Management Council
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Moon Society Elections 2009Town Meeting Discussions including an Apollo Moon Party
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Pre-Frontlines Reports 2008.02.15 2006.01.30 All Reports |
Frontlines past
During our July semiannual publishing break (No July MMM), we hope to put out two special issues of the MMM Classics, collecting all the Mars-theme articles from years 1-10 and years 11-20 respectively. Development of a Martian frontier, apace with development of a lunar frontier, seems to us necessary for the economic viability of both, as trading partners.An Introductory version of the new MMM Glossary, was published May 19th. The illustrated introductory version lists over 300 terms, some new words, some old words given no meaning. Many more entries are "under construction" or at least on the "to enter" list.
INDIAEvents: Annual Events, ISDC, other conferences, other events and observancesSee MMM-India Quarterly - a free access pdf file newsletterCHILE - See the Town Meeting Report for June 10, 2009 above
President Peter Kokh and Director of Project Development, a team that doubles as Editor and Assistant Editor of MMM-India Quarterly, have been encouraged by the reaction in India to the first two issues of "M3IQ" which response has included three inquiries about setting up Moon Society chapters in India.
We see enormous potential and considerable enthusiasm. To move this effort up a notch, we've added a link on the "About the Society Page" and a fresh page introducing our expanding initiatives within India.
This effort is still in the infancy stage, but the only policy that makes sense is an actively progressive one. In the end, it will be individuals and groups within India who make this effort their own, that will make this a successful venture.
We have taken advantage of sizable student groups from India attending the ISDC in 2008 and again in 2008, and with as many contacts in India as we can find.
Dan Hawk, representing the Green Bay 'chapter and College of Menominee Nation, provided the rocket exhibit which really attracted a lot of attention and made our booth a literal standout. Dan had also arranged for the Lunar Lava tube base model from WI Space Grant Consortium headquartered at UWGB.Moon Society participation in the Space Solar Alliance for Future Energy (SSAFE) meeting - Dave Dunlop was an active participant and also took part in the space solar power planning sessions at the end of the conference including emphasizing the importance of connections with the environmental
Dan also presented work on the Lunax project with pictures of the plants grown in lunar simulant and examples of simulant and investigations of Groveland mine tailing as a potential analog material
The Moon Society booth was also used for the backdrop of the a TV interview with Buzz Aldrin.
We have discussed exhibiting the unit during the Milwaukee Apollo Moon Party, July 18, 19th but this depends on security issues
Dr. Peter Schubert has had discussions with the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry about a role for our exhibit in their planned "Future of Energy" exhibit.
Meanwhile, Dave Dunlop and Peter Kokh have put production of an online kit (how to build your own solar power beaming demo unit) on the front burner as interest is very high.
As Chicago is a 90 mile hour and a half commute from where most of the Moon Society (and Lunar Reclamation Society) exhibits are stored (in Milwaukee) we expect to provide a major contribution to the exhibit room. And as we have worked closely with the conference organizers for over twenty years, we expect a good chunk of presentation opportunities as
Hotel room rates and conference registration rates will be considerably lower than those in Orlando.
The hotel is brand new - The Intercontinental O'Hare. (map) (Hotel's in Chicago's downtown "Loop" have a very hight hotel tax.)
Chicago has excellent air connections to everywhere. (Flights to Midway will involve higher transit costs to the hotel which is near O'Hare.) Plan now on coming, or at least keep the dates open!