "on Sunday is the Space Renaissance conference on Skype"
kokhmmm says, "He moved everything from Brightcove to MySpace, mooncolony.tv and
cfrjlr says, "Sunday, 15:00 GMT,  7am Pacific,  10 am Eastern, 16:00 CET"
jarogers2001 says, "btw, you guys might be interested in these embeddable
playlists i've made"
jarogers2001 says, "http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=BFF1A3ED865C91CC"
kokhmmm says, "How is that going, Charles (who is VP, I believe, or is it
jarogers2001 says, "http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=7408AE9887D27C15"
shaunmoss says, "I will check it out"
cfrjlr says, "they made me Treasurer..."
jarogers2001 says, "http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=4EE02A869464CF76"
cfrjlr says, "since Moon soci is the benficiary on Facebook...."
kokhmmm says, "Smart move,Charles"
cfrjlr says, ":-)"
cfrjlr says, "Buzz Aldrin is getting interested in Space Renaissance... it is
getting traction, a lot of good people involved"
kokhmmm says, "Have you gotten any interest from India, Charles?"
cfrjlr says, "I think we have a couple of "members" from India"
kokhmmm says, "India is really ripe, really excited now about space"
cfrjlr says, "so far nobodu from India can to the Skype meetings"
kokhmmm says, "I'll put an ad for SRI in the next mmm-India quartely"
cfrjlr says, "thanks."
kokhmmm says, "You can write the copy of the ad, Charles, under 500 words"
cfrjlr says, "so far 45 people on Facebook confirmed to attend the Sunday
Chard [Guest] will be out of town for the next space ren. meeting...  might be
able to attend remotely
Dethos [Guest] has disconnected.
The housekeeper arrives to remove Dethos [Guest].
Dethos [Guest] gets up from its seat.
cfrjlr says, "some of them have Indian names..."
shaunmoss says, "what should I do for Australia?"
cfrjlr says, "Shaun, r u on Skype?"
shaunmoss says, "yes, I will go to the SRI meeting"
cfrjlr says, "cool, thanks"
cfrjlr says, "my skype ID is  cfrjlr   please send me a contact request"
shaunmoss says, "np Charles"
cfrjlr says, "http://www.facebook.com/events.php#/event.php?eid=48487484122"
cfrjlr says, "got it Shaun"
Strangelv-1 : can't see that page without an account, and has no plans to set up
such an account
shaunmoss says, "Strangelv, no matter what you may think of facebook, most
space-niks are on there and this is how we keep in contact with each other most
of the time"
shaunmoss says, "at least in my network, I should say"
Strangelv-1 says, "I will gladly join yours. 8)"
cfrjlr says, "Facebook is by far the alrgest social network, it has overtaken
Chard [Guest] doesn't use facebook either... I do use linkedin
cfrjlr says, "http://events.linkedin.com/pub/34705"
shaunmoss says, "yes it has"
shaunmoss says, "ah, now I remember - it's the SRI meeting that's at 2am!! I
will *try* to be there"
cfrjlr says, "Facebook is a huge market for new members"
shaunmoss says, "Strangelv - great!"
cfrjlr says, "Shaun, you can join the SC list and send an email suggesting
differnece time"
jarogers2001 says, "Facebook is one of the best networking tools I have,"
bam says, "LinkedIn is aimed more at professionals, FaceBook aimed more at
college students and  casual friends, we span both types, so best to join both
LinkedIn and FaceBook"
Strangelv-1 says, "Dr Jarvstrat is attending -- kewl."
shaunmoss says, "ok - how about this time of day?  if it suits US and Oz"
cfrjlr says, "not my call...."
cfrjlr says, "have to keep the guys in Europe happy"
shaunmoss says, "agree with Bruce, if you want to connect with space
professionals, LinkedIn, if enthusiasts then facebook"
cfrjlr says, "msot ofd the members are in Europe"
dcarson says, "basically the time we use for the twice monthly leaders meetings"
shaunmoss says, "ah yes of course"
Strangelv-1 : is on LinkedIn and never figured out the point.  Moonmars sounds
like the point is already there...
shaunmoss says, "well it's fine with me I'm the only Aussie"
jarogers2001 says, "Heck, why don't we just tellk the guys at the SRI meeting
about our town hall meetings?"
shaunmoss says, "good idea"
shaunmoss says, "imho the more cross-pollenation and collaboration the better"
jarogers2001 says, "Do we want to go with monthly town hall meetings?"
shaunmoss says, "I do"
jarogers2001 says, "me too"
Strangelv-1 says, "The next one is a few months away, but I suppose advance
notice couldn't hurt. 8)"
kokhmmm says, "Okay with me, except August when this slot is for the Annual
Membership Meeting"
cfrjlr says, "James, do not rely on me to tell the SRI folks anything, best to
come and tell them yourself"
Strangelv-1 says, "Monthly?"
jarogers2001 says, "I can do that, Charles"
cfrjlr says, "the SRI folks do not like the Moo.  many of them areblocked by
Firewalls and cannot connect"
jarogers2001 says, "Ouch"
cfrjlr says, "I tried to get SRI to come on to the Moo, but they strongly prefer
Skype, it is more open"
jarogers2001 says, "We could moive town hall meetings to Skype"
jarogers2001 says, "I like it more as well"
Chard [Guest] says, "skype also affords encryption... more secure form of
jarogers2001 says, "Much better technology"
cfrjlr says, "Skype also give free voice communication"
shaunmoss says, "I like the Moo, but perhaps it should be upgraded"
jarogers2001 says, "If we all have Skype, we can all talk to each other for
Strangelv-1 says, "Isn't there a limit to meeting size or something with Skype?"
kokhmmm says, "Does that mean that on Skype a lot of people are talking all at
Chard [Guest] hmms.
