What’s New in the Moon Society?

Frontlines Masthead
Volume 2010, Issue November
Published November 11, 2010 - updated November 13th

Management Council Actions & Discussions
Town Meeting Discussions
Moon Miners' Manifesto, other Publications
Chapters & Outposts   
International Presence                   
Meetings Calendar

Pre-Frontlines Reports
All Reports
Frontlines past issues:
2008 2009 2010



May (no report)

About Frontlines

This is our 32nd issue. Frontlines is a formatted monthly Moon Society news report that comes out each month just after the first (of two) Management Council meetings each month, and/or after the publication of the month's issue of Moon Miners Manifesto. These reports are being archived, so members and visitors can check past reports.

Frontlines reports on Society activities, efforts, and projects. You pay your dues, and have a right to know what we are doing to make your membership worthwhile, and to address your interests in a place for humans on the Moon.

We have been making steady progress on a wide variety of fronts. We want you to hold us accountable for continuing to do so!


Current Management Council Actions & Discussions

November 3rd Meeting
At this meeting, we introduced our first engineering concept competitions aimed at student groups, and decided to match a Lunar Reclamation Society Prize of $500, as well as lobby the National Space Society to do likewise, in all instances, drawing upon the recently received bequest funds. There was overall enthusiasm about this initiative, which we were taking to the SEDS SpaceVision conference the following weekend. More below. For details, see SEDS below.

The next Management Committee Meeting will be on Wednesday, November 17th
If you would like the Management Committee to consider a new initiative or idea, contact president@moonsociety.org
Town Meeting Discussions  and our Annual Membership Meeting

NOTE: We did not have the Quarterly Town Meeting scheduled on Skype group chat Wednesday November 10, 2010
I take responsibility for this. There had been very poor attendance at the last one in May. And we had not sent out a reminder announcement. My apology to any one inconvenienced.

The next Quarterly window is February 9th, 2011. If we decide to try again, we will send out an email announcement to all members.
The time is Time: 9-11 pm ET, 8-10 pm CT, 7-9 pm MT, 6-8 pm PT Wed = 2-4 am Thurs UT (GMT)
Town Meetings will be held the week before the Board Meetings in February, May, and November - that is, three times a year - There is a calendar listing Society Meetings at the bottom of the Conferences 2010 page. You may download this one-page ready-to-print calendar with several artwork options from the bottom of our Downloads Page.
If you do not have Skype, please go to www.skype.com and download this free software. Do not download Skype 4.0 as on that version, group chat is not allowed. But Skype 4.1 is okay! When you register for it, you will be prompted to select a "Skype name" this can be your name in the format "first last" all lower case, or you can pick a nickname.

go to the top menu and click on Contacts, "Add a Contact" and search for Peter Kokh
and select peterkokh, and add to your new contacts list. Then, when you want to join the meeting, just click on his name in your contact list and you should immediately find yourself in the Town Meeting group chat.


Ongoing collaborations with other organizations:
SEDS - Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
Moon Society Director of Project Management and I attended SEDS SpaceVsion 2010, their annual conference at the University of Illinois-Champaign-Urbana (UICU) 140 miles south of Chicago, the weekend of November 5-7th.
We presented a pair of engineering design competitions, open to SEDS chapters and to other student groups.$1,500 in Prize money for each competition would be donated by the Moon Society, the Lunar Reclamation Society, and the National Space Society ($500 from each for each) from recently received bequest funds. We will be seeking cosponsorship from other groups as well.
One engineering design competition, The Lavatube Skylight Explorer,  will focus on the challenge of exploring lava tube skylights that have recently been discovered on both Moon (in the maria lava seas) and on Mars (on the slopes of  its great shield volcanoes.) Download the latest version of our Powerpoint Presentation.

