What’s New in the Moon Society?

Frontlines Masthead
Volume 2011, Issue March
Published March 5, 2011

Management Council Actions & Discussions
Town Meeting Discussions
Moon Miners' Manifesto, other Publications
Chapters & Outposts   
International Presence                   
Meetings Calendar

Pre-Frontlines Reports
All Reports
Frontlines past issues:
2008 2009 2010 2011


May (no report)

About Frontlines

This is our 36th issue. Frontlines is a formatted monthly Moon Society news report that comes out each month just after the first (of two) Management Council meetings each month, and/or after the publication of the month's issue of Moon Miners Manifesto. These reports are being archived, so members and visitors can check past reports.

Frontlines reports on Society activities, efforts, and projects. You pay your dues, and have a right to know what we are doing to make your membership worthwhile, and to address your interests in a place for humans on the Moon.

We have been making steady progress on a wide variety of fronts. We want you to hold us accountable for continuing to do so!


Current Management Council Actions & Discussions

March 2nd Meeting
1) Student Chapters - a radically new spin
Inspired by our visit last November to the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (main U-IL campus) to attend the SEDS SpaceVision Conference, we have been considering how to tap into this pool of existing chapters (currently 28 in North America) of a friendly space-focused organization - Students for the Exploration and Development of Space.

Our new idea is to offer these existing chapters something akin to "Institutional Membership" in the Moon Society. At the February 16th Board Meeting, the Moon Society board voted unanimously to "amend the Moon Society's bylaws to institute a new class of membership called a "student organization membership." This class of membership would apply to existing student chapters of other national/international organizations such as SEDS - (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space) or FIRST Robotics.  These organizations can become student organizational members of the Moon Society. All rules related to the obligations, duties and privileges of this class of membership are to be determined by the Management Committee."

At the March 2nd Management Committee meeting we approved the following rules.
The Candidate Student Chapter of another organization would be the "Member" in our database, not one or more of its leaders. Whether annual dues are involved or not, is to be decided. The registration rate will be $25, which can be adjusted for chapters just starting up.

The registered Contact Person will have access to a Moon Society username and password, which would be shared to be shared with individual members, with the suggested provision that the password be  changed at the beginning of each new academic year, so that former members of  the student group would no longer have access to MMM, and be encouraged to join  the Society as individual
adult/student members.
By tapping an existing pool of space-focused campus organizations, our message will reach far more students.
2) Chapter Projects and Outreach Materials - Financial assistance
The Management Committee gave strong approval to the idea of helping finance worthy chapter projects as well as public outreach needs
Outreach needs: a banner, a podium sign, a common business card design - we will begin working on these

Chapter Projects: A chapter that has an idea for a project that will
    • Involve students or
    • Support public outreach in general,
is encouraged to write up a proposal, describing the project, its physical components and design if any, its purpose, and use.
    • Components and materials that have a price tag should be identified.
    • The Chapters Projects Coordinator will present these to the Management Committee for appraisal. Projects with smaller price tags and those that are designed to be easily reproduced by other chapters, will receive first attention.

The existing "Project Guidelines" should be consulted

The next Management Committee Meetings will be on Wednesday, March 16th , 2011
If you would like the Management Committee to consider a new initiative or idea, contact president@moonsociety.org

On the agenda, in addition to setting the rules for student organizations, will be a discussion of a proposal to use some of our recent $7,700 Bequest funds to support Chapter activities and projects. We need to reserve funding for those projects that are most promising, especially those from which other chapters can benefit. To date, we have earmarked some of these funds as prize money for contests and engineering competitions.
The next Board of Directors Meeting will be on Wednesday, May 18th, 2011
[The Board must decide all matters that involve modification of the Bylaws and all matters that are specifically referred to the Board in the Bylaws. All other matters can be decided by the Management Committee which includes all Board Directors and all Officers]

Elections 2011
The call for nominations has already gone out in the March issue of Moon Miners' Manifesto

It is time to begin the annual Moon Society Elections Ritual once again. Each year, we vote for 2 of our 4 officers, and in odd # years, such as this one, we vote for 3 of our 5 directors, voting for the other 2 in even # years. Respond to president@moonsociety.org 

Three (3) Moon Society offices are up for election or re-election are Vice-President (inc. Jason Tuttle) and Treasurer (inc. Dana Carson.) Their terms will end in 2013. The office of Secretary has been vacant for some time, and nominations are most welcome. Election would be to the balance of a 2-year term ending in 2012, when a nominee could run for reelection.

