What’s New in the Moon Society?

Volume 2008, Issue October

Current Management Council Actions & Discussions
Awards for outstanding service
Moon Miners' Manifesto
Project Teams
Chapters & Outposts                        
A MS Science Fiction Publication?
Meetings Calendar
Pre-Frontlines Reports

All Reports
Frontlines past issues:
2008 - April
2008 - May
2008 - June
2008 - July
2008 - August

About Frontlines

This is our seventh issue. Frontlines is a formatted monthly Moon Society news report that comes out each month just after the first (of two) Management Council meetings each month, and/or after the publication of the month's issue of Moon Miners Manifesto. These reports are being archived, so members and visitors can check past reports.

Frontlines reports on Society activities, efforts, and projects. You pay your dues, and have a right to know what we are doing to make your membership worthwhile and to address your interests in a place for humans on the Moon.

We have been making steady progress on a wide variety of fronts. We want you to hold us accountable for continuing to do so!


Current Management Council Actions & Discussions

At the October 1st Meeting, we discussed progress on building an improved, more durable (handling-hardy)  version of our Solar Power Beaming Desk-top Demonstration Unit for two high profile clients. We would base the proposed online "kit" on this improved version. This kit would include diagrams, blueprints. parts list, parts sources, instructions, permit procedures, etc. The idea of the kit is to allow other groups to build their own SPB-demo unit. The more units out there at more conferences and outreach events, the more the public at large would become familiar with the principles of space solar power and solar power beaming. Attendees were also briefed on the two Orlando area conferences at which Dave Dunlop would be exhibiting our unit.

We also discussed ways to attract a greater percentage of women, youth, and minorities. Some of these ideas are presented in the October issue of MMM #219, page 10.

Ben Nault, our new director from the Tucson Outpost, has since brought up the idea of having a non-geographically-based "Student Section" for student members at large. We will be looking at this idea closely in the coming weeks and hope to make an announcement soon.

The President's plan for a series of "Town Meetings" on the ASI-MOO met with general approval. See below.


Awards of Recognition to Moon Society Members For Outstanding Service in the past year

By The President of the Moon Society, September, 17, 2008

On the Occasion of the 1st Annual Moon Society Membership Meeting, the President would like to recognize the following for outstanding service to the Society in the past year.

Charles F. Radley & James A. Rogers for their work on our MySpace, Facebook,  and Change.org websites. Charles has been tireless in looking for new opportunities to extend the Moon Society presence, and has been a "working vice-president" in the best sense of the word.James, in his mid-20s, brings the vigor and perspective of youth into our deliberations, and has taken on the lead in Public Relations.

Charles F. Radley, R. Scott Gammenthaler, and Paul Blase for their work to create our table-top Solar Power Beaming Demo, get it approved, and assembled at ISDC 2008.

Craig D. Porter and Eric H. Bowen for starting two dynamic new chapters in Phoenix and Houston respectively. The Phoenix chapter has been exceptionally busy with various outreach opportunities. The Houston chapter has set up a Forum for the use of the entire society as well as for individual chapters.

David A. Dunlop for assisting Chip Proser in setting up interviews to be videotaped for additional Moon Colony Video productions at both ISDC 2007 and ISDC 2008, for putting together the Moon Track at ISDC 2008, and volunteering to do the same for ISDC 2009 in Orlando, for starting the Green Bay Wisconsin Outpost and for resurrecting the Experimental Lunar Agriculture project he began in the early 1990s, and for continued promotion of the University of Luna Project, and for efforts to start a number of academic student chapters. Finally for his efforts in helping brainstorm a number of new Moon Society initiatives as well as producing material for MMM.

Ben Nault and Fred L. Hills for accepting an invitation to run for the Board of Directors. Ben has started an outpost in Tucson and has suggested a Youth Section that would be non-geographical for younger members at large. Fred is trying to do so in the Washington-Baltimore area and helped set up our arrangement with the NASA Federal Credit Union,  Fred has also submitted articles and short fiction to Moon Miners’ Manifesto, and personally recruited new members at ISDC 2008.