The other is a CubeSat-based Solar Sail Comsat to be designed in a competition by student teams. The probe would use its solar sails to visit the L4 and L5 Earth-Moon Lagrange points, characterize their expected dust bowls (Sargasso See-like concentrations of space "flotsam") and then go into low lunar orbit, using their solar sails to prevent orbital decay, and thus pioneer the way for constellations of lunar communications and GPS satellites, needed for the opening of the lunar frontier. Currently, when their thruster fuel supplies are exhausted, the orbits of lunar probes decay from Mascon interference and crash into the lunar surface. Solar Sails would provide an ingenious escape from that fate.  We have not yet put together a Powerpoint Presentation on this competition.

We are delighted to have the support of the National Space Society and SEDS on both competitions, and there was a high level of interest on both competitions at UIUC.

The time line will be set by academic needs. So we will try to perfect the design and competition constraints and rules so that Students can engage in one or both in the 2011-2012 school year. Unfortunately, we did not have all this ready months ago, but then, months ago, we did not know that we would be getting a bequest.
Affiliation with SEDS. NSS Sand SEDS are already affiliated. It is time we enter the fray. Our society, like all others, is graying. What better way to attract students and young people in general than by partnering an organization whose members have self-selected themselves for interest in space.
We will be putting to the Moon Society Board a proposal to amend the bylaws to create a new class of membership: student chapters, in which the student chapters, not its members, become members of the Moon Society. But SEDS students would have access to the electronic version of MMM for the duration of their membership in the SEDS chapter. After they graduate or move on, we would have an attractive "first year" membership registration offer for them. The details of this proposal are yet to be worked out, to minimize pitfalls of abuse and other problems.

Next year's SEDS SpaceVision Conference will be held in November, 2011 at the University of Colorado Boulder campus. The Moon Society plans to stay involved.
As part of ramping up these two competitions, we are already talking to OpenLuna.org, Space Frontier Foundation, and other groups such as American Lunar Society, AIAA, ExploreMars.org, MarsDrive, The Mars Foundation, and NASA-Glenn in Cleveland where there is an underutilized 510 ft drop tower that would be ideal for demonstrating student Lavatube Skylight Explorer equipment. We welcome donations to the cash prizes, as well as of donations of software, equipment, or other things desirable to student groups. We welcome those who can only help with publicity as well.
Another idea we proposed is to encourage the formation of an at large NSS chapter of alumni of the International Space University, to act in advisory role to both NSS and the Moon Society in designing student contests and competitions.

The National Space Society:
In addition to our collaboration on these two engineering concept competitions, we will be announcing shortly our collaboration with NSS on the Kalam-NSS Energy Initiative that has been very much in the news of late. This is a proposal to accelerate demonstrations of space-based solar power, and to address the technological challenges involved. In the background would be a new collaboration between the United States and India on this effort. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam is the former president of India. Previously he had been a major rocket scientist at ISRO, India's Space Research Organization. Kalam sees the benefit not only as limitless clean power, but also as a way to provide clean drinking water to the billions of people living in areas where there is simply not enough water, let alone clean water.

Kalam had been invited to speak at ISDC 2010 in Chicago, and though he could not attend in person, did so by television, and took advantage of this opportunity to challenge the National Space Society to be his partner in selling this proposal to the G20 - the group of 20 nations that together produce 80% of the world's economic wealth.  But in the aftermath of ISDC, there was little or no response from NSS, at least not publicized.

We then took advantage of a unique opportunity to present Dr. Kalam with our University of Luna Award while he was visiting Toronto. Within a week of this, Kalam and NSS announced that the challenge would be accepted. The Moon Society may only have played a footnote role, but sometimes that's what it takes to get things going. Dr. Kalam is now aware of our Moon Miners' Manifesto India Quarterly, and of the Moon Society, and Moon Society India. We, not NSS, produced the working solar power beaming tabletop demonstration unit which made its debut at ISDC 2008. And we helped encourage ISDC to invite Kalam to speak.