Moon Society Directors positions open for election or re-election are the seats currently held by R. Scotty Gammenthaler, David Dunlop and Bryce Johnson. We have also been operating without a Chairman of the Board for sometime, Any director may volunteer. The Board is scheduled to convene once a quarter, (the 3rd Wednesday of the second month of every quarter (Feb, May, Aug, Nov) but may be convened at any time

Eligibility: Anyone who has been a member of the Society for a full year as of August 1, 2011 is eligible to run for a board seat or officer position. This year all members with a membership number of 1600 or lower are eligible for election.

(1) Anyone unable to attend our meetings on a regular basis should not run for office.
The Management Committee (officers and directors meeting together) meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings monthly, 9-11 pm Eastern, 8-10 pm Central, 7-9 pm Mountain, 6-8 pm Pacific. Times will be earlier in Hawaii and Alaska, Times in the Eastern Hemisphere will be on the following Thursday: wee morning hours in Europe, morning in India, and early afternoon in Australia. Our meetings are held in a private and dedicated chat room, in the ASI-MOO environment.

(2) Anyone who has not previously served in a Moon Society leadership capacity and who wishes to run, is encouraged to join us in our meetings now, so that you will be up to speed by election day.
To gain access to the Management Committee meetings, please send an email to president@moonsociety.org so that access (restricted) can be granted.
Even if all current incumbents choose to run for re-election, at least 1 new person is needed! As we have no incumbent in the Secretary position, we need at least one new candidate! Of course, anyone is welcome to run against any incumbent. In total there are 6 positions open. And if we have some contests this year, that will liven things up!

To all members not running: You are not restricted from giving input on matters of any kind that pertain to Society goals and directions, projects and programs, the website or newsletter. Do feel free at any time to send an email to president@moonscoiety.org sharing with us your concerns, opinions, and suggestions. We enjoy hearing from you, and are encouraged by your taking interest in this way. Many thanks!
Nominations are due April 15th along with a candidate statement (250 words maximum) stating what you bring to the office in question, background, etc.  
Town Meeting Discussions  and our Annual Membership Meeting

The next Quarterly window is May 11th, 2011. We will send out an email announcement to all members.
The time is Time: 9-11 pm ET, 8-10 pm CT, 7-9 pm MT, 6-8 pm PT Wed = 2-4 am Thurs UT (GMT)
Town Meetings will be held the week before the Board Meetings in February, May, and November - that is, three times a year - There is a calendar listing Society Meetings at the bottom of the Conferences 2010 page. You may download this one-page ready-to-print calendar with several artwork options from the bottom of our Downloads Page.
If you do not have Skype, please go to www.skype.com and download this free software. Do not download Skype 4.0 as on that version, group chat is not allowed. But Skype 4.1 is okay! When you register for it, you will be prompted to select a "Skype name" this can be your name in the format "first last" all lower case, or you can pick a nickname.

go to the top menu and click on Contacts, "Add a Contact" and search for Peter Kokh
and select peterkokh, and add to your new contacts list. Then, when you want to join the meeting, just click on his name in your contact list and you should immediately find yourself in the Town Meeting group chat.


Ongoing collaborations with other organizations:
SEDS - Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
Next year's SEDS SpaceVision Conference will be held in November, 2011 at the University of Colorado Boulder campus. The Moon Society plans to stay involved.
FIRST Robotics
Another group of existing student organizations that may be interconnected to the Moon Society in this fashion are the High School Level FIRST Robotics teams. [FIRST = For Inspiration and Recognition of Science & Technology] Peter Kokh and Directors Dave Dunlop and Bryce Johnson met with a local Rockford Robotics team leader on January 1st. This meeting was very productive
The National Space Society:
We are collaborating with NSS on several fronts:
  • The NSS-Kalam Space Solar Power Initiative
  • Engineering Competitions, Design and Art Contests, etc.
  • Sharing MMM with several NSS Chapters
  • Helping find speakers for the annual International Space Development Conference
  • Encouraging more "joint" NSS/Moon Society Chapters: Milwaukee, Portland, and Houston have pioneered this collaboration, and a new joint chapter is in the works for Indianapolis, IN, and Moon Society St. Louis may follow suite.

