About FrontlinesThis
is our third issue. Frontlines is a
formatted monthly Moon Society news report that comes out monthly just after the first (of
two) Management Council meetings each month. These report will be
archived, so members and visitors can check past reports.
Frontlines reports on Society activities, efforts, and
projects. You pay your dues, and have a right to know what we are doing
to make your membership worthwhile and to address your interests in a
place for humans on the Moon.
We have been making steady progress on a wide variety of fronts. We want you to hold us accountable for continuing to do so!
topCurrent Management Council Discussions At
the June 4th Meeting, we discussed future follow up on our success in
exhibiting a finished Solar Power Beaming Desk-top Demonstration Unit.
- We discussed putting together a Questionnaire to be sent to all new
members, asking them to tell us how they first heard about the Moon
Society. The results as they come in will indicate what means of
reaching out are most effective, and in what areas we need to try
harder. This Questionnaire is still a work in progress
We are discussing a proposed “Game Plan”
to promote the idea of Solar Power Satellite systems constructed of
lunar materials. The draft plan addresses the issue of advancing the
“readiness state” of key technologies (Lunar Building Materials) and
Systems (transportation to/from the Moon) and other elements necessary
to make this dream a reality. If you would like to read a copy of this
proposal, email president@moonsociety.org and we will send you a pdf
file attachment. Our success in designing and building a solar power beaming demonstration unit is a good start.
We are also discussing various action items in a Draft Strategy report
on how to grow the Society both in numbers, in name recognition, and in
effectiveness in advancing towards our goal, the opening of the Moon to
civilian pioneers. If you would like to read a copy of this
proposal, email president@moonsociety.org and we will send you a pdf
file attachment.
topThe 2008 Moon Society ElectionsWe
managed to find one volunteer per available slot. Fortunately, each of
these members are highly qualified. More than a dozen other nominations
were solicited. Ben Nault (Tucson) and Fred Hills (Virginia) will run for both 2-year board of directors slots. David Dunlop
(Green Bay, WI) and our Director of Project Development (unpaid staff
position) will run for the remaining year of the director slot vacated
by Randall Severy who has been overburdened. Peter Kokh
(Milwaukee) is willing to run for a third term as President. We did not
have a volunteer for Secretary that met the length of membership
requirement for election, but we did have an otherwise qualified
volunteer. Chuck Lesher
(Phoenix) has been appointed to the post by the Board. His name will not appear on the ballot.
we do not have any contests, we urge members to show their support by
returning their ballot. An email ballot will be sent to all members
with valid email addresses in our database. You may, however, copy the
ballot printed in the May issue of MMM and return it to the Plano, TX
PO Box indicated. Thank you in advance for your support.
Please vote for all three board candidates, as their are three openings.
Moon Miners Manifesto
MMM #216
- June 2008 was published to the pdf file directory on June 13th.
Hardcopies should be in the mail in another week. Hardcopies are mailed
second class and delivery sometime takes two weeks or more. This is the
only affordable mailing option.
Members can download MMM #216 here (username password required)
Projects in Process: Our Solar Power Beaming Demonstration was finished
in time to make its debut at the International Space Development
Conference in Washington DC on Saturday, May 31st. Photos from the conference:The idea was to create a
working demonstration of how Solar power Satellites would work, with
the aim of boosting public support for this initiative. Solar Power
Satellites have been receiving renewed interest since the release of
the National Space Security Office report [
on October 10, 2007. We could not have tackled this project without the
expertise of two persons: Vice-president Charles F. Radley, and Board
Chairman R. Scotty Gammenthaler. The Board has given them full support
including needed funds, to carry this project through to completion.
The enthused response from ISDC attendees was very gratifying, and earned us several new memberships.
are now working to find ways to help other organizations replicate our
working model based on our parts list, list of parts sources,
blueprints, and procedures for building and testing the working parts -
the transmitter and rectifier - and the procedures for getting these
approved by the FCC so that they can be operated in public.
Leadership Council member James Rogers has produced a trifold brochure on the project
topProjects Being DiscussedWays to tie in to Google Lunar Rover X-Prize. We have dropped this idea
after finding out that even if our hitchhiker thingamajig would be
inexpensive to produce, we would have to pay big bucks to fly it aboard
any contender, as such services are how the various contenders are
raising money.
We are seeking your ideas for another Great Project.
It can be a hands on project. If it costs over a thousand dollars to
complete, not including labor which we expect will be donated, we must
include in the project description, ways to raise whatever additional
funds may be needed. As we showed with our Solar Power Beaming
Demonstrator, a project does not have to be expensive to have a major
positive effect. Send your project ideas to
kokhmmm@aol.com or, if you have paper documents and illustrations, mail them to:
Moon Society Program Services
PO Box 080395
Milwaukee, WI 53208-0395
Design Competition: a Fuel Depot in orbit - this is a proposed collaboration with
We’ve learned the hard way that few participate in contests and
competitions unless attractive prizes are at stake. If we get past that
hurdle, we will be making a joint announcement.