Our future role in this will be to call attention to the economic advantages of using lunar resources instead of terrestrial ones, for construction of the great bulk of components for solar power satellites and for Geosynchronous platforms that could host hundreds of individual communications and other satellites, thus decongesting GEO and ensuring continued economic growth of Earth's Econosphere. We will also contribute by calling for development of clean launchers to launch SPS systems coming from Earth. Not to do so defeats the environmental benefits of SPS systems.

Moon Miners Manifesto & Other Moon Society Publications

MMM #240 November issue PDF file was published November 1st. The file was sent to the printer Novembere 13th for hardcopy circulation, after preparation of the mailing database. This issue completes MMM's 24th year

MMM is not published in January or July MMM is not published in January or July (to give the editor a semi-annual burnout prevention break and time to get recharged)

Members can download MMM pdf files Selenology pdf files here (username password required for both)
 If you have no username and password, or have forgotten it, please contact us as soon as possible and we'll get you up and running

The MMM-India Quarterly #8 was published late in October. Issue #9 is scheduled for January 2011.
All "M3IQ" issues may be freely downloaded from this address
MOONSCAPES first three issues have been published and sent to all current email addresses on file.
The fourth issue will be published shortly.
If you have not received a copy, write moonscapes@moonsociety.org
These issues are archived online at: http://www.moonsociety.org/publications/moonscapes/2010/
You can always unsubscribe at any time by simply clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each issue.
Banner Image for Moonscapes

We are excited about this project and the possibilities of reaching more people this way.
If we have a current email address for you in our database, you will receive a copy
There is an automated "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of each issue, should you prefer not to get further issues

NOTE: f you are a user of Verizon'x or Earthlink's spam-blocking services
and do not check requests to whitelist certain Moon Society addresses (president@moonsociety.org, teamdirector@moonsociety.org, kokhmmm@aol.com), you will not receive it.
Any "blocked" email addresses will be removed from our database;  cooperation is a two-way street1

Your input on the first and future issues will be much appreciated.

MMM Themes Collections -
The following issues have been published:
We are working on the following
  • Lavatubes on Moon and Mars
  • The Lunar Economy (Exo-economics)
  • At Home on the Moon
  • Lunar surface activities
These Theme Issues are, like the Classics, free access pdf files, no member username and password needed. See download address above.

These publications will appear as we find time to put them together. A fringe benefit of organizing all past articles by theme, is that it can serve as preparation for an eventual “MMM the Book.” That is a project title, not the book title, which will be determined later.

Introducing new special "Vector" pages:
Members and visitors may wonder what the Moon Society stance may be on interrelated space issues. The following pages are now online:
Yet to come:
  • http://www.moonsociety.org/astronomy/
  • others?
We hope to make these pages accessible by direct link from our homepage. The current idea is to add a "Vectors Menu" just below the "Destinations Menu" in the right hand column of our homepage.

An Introductory version of the new MMM Glossary
was published May 19th, 2009. The illustrated introductory version lists over 300 terms, some new words, some old words given no meaning. New entries are being added from time to time.

Many people have asked us to produce a "subject index to MMM." As the glossary grows and matures, it will become just that or a working substitute.

But perhaps even more essentially, it will serve as a guide to the wide-ranging content of MMM, which many new members, not bothering to read through the MMM Classics, will not fully realize after just their first year's ten issues.
The Glossary is an "Explore Me First" guide, not just to MMM but to the hopes and aspirations and goals of The Moon Society.

Moonbeams #7 is still open for submissions:  The editor  is Chuck Lesher, of Moon Society Phoenix.
If you have a "high frontier" tale in you, work it out and email it to moonbeams@moonsociety.org

To download the first six issues, go to the archive site Moonbeams issues are freely available in pdf file format, and members and visitors are welcome to circulate them freely and widely. The purpose is to provide fictional illustrations of what life could like on the Lunar Frontier and elsewhere within the Solar System.
2010 1-sheet Meetings Calendars have been published, in 7 artwork versions, 4 horizontal, 3 vertical
Just print on card stock and frame
A new issue of Selenology has been published.
The Summer 2010 issue of this newsletter from our affiliate The American Lunar Society can be downloaded from this directory, using your Moon Society member username and password - http://moonsociety.org/members/selenology/

Chapters & Outposts Report
- see the updated map of Moon Society Chapters and Outposts
Also check our regularly updated Chapter Events page

Society Chapters come in two versions: Community-based (St. Louis, Phoenix, Houston, Tucson) and Campus based. The San Diego Outpost has four members and meets every other month, but has not organized (selected officers.)

