About FrontlinesThis
is our first issue. In the March 2007 issue of Moon Miners’ Manifesto,
we had announced the Frontlines project, intending to create a
formatted monthly Moon Society news report. This never happened and we
apologize for that. For one, formatted email was something we had not
previously tried, and with all the other things on our plate, we didn’t
have time to experiment. It was always a ways down the priority list.
And we were unable to find out who and how many people were subscribing
to the link given.
Instead, we are now introducing the first
issue of Frontlines as a webpage, with a prominent link on the
Society home page. We intend to report monthly just after the first (of
two) Leadership Council meetings each month. These report will be
archived, so members and visitors can check past reports.
Frontlines, we will report on Society activities, efforts, and
projects. You pay your dues, and have a right to know what we are doing
to make your membership worthwhile and to address your interests in a
place for humans on the Moon.
We have been making steady progress on a wide variety of fronts. We want you to hold us accountable for continuing to do so!
Future editions will be shorter, giving updates only where there is updated information to share.
topApril 2nd Board MeetingAs
of a change in the Society Bylaws adopted a special Board Meeting on
February 6th, At the April 2nd Board meeting, two board seats were
declared vacant. etc. We hope to fill these and other vacancies in the
upcoming election.
Currently in Discussion in Management Council Meetings:
We are discussing a proposed “Game Plan”
to promote the idea of Solar Power Satellite systems constructed of
lunar materials. The draft plan addresses the issue of advancing the
“readiness state” of key technologies (Lunar Building Materials) and
Systems (transportation to/from the Moon) and other elements necessary
to make this dream a reality. If you would like to read a copy of this
proposal, email president@moonsociety.org and we will send you a pdf
file attachment.
We are also discussing various action items in a Draft Strategy report
on how to grow the Society both in numbers, in name recognition, and in
effectiveness in advancing towards our goal, the opening of the Moon to
civilian pioneers. If you would like to read a copy of this
proposal, email president@moonsociety.org and we will send you a pdf
file attachment.
topThe 2008 Moon Society ElectionsHalf
the officers and half the board members are elected each year to
provide continuity. This year the offices open are for President and
Secretary. In addition three of the five board positions are open. The
only incumbent running is Peter Kokh, the current President. But
nominations are welcome for all of these positions. Currently, three
members are considering running for board positions, but additional
nominees are welcome. As yet we have not identified a candidate for the
Secretary position, and the duties thereof continue to be parceled out
to other officers and directors. The ballot must be finalized at the
May 7th Management Council Meeting. So there is still time to put your
hat in the ring and help with the guidance of the society. Newly
elected officers and board members take their posts at the August 20th
meeting. All positions are for two year terms.
Projects in Process: Solar Power Beaming Demonstration exhibit: [
is our first hands-on technology project. The idea is to create a
working demonstration of how Solar power Satellites would work, with
the aim of boosting public support for this initiative. Solar Power
Satellites have been receiving renewed interest since the release of
the National Space Security Office report [
on October 10, 2007. We could not have tackled this project without the
expertise of two persons: Vice-president Charles F. Radley, and Board
Chairman R. Scotty Gammenthaler. The Board has given them full support
including needed funds, to carry this project through to completion. We
are considering building additional units for other groups, so that
more people can see how Solar Power Satellites and Power Beaming works.
You can monitor our progress [
topProjects Being DiscussedWays to tie in to Google Lunar Rover X-Prize.
Suggestions range help with publicity to designing something small (1
kg) and cheap to hitchhike a ride to the Moon on one of the
X-Prize candidate rovers. [example, the color-calibration “sundials” on
the Mars Rovers Spirit and Opportunity. This possibility has not gone
beyond the bare conceptual stage.
University of Luna Project: [
This project, introduced at ISDC 2007 in Dallas, has aroused a lot of
excitement throughout the Lunar community, but we have as yet to find
the resources and funding to make it functionally real. Moon Society
Director of Project Development, David Dunlop, has an idea he is
currently pursing in this regard. Telling you about it would be
Our everything-about-the-Moon online encyclopedia got off to a good
start, but our efforts to attract additional contributors have had
limited success. This project replaces the old Artemis Data Book
project of the Artemis Society. We have now formed a Lunarpedia
Promotion Group. If you want to help, please write James Gholston at
Design Competition: a Fuel Depot in orbit - this is a proposed collaboration with
We’ve learned the hard way that few participate in contests and
competitions unless attractive prizes are at stake. If we get past that
hurdle, we will be making a joint announcement.