cfrjlr says, "the Moo is  fossilised, nobody had time to upgrade it"
kokhmmm says, "Iwoudn't like that"
jarogers2001 says, "Skype has a text chat"
shaunmoss says, "I think in a meeting like this you have to restrict voice"
Strangelv-1 says, "How does skype text chat work?"
shaunmoss says, "especially if you have people from Europe, India, Ox, US"
shaunmoss says, "*Oz"
Chard [Guest] says, "same as here... except more graphical"
cfrjlr says, "http://event.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=events.detail&eventID=488977.42212"
shaunmoss says, "at least everyone has a different color, which helps"
Strangelv-1 says, "The MOO would be easier to change if Dana or Randall changed
a lot of permissions on things build by people who are no longer active"
cfrjlr says, "skype text chat works by opening a chat window and typing into
cfrjlr says, "Skype has many more features than the moo"
cfrjlr says, "the moo is very lame by comparison"
Strangelv-1 says, "SO we could have a text chat over skype with 30+ people?"
shaunmoss says, "lol"
cfrjlr says, "sure"
jarogers2001 says, "Shaun, we don't really hold formal votes in town meetings. 
Those take place in management meetings where votes are restricted"
Strangelv-1 says, "Attendance is also restricted"
shaunmoss says, "voice, not notes"
shaunmoss says, "sorry, I meant - I said restrict voice, not votes"
cfrjlr says, "James, access to Skype meetigns is controlled, some people are
granted read-only access, some people are granted write access"
kokhmmm says, "I propose that we try Skype for next month and then make a
decision about future Town Meetings. We don't want to freeze out people not
prepared to jump to Skype and I notice elsewhere a lot of opposition from some
(in Phoenix)"
Strangelv-1 says, "Historically, if you're in attendance you are allowed to
cfrjlr says, "on skype you can transfer files, exchange cotnact info, and do
many other things, and it is all free"
shaunmoss says, "I think most people would embrace Skype more easily"
cfrjlr says, "you can even do webcam if you ahve the bandwidth"
kokhmmm says, "If they try it, Shaun, getting everyone to try it is a problem."
shaunmoss says, "true"
jarogers2001 says, "I never knew Skype until SRI, and I love it"
cfrjlr says, "Peter, once you try Skype, you will never want to go back to the
shaunmoss says, "how do you join a Skype meeting, anyway?"
kokhmmm says, "Does Skype record meetings?"
Chard [Guest] doesn't leave skype running all the time (as it eats up a lot of
system resources).... esp when i already have a gazillion things going....
Strangelv-1 says, "So it's a more practical text chat environment than
cfrjlr says, "Shaun, you can ping me and I can bring you in"
jarogers2001 says, "Much more practical, James"
shaunmoss says, "I see.  so somewhere you will need to have instructions so
people will know they have to do that"
cfrjlr says, "Adriano sets up a skype url a couple of hours before the meeting,
and we all connect to that"
jarogers2001 says, "Doesn;t require massive graphics capabilities"
shaunmoss says, "ah so that's it"
Strangelv-1 says, "Is that voice or text?"
cfrjlr says, "Skype is flexiblr it can do text of graphics, you can tailor it to
your individual situation"
jarogers2001 says, "You get to pick"
cfrjlr says, "we sue kype text,  some folks elect to connect via voice as well
and even webcam, but it is nto required"
cfrjlr says, "we USE kype text,  some folks elect to connect via voice as well
and even webcam, but it is nto required"
cfrjlr says, "we USE Skype text,  some folks elect to connect via voice as well
and even webcam, but it is nto required"
cfrjlr says, "we USE Skype text,  some folks elect to connect via voice as well
and even webcam, but it is NOT required"
Chard [Guest] says, "lol"
shaunmoss says, "hehehe"
jarogers2001 says, "bit of trouble there?"
shaunmoss says, "hey guys it's been 2 hrs I better get back to work - thanks for
the meeting, can't wait til the next one."
jarogers2001 says, "Have a good one, Shaun"
Strangelv-1 :: root@merkin:/home/strangelv# apt-get install skype
shaunmoss says, "cheers man"
kokhmmm says, "Okay, all of us not yet on Skype have 4 weeks to get acquainted
with it!"
Strangelv-1 says, "TAke care"
dcarson says, "nice to meet you"
shaunmoss says, "thanks!"
cfrjlr says, "I just got an email from Feng that Buzz wants a conf call with me
to dicuss SRI"
Chard [Guest] says, "Strangelv, I'm tuttlepc on skype"
shaunmoss says, "if anyone wants to help with moonmars.com,plz email me:
shaun@starmultimedia.biz, and davec plz send that paper"
shaunmoss says, "Skype: shaun.moss1"
Chard [Guest] says, "rgr"
shaunmoss says, "cya"
Chard [Guest] waves.
shaunmoss has disconnected.
Chard [Guest] gets up from its chair.
kokhmmm says, "Good night everyone and thanks for coming and for a great
kokhmmm says, "See you on the Moon and/or Mars!"
kokhmmm has disconnected.
Chard [Guest] says, "I really need to upload a real picture onto my skype...."
jarogers2001 says, "I'm james.j.rogers on skype"
Chard [Guest] says, "ok, yeah I just got your invite"
jarogers2001 says, "sorry charles.  wrong button"
Strangelv-1 : may or may not be awake enough to deal with the EULA before going
back to sleep
Strangelv-1 : notes the recorder is still running
Chard [Guest] walks over to the recyle bins and throws away his paper coffee
The housekeeper arrives to cart shaunmoss off to bed.
Chard [Guest] says, "$note_board"
The housekeeper arrives to cart kokhmmm off to bed.
dcarson says, "waiting until the chatter stops"

-- End log: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 11:12:05 pm ASI Meeting Server time --