Volunteers are attempting to form chapters in Nashville, Memphis, and Knoxville (all in Tennessee) and in Indianapolis, IN, and Dallas-Ft Worth, TX, and in the Washington DC metro area. If you live in one of these areas and would like to be involved, contact chapters-coordinato@moonsociety.org

The Houston chapter
has now combined resources and meetings with the NSS Houston (Clear Lake) chapter. The Milwaukee Outpost now has four member but will not organize separately, but continue to  meet conjointly with the Lunar Reclamation Society NSS chapter which has been partnering with the Moon Society, and with Artemis Society International before it, since 1995.
An updated look at chapter events.
What is an "Outpost?"
An Outpost consists of one or more members in a local community that serve as (a) local contact(s) for area members and prospective members of the Society, and which have not yet met the qualifications to be given a chapter charter. To establish an outpost and become a local contact person for the society, write the Chapters Coordinator. There is no reason why a prospective campus chapter cannot start as an outpost, one or more not-yet-organized members.

International Chapters - see below

Outpost Formation Plug - take a look at our Chapters & Outposts map

If you live in an unrepresented area, why not take the plunge?

We are ready to give you ample help and direction, including names and addresses of current and former members in your area (xx miles form your zip code location.)

There is plenty of material and how-to information on the Space Chapters Hub website that we share with the chapters of The National Space Society and The Mars Society..

Write: chapters-coordinator@moonsociety.org

International Scene
LATIN AMERICA - visit our Español page - our Spanish language clone is in very early stages of construction
Puerto Rico
The Moon Society cosponsored Puerto Rico Space Congress which was to be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 23-27, 2010, has been canceled because of below-minimum registrations. This is a disappointment, but not unexpected given the current economic times.
Mexico has finally approved its own Space Agency, AEXA, and is deciding on a headquarters site. The government and has picked a launch site in Quintano Roo State in the Yucatan Peninsula on the Carri bean Coast just north of Belize.

The state of Jalisco (Guadalajara) is bidding for the AEXA HQ site, and is considering a space theme park north of Guadalajara that will include a lunar analog facility open to tourists; the MexLunarHab. We have been working in Mexico through our agent, Jesus Raygoza.

Even though Mexico does not have the capacity to launch crews into space, a Mexican Astronaut Corp is a proposal under serious consideration. It would train candidates for employment by other space agencies, and for commercial launch carriers. In the meantime, they would act as space ambassadors to young people and the public alike.
news!  -  Moon/Mars Atacama Research Station - In the aftermath of Chile's recent Earthquake, focus shifted  elsewhere, but behind the scened, organizational activities of a Chilean Center of Excellence continued. The spotlight is back on this effort and the Chilean government has indicated its strong support.

The Institutional lead has shifted from the University of Atacama in Copiapo, to the University of Antofagasta in the port city of that name. Robert Zubrin in his recent visit to the country tried to delete the first M (Moon) out of MMARS, but that is unlikely to happen. If he should prevail, however, this will become another narrowly focused MDRS like facility, not the super facility we have been outlining. We will have to wait and see what happens.

If the Moon Society's role in Chile is to expand beyond a merely advisory one, we need to develop a family of chapters within Chile to play a supporting role at MMARS.  And we need to clone the Society "in Español."

Our decision to spin off a Spanish Language Moon Society website
and to create a number of papers and flyers in Spanish, should help promote this effort, as well as to promote the creation of Spanish-language Moon Society chapters in Mexico and in Chile, the two nations in which our efforts are currently concentrated.