Moon Miners Manifesto & Other Moon Society Publications

MMM #243 February 2011 has been published but hardcopy editions have not yet mailed. MMM #244, April is in the works

Members can download MMM pdf files here and Selenology pdf files here (username password required for both)  If you have no username and password, or have forgotten it, please contact us as soon as possible and we'll get you up and running

The 21st volume of the MMM Classics has been published,
collecting all the non-time sensitive articles from issues #201-210.
We maintain a minimum lag of three years from the current publication year,
in order to maintain the incentive to maintain membership in the Society.

All MMM Classics volumes, one per each publication year, can be freely downloaded (no username and password needed), in pdf format from http://www.moonsociety.org/publications/mmm_classics/

The MMM-India Quarterly #9 was published February 15th.
All "M3IQ" issues may be freely downloaded from this address

MOONSCAPES #6 has been published
If you have not received a copy, write moonscapes@moonsociety.org
These issues are archived online at: http://www.moonsociety.org/publications/moonscapes/2010/  & /2011/
You can always unsubscribe at any time by simply clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each issue.

Moonbeams #7 has been published

NOTE: f you are a user of Verizon'x or Earthlink's spam-blocking services
and do not check requests to whitelist certain Moon Society addresses (president@moonsociety.org, teamdirector@moonsociety.org, kokhmmm@aol.com), you will not receive it.
Any "blocked" email addresses will be removed from our database;  cooperation is a two-way street1

Your input on the first and future issues will be much appreciated.

MMM Themes Collections -
The following issues have been published:
Some additional planned issues:
  • Lavatubes on Moon and Mars
  • The Lunar Economy (Exo-economics)
  • At Home on the Moon
  • Lunar surface activities
These Theme Issues are, like the Classics, free access pdf files, no member username and password needed. See download address above.

These publications will appear as we find time to put them together. A fringe benefit of organizing all past articles by theme, is that it can serve as preparation for an eventual “MMM the Book.”
That is a project title, not the book title, which will be determined later. (The "working title" is "A Pioneer's Guide to The Moon."

Special "Vector" pages:
Members and visitors may wonder what the Moon Society stance may be on interrelated space issues. The following pages are now online:
We hope to make these pages accessible by direct link from our homepage. The current idea is to add a "Vectors Menu" just below the "Destinations Menu" in the right hand column of our homepage.

An Introductory version of the new MMM Glossary
was published May 19th, 2009. The illustrated introductory version lists over 300 terms, some new words, some old words given no meaning. New entries are being added from time to time.

Many people have asked us to produce a "subject index to MMM." As the glossary grows and matures, it will become just that or a working substitute.

But perhaps even more essentially, it will serve as a guide to the wide-ranging content of MMM, which many new members, not bothering to read through the MMM Classics, will not fully realize after just their first year's ten issues.
The Glossary is an "Explore Me First" guide, not just to MMM but to the hopes and aspirations and goals of The Moon Society.

Our free electronic (PDF) Science Fiction rag, Moonbeams #8 is open for submissions:  The editor  is Chuck Lesher, of Moon Society Phoenix.
If you have a "high frontier" tale in you, work it out and email it to moonbeams@moonsociety.org

To download the first six issues, go to the archive site Moonbeams issues are freely available in pdf file format, and members and visitors are welcome to circulate them freely and widely. The purpose is to provide fictional illustrations of what life could like on the Lunar Frontier and elsewhere within the Solar System.
 2011 1-sheet Meetings Calendars has been published
Just print on card stock and frame


Chapters & Outposts Report
- see the updated map of Moon Society Chapters and Outposts
Also check our regularly updated Chapter Events page

Society Chapters come in two versions: Community-based (St. Louis, Phoenix, Houston, Tucson) and Campus based. The San Diego Outpost has four members and meets every other month, but has not organized (selected officers.)

Volunteers are attempting to form chapters in Nashville, Memphis, and Knoxville (all in Tennessee) IndianapolisDallas-Ft Worth, Rockford (IL), and in the Washington DC metro area. If you live in one of these areas and would like to be involved, contact chapters-coordinato@moonsociety.org

The Houston chapter
has now combined resources and meetings with the NSS Houston (Clear Lake) chapter. The Milwaukee Outpost now has four member but will not organize separately, but continue to  meet conjointly with the Lunar Reclamation Society NSS chapter which has been partnering with the Moon Society, and with Artemis Society International before it, since 1995.