Helping the Mexican Space Society
design a modest lunar analog station to be located in Ciudad Juarez
across from El Paso; Last year, Dave Dunlop worked with Jesus Raygoza
to rejuvenate the Mexican Space Society [
and to put together an ambitious low cost proposal for the new Mexican
Space Agency. Raygoza had previously published plans for a MexLunarHab
analog, but the facility in Juarez will be more modest in scope, aimed
at education and publicity and support for more ambitious things to
topAffiliations Update:
Space Nursing Society:
This discussion is grounded in the shared common interest in the Mental
and Physical Health of Lunar Frontier Pioneers. A major article on the
first of these topics that appeared in the February issue of Moon
Miners’ Manifesto has been reedited to appear in the Space Nursing
Society website, while a condensed one page abstract will be printed in
the organizations newsletter which goes to 500+ members. We are working
on a followup article about pioneer physical and physiological health.
Our hope is that similar articles produced by SNS members will be
shared with us for reprinting in MMM.
topCollaborations Update MarsDrive: Google Group: Railroading on Moon and Mars
- In the past month, a lot of material has been posted to illustrate
the design challenges involved. As of April 7th, the group has 17
members. Now we are ready to unveil this project to a wider audience:
railroad buffs and model railroaders at large who may never have looked
at the Moon and Mars as future human frontiers, much less as settings
for railroads, an ideal infrastructure to expand human presence
globally on both worlds.
A Design Competition for an Orbital Fuel Depot. Both parties are now
working to identify funding and sponsors for attractive prizes as well
as to pin down the design entry constraints.
topRecruiting Report To
do something, that is to conduct a project, means someone has to step
up to the plate and take charge. Most active persons in the Society
already have their plates full. There is so much more we could be
doing, but it won’t happen without take charge
are actively seeking a Secretary, a PR Person, a Fund Raiser, and
Artists. Tell us about your talents, areas of expertise, and available
free time. Then we’ll see how we can match you up with a need.
volunteer@moonsociety.org topEvents: Annual Events, ISDC 2008; other conferencesEvery year we have
Space Week, Astronomy Day, Earth Day,
Yuri’s night and other events we can tie into. These are opportunities
primarily for our chapters and outposts, as well as for MMM. In the
future we will be looking at Society-wide ways to celebrate these
occasions that both increase our name recognition and help move the
Society forward.
International Space Development Conference: ISDC 2008:
This “big tent” annual conference, hosted by the National Space
Society, is held this year in downtown Washington DC, the weekend after
Memorial Day Weekend. Moon Society Director of Project Development,
David Dunlop, is chair of
the Moon Track.
hope to have a completed operational Solar Power Beaming Demonstration
unit to contribute to the Exhibit Area. And as usual, we will be
talking collaboration with some of the many groups represented. As we
have signed (at ISDC 2005) a mutual affiliation agreement with NSS,
which is working well for both parties, this is our logical big gig
each year, and an opportunity to meet enthused individuals and movers
and shakers in the back to the Moon movement. Next year’s event will be
in Orlando, FL.
There are
many other space conferences
where it would be good to have a real presence. See Conferences List
2008. But the Society is unable to provide travel and other conference
cost subsidies, which makes it difficult for Society leaders to attend.
We had several members present at the recent Lunar & Planetary
Institute conference in Houston, and at least one at the Space Access
conference in the Phoenix area. If you are going to a conference or
even to a science fiction convention and are willing to put out flyers,
let us know! president@moonsociety.org.
topChapters & Outposts ReportThe new Phoenix and Houston chapters continue to grow, as does Moon Society St. Louis.
are underway to advance outposts in Tucson, San Jose (Bay Area Moon
Society) towards chapter status, and in Longview/Kilgore, Texas towards
student chapter status.
Oregon L5 Our NSS partner chapter
continues to make progress with its lavatube moonbase project in the
Second Life simulation environment.
Outpost Formation Plug - take a look at our
Chapters & Outposts map [http://www.moonsociety.org/chapters/chapter_outpost_map.html]
you live in an area where the Society is not represented, please
consider serving as a local contact person, whether or not you are
willing to try and start an outpost in your area (two or more members
not yet organized and functioning as a chapter.)
chapters-coordinator@moonsociety.org topPublicity Reporttop