Why the diversity of Projects?
That's an easy question to answer. Not only is there so much that needs
attention, but we know that our members have a diversity of interests,
and as we want to deserve your renewals year after year, we are seeking
a wide variety of practical projects. It is important for members to
let us know what types of projects would gain their support, and better
yet, their involvement. We will be polling members to get a better
handle on their interests and abilities. At the same time, we are
limited to projects that are financially doable, either from membership
dues alone, or from successful fundraising efforts. If you are in a
position to do so, your special donations for projects that interest
you will be most helpful.
topThe Proposed Lunar Analog Research Station:
the drive back to Wisconsin from ISDC, Dave Dunlop (Green Bay) and
Peter Kokh (Milwaukee) began brainstorming a whole new concept for a
Lunar Analog Research Station. Lately, we have been discussing the
advisability of an International Lunar Campus
as opposed to a stand alone NASA moon base (and other unconnected
national lunar outposts.) In this paradigm, all spacefaring nations
would be invited to contribute whatever they wished, and private
enterprise would be welcome to establish facilities for providing
services to the various national complexes: power generation, power
storage, managed warehousing, LOX production, biological life support
system maintenance services etc.
Our new idea for a Lunar Analog
Research Complex here on Earth would be similar. The Moon Society could
develop its own complex at the chosen site. NASA and other agencies
would be welcome to do likewise, as would prospective contractors
wanting a place to develop and demonstrate the services they could
offer on the Moon.
This idea goes way beyond what the Mars Society tried to do with some real success, all by itself.
Our goal is to prepare for a fully functional moon base with continuous buildout in the direction of a first genuine settlement.
all this is easier said than done! But we wanted to share with you our
excitement about this major escalation in our planning. More to come,
as we make progress towards making it real.
topCollaborations Update MarsDrive: Google Group: Railroading on Moon and Mars
- In the past month, with our attention preoccupied with preparations
for a major presence at ISDC 2008 at the end of May, this project
languished for lack of attention. We have not forgotten, and will get
back to it. Peter Kokh had a chance to meet MarsDrive's vice-president
Hal Fulton at ISDC.
A Design Competition for an Orbital Fuel Depot. Both parties are now
working to identify funding and sponsors for attractive prizes as well
as to pin down the design entry constraints.
topRecruiting Report To
do something, that is to conduct a project, means someone has to step
up to the plate and take charge. Most active persons in the Society
already have their plates full. There is so much more we could be
doing, but it won’t happen without "take charge"
Our #1 priority is a volunteer PR Person.We also need volunteer Fund Raisers, Writers,
Modelers, Artists, Project Managers, and more. Tell us about your
talents, areas of expertise, and available
free time. Then we’ll see how we can match you up with a need.
volunteer@moonsociety.org topEvents: Annual Events, ISDC 2008; other conferencesInternational Space Development Conference: ISDC 2009 will be held May 7-10 in Orlando, Florida.
Our David Dunlop is already signed up as chair of
the Moon Track.
There are
many other space conferences
where it would be good to have a real presence. See
Conferences List
2008. But the Society is unable to provide travel and other conference
cost subsidies, which makes it difficult for Society leaders to attend.
We had several members present at the recent Lunar & Planetary
Institute conference in Houston, and at least one at the Space Access
conference in the Phoenix area. If you are going to a conference or
even to a science fiction convention and are willing to put out flyers,
let us know!
topChapters & Outposts ReportSt. Louis,
Houston, and
report meetings and other activities.
Outpost Formation Plug - take a look at our
Chapters & Outposts map [http://www.moonsociety.org/chapters/chapter_outpost_map.html]
are active local support groups of 1 or more members not yet organized
as a chapter. We have active outposts in the South San Francisco Bay
Area (Silicon Valley / San Jose), Tucson, Longview/Kilgore TX.
a result of our presence at ISDC in Washington, DC, we recruited at
least four new members in Washington-Baltimore Metroplex area. We are
hoping to be able to resurrect the former
Mid-Atlantic Chapter, under that or another name.
Partner Groups - We
are also represented by three NSS chapters and one Canadian independent
chapter in Calgary AB who partner with us, in Portland OR, the Twin Cities,
and Milwaukee. We hope to add San Diego, Seattle, and Chicago
to that list. Several other NSS chapters get MMM and can read the Moon
Society Journal section: Sheboygan WI, Denver, and Philadelphia. All
these chapters will welcome you if you live in their area.
you live in an area where the Society is not represented, please
consider serving as a local contact person, whether or not you are
willing to try and start an outpost in your area (two or more members
not yet organized and functioning as a chapter.)
chapters-coordinator@moonsociety.org topPublicity Reporttop