Rockford, Illinois
is our latest "Outpost" established by our new Director, Bryce Johnson
An updated look at chapter events.
What is an "Outpost?"
An Outpost consists of one or more members in a local community that serve as (a) local contact(s) for area members and prospective members of the Society, and which have not yet met the qualifications to be given a chapter charter. To establish an outpost and become a local contact person for the society, write the Chapters Coordinator. There is no reason why a prospective campus chapter cannot start as an outpost, one or more not-yet-organized members.

International Chapters - see below

Outpost Formation Plug - take a look at our Chapters & Outposts map

If you live in an unrepresented area, why not take the plunge?

We are ready to give you ample help and direction, including names and addresses of current and former members in your area (xx miles form your zip code location.)

There is plenty of material and how-to information on the Space Chapters Hub website that we share with the chapters of The National Space Society and The Mars Society..

Write: chapters-coordinator@moonsociety.org

International Scene
LATIN AMERICA - visit our Espaņol page - our Spanish language clone is in very early stages of construction

Moon/Mars Atacama Research Station - .Funding is being handled through the University of Antofagasta, a major seaport in northern Chile. $500,000 has been committed so far.

An expedition to pick the site
is planned for March 2011. The land is owned by the European Southern Observatory which operates the ALMA Radio Telescope array in the area.

MMM-Spanish Quarterly Protect Update
- June 7, 2010
"Manifiesto Mineros de la Luna Trimestral" - proposed title, translation double checked
proposed Spanish Language masthead
Dave Dunlop, Moon Society Director of Project Development and Society President Pater Kokh, have worked on a plan to advance this project. Peter will:
1) Solicit articles from known Spanish-speaking colleagues,
2) Have Goggle translate existing and new MMM articles
3) Provide or suggest some illustrations
4) Perhaps a fresh appeal to members for a volunteer editor
5) Consult with NSS, who might want to cosponsor such a publication
This project needs not just a special Editor but an Editorial Team with members from Mexico, Spain, Puerto Rico, Chile, Argentina, Peru, and other interested countries, including someone from the Spanish speaking community in the U.S.

In the meantime, we will address the items listed above.

Note: We have been encouraged to set up school-based chapters in Chile on the basis of English materials alone, as English-fluency is common among Chilean students. We may have an opportunity to get started on our visit to the University of Antofagasta currently planned for "late March" 2011. The purpose of this visit is to pick the exact location for the analog research station. We are not quite confident that this trip will indeed happen, as now that the University is in charge, it might decide to pick the site on its own.
See MMM-India Quarterly - a free access pdf file newsletter

MMM-India Quarterly #9 was published February 16th. M3IQ #10 should be published in April.
The Newly announced Moon Society India is moving swiftly to come into its own. Indian writers have contributed a major portion of the recent issues of Moon Miners' Manifesto - India Quarterly - "M3IQ" as we have come to call it.
Eventually, M3IQ will get a new name and a new look and be put together inside India. This is as it should be, and we in the Moon Society look forward to the Moon Society India organization coming into its own, with pride and satisfaction.


Annual Events, ISDCs and more.

Space Tourism Month April 2011
Space tourism will be the focus of our April 2011 issue of MMM, #244, and of the Spring issue of our Science-Fiction magazine, Moonbeams.  Submissions welcome (moonbeams@moonsociety.org)

May 19-22, 2011 -
International Space Development Conference: ISDC 2011 in Huntsville, AL
This time the dates are for the weekend before Memorial Day Weekend
July 26 - August 7th, 2011 - 40th anniversary of Apollo 15 - we are considering a number of contests and competitions


Publicity Report

MMM Library subscriptions project courtesy of the Lunar Reclamation Society, publishers of MMM.
We have received 6 so far.  If you would like to have MMM go to your local library,
send ch/mo for $13 (one year) to the publishers,

“Lunar Reclamation Society”
PO Box 2102
Milwaukee, WI 53201
(include the name and address of the library)

Looking for volunteers to put out fliers at various space conferences and science fiction conventions
they may be attending. Let us know about space conferences and science fiction cons that you are planning to attend. Write president@moonsociety.org


CALENDAR for Leadership/Management Committee Meetings

We meet on the ASI-MOO on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday nights monthly, 9-11 pm ET, 8-10 pm CT, 7-9 pm MT, 6-8 pm Moon Leaders room. Directions from the Commons: "north", then "moon-leaders"

Anyone may choose to audit our meetings and to contribute input to