Dr. Peter J. Schubert for his outstanding work in putting together a proposal to cosponsor a Planet Earth & Space Conference that would endeavor to  bring together representatives from the environmental and space movements, and to start a continuing conversation between these two cultures both determined to save our planet for posterity. Peter has also proposed that Solar Power Satellites constructed largely of lunar materials be a major focus of the Moon Society, serving to unify all our various projects.

I would like to thank all officers and directors of the past and current terms for their dedication and strong support of the goals of this Society, for all they have done to transform us into an energetic and productive "Little Engine That Could."

It is my honor and privilege to have served and to continue to serve with such an outstanding crew.

Framable Certificates will arrive in the mail.


Moon Miners Manifesto

MMM #219 - October 2008, was published October 14 th. This issue contains the 3rd installment of Phil Harris' major article, "Lunar Enterprises and Development" which is being run exclusively in Moon Miners' Manifestos.

Members can download MMM pdf files here (username password required) If you have no username and password, or have forgotten it, please contact us as soon as possible and we'll get you up and running


Project Teams

In the past month, we have added more material under each Project Team listed on the Project Teams page. Simply follow the links. This material is published to better explain to members and visitors what each team is doing or intends to do. If you have an interest in any of these teams, email the contact person or persons listed for each Project Team. The work of these well-defined projects with specific goals and targets, will help the Society make progress towards the establishment of a viable civilian frontier on the Moon.

Each Project Team may want and prefer different types of web space. We are working now to set that up, in order to support ongoing activities and help bring new team members up to speed.


Chapters & Outposts Report

The Green Bay, Wisconsin Outpost recently established by David Dunlop) has picked up a 3rd member and has now met the conditions for a Student/Campus chapter and renamed CMN (The College of the Menominee Nation, Green Bay Campus, a Native American institution!) Three cheers for Dave !!!

The new chapter begins with two project area activities already ongoing:
The Society's first Student/Campus Chapter at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, disbanded when leader Jonathan Goff graduated. Goff was hired by Masten Space Systems, and has since served a term as a Society board member. The problem of lack of continuity is a major one and we will be insisting that grooming the next generation of leaders be "project #1" for Student/Campus chapters

Dave's approach is to look at activities already ongoing in each institution, and contacting the faculty persons in charge of those that would fit well in the Moon Society's goals.

Thus, as soon as enough people are identified to create a chapter, it can start with well-defined projects already underway, funding and all! Three cheers for our hard-working Director of Project Development.

The Houston Moon Society's planned September 22nd meeting became an early victim of Hurricane Ike. The chapter's next meeting is set for Monday, December 1st.

The Phoenix Moon Society has drafted and adopted bylaws, which can serve as a template for other chapters seeking to do likewise.

An Outpost consists of one or more members in a local community that serve as (a) local contact(s) for area members and prospective members of the Society, and which have not yet met the qualifications to be given a chapter charter. To establish an outpost and become a local contact person for the society, write the Chapters Coordinator.

Outpost Formation Plug - take a look at our Chapters & Outposts map [http://www.moonsociety.org/chapters/chapter_outpost_map.html]

If you live in an unrepresented area, why not take the plunge?
We are ready to give you plenty of help and direction, including names and addresses of current and former members in your area (xx miles form your zip code)

There is plenty of material and how-to information on the Space Chapters Hub website that we share with the chapters of The National Space Society and The Mars Society..

Write: chapters-coordinator@moonsociety.org

Events: Annual Events, ISDC, other conferences, other events and observances

International Space Development Conference: ISDC 2009 will be held May 7-10 in Orlando, Florida.
Our David Dunlop is already signed up as chair of the Moon Track.