On August 16th, Argentina announced the creation of its own Space Agency, complete with a planned launch facility at the Puerto Belgrano Naval Station situated next to Punta Alta, near Bahía Blanca, about 700 km (435 mi) south of Buenos Aires. The country will build its own satellites and rockets.

MMM-Spanish Quarterly Protect Update
- June 7, 2010
"Manifiesto Mineros de la Luna Trimestral" - proposed title, translation double checked
proposed Spanish Language masthead
Dave Dunlop, Moon Society Director of Project Development and Society President Pater Kokh, have worked on a plan to advance this project. Peter will:
1) Solicit articles from known Spanish-speaking colleagues,
2) Have Goggle translate existing and new MMM articles
3) Provide or suggest some illustrations
4) Perhaps a fresh appeal to members for a volunteer editor
5) Consult with NSS, who might want to cosponsor such a publication
This project needs not just a special Editor but an Editorial Team with members from Mexico, Spain, Puerto Rico, Chile, Argentina, Peru, and other interested countries, including someone from the Spanish speaking community in the U.S.

In the meantime, we will address the items listed above.

Apropos, the 6th Space Conference of the Americas (CEA) will be  in the city of Pachuca, the capital of the central Mexican state of Hidalgo. November 15-19, 2010.
See MMM-India Quarterly - a free access pdf file newsletter

MMM-India Quarterly #7was published July 1st. M3IQ #8 should be published in October.
The Newly announced Moon Society India is moving swiftly to come into its own. Indian writers have contributed a major portion of the 5th, 6th, and 7th issue of Moon Miners' Manifesto - India Quarterly - "M3IQ" as we have come to call it.
Eventually, M3IQ will get a new name and a new look and be put together inside India. This is as it should be, and we in the Moon Society look forward to the Moon Society India organization coming into its own, with pride and satisfaction.
(2) From Moon Society India leader Pradeep Mohandas
The Moon Society India is in the final stage of incorporation in Delhi; and has a presence in Mumbai, Chennai, Bhopal, and soon in Pune and Kolkata.
Those interested in helping create Moon Society chapters in India should contact  moonsocietyindia@gmail.com
The member-organized Moon-Mine Project in central Sweden, which we have been support, is encountering problems with the owner of the property,  and Niklas Jarvstrat, project organizer is becoming discouraged. He may move to Oxford, England, UK and will look into usable abandoned mine sites in that country.

The Moon Society is looking more International every day.
Events: Annual Events, ISDCs and more.

Space Tourism Month April 2011
Space tourism will be the focus of our April 2011 issue of MMM, #244, and of the Spring issue of our Science-Fiction magazine, Moonbeams.  Submissions welcome (moonbeams@moonsociety.org)

May 20-23, 2011 -
International Space Development Conference: ISDC 2011 in Huntsville, AL
This time the dates are for the weekend before Memorial Day Weekend
July 26 - August 7th, 2011 - 40th anniversary of Apollo 15 - we are considering a number of contests and competitions


Publicity Report

MMM Library subscriptions project courtesy of the Lunar Reclamation Society, publishers of MMM.
We have received 6 so far.  If you would like to have MMM go to your local library,
send ch/mo for $13 (one year) to the publishers,

“Lunar Reclamation Society”
PO Box 2102
Milwaukee, WI 53201
(include the name and address of the library)

Looking for volunteers to put out fliers at various space conferences and science fiction conventions
they may be attending. Let us know about space conferences and science fiction cons that you are planning to attend. Write president@moonsociety.org


CALENDAR for Leadership/Management Committee Meetings

We meet on the ASI-MOO on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday nights monthly, 9-11 pm ET, 8-10 pm CT, 7-9 pm MT, 6-8 pm Moon Leaders room. Directions from the Commons: "north", then "moon-leaders"

Anyone may choose to audit our meetings and to contribute input to discussions.
Use your Moon Society username and password, or sign in as a guest.
Note: let us know in advance so we can tell the Door Dragon to let you in!

NEXT: November 17th, December 1st and 15th