Dave Dunlop exhibited our Solar Power Beaming Demonstration Unit at The Workshop on the State of SBSP Technology by the Air Force Research Laboratory, October 2-3, 2008 in Lake Buena Vista (Orlando) and is set to likewise at The 10th ILEWG International Conference on Exploration and Utilization of the Moon, October 27-31, 2008 in Orlando.


Publicity Report

MMM Library subscriptions project courtesy of the Lunar Reclamation Society, publishers of MMM. We have received 6 so far. If you would like to have MMM go to your local library, send ch/mo for $10 (one year) to the publishers,
“Lunar Reclamation Society”
PO Box 2102
Milwaukee, WI 53201
(include the name and address of the library)
  • Looking for volunteers to put out flyers at various space conferences and science fiction conventions they may be attending. Let us know about space conferences and science fiction cons that you are planning to attend. Write president@moonsociety.org

A Moon Society Fiction Publication?

Our predecessor Artemis Society organization had a hardcopy science-fiction / science-fact publication called Artemis Magazine. Magazine print-publishing is very expensive and requires a considerable subscription base. Artemis lasted 8 issues, two years.

The MMM Editor (Peter Kokh) has wanted to put out a fiction rag for years. It was considered seriously in 1994 when the code name was "PSSST!" for Plausible Solar System Settlement Tales.

Now we have a first edition of "Moonbeams: Plausible Solar System Settlement Tales" that has been sent to some key people (including, of course, the contributors) for review including feedback on technical and legal issues. Pending favorable comments and Leadership approval, a public unveiling could come soon. Moonbeams (if that remains the title) will be published only electronically, as a pdf file, that anyone can download. It would not be reserved to members only.

We believe that there is a real place for something like this. Plausible fiction (sorry, no magic, no time travel, no faster than light, no transporters, etc.) can illustrate the possibilities for a lunar frontier and other solar system frontiers. And that can encourage members and visitors alike to become active in promoting such futures/

That said, the MMM Editor is committed only to the introduction of this first issue. He hopes that with the layout work and the "tradition" now begun, someone else, or a team of several, will come forth to carry it on. How often would Moonbeams be published? As often as we had enough submissions to make it worthwhile. So publication frequency could be somewhat irregular at first. The introductory issue included two stories not previously published and four shorter pieces that have been printed in MMM through the years.

If you would like to encourage this development, or possibly get involved as a writer, as an editor or assistant editor, or as an artist or illustrator, please write us at kokhmmm@aol.com with "fiction" in the subject line.

Leadership/Management Council MeetingsTown Meetings

We meet on the ASI-MOO on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday nights monthly, 9-11 pm ET, 8-10 pm CT, 7-9 pm MT, 6-8 pm Moon Leaders room. Directions from the Commons: "north", then "moon-leaders"
Anyone may choose to audit our meetings and to contribute input to discussions. Use your Moon Society username and password, or sign in as a guest. Note: let us know in advance so we can tell the Door Dragon to let you in!

Next:  October 15, November 5, November 19, December 3, December 17

Town Hall Meetings - This is something new, and our next will be our first. These meetings will be held in the ASI-MOO in the Auditorium. Directions from the Commons: "NorthWest" - The meetings will have no agenda, though there may be introductory remarks, and the President may suggest topics needing input at various times during the meeting. We will try this on the 2nd Wednesday evening (same place, same time slots as the leaders/management meetings) of each quarter except Fall (when our annual membership meeting is scheduled: (2008) none (October 8th would be the logical Fall date but it follows the annual membership meeting too closely), (2009) January 14, April 8, July 8, October 14. This is a tentative schedule, and we will see what happens at the first such meeting on January 14th. Note: Peter Kokh plans on being in the Auditorium on the October 8th time slot just in case someone does show up.)

Why Wednesday and why that time slot? Well, that's what the Society leaders are used to. They will not be "expected" to attend, but of course are most welcome to do so. In these meetings, we want to hear from members (current and former), from visitors, from friends, etc.

If you have never been on the ASI-MOO, check out this page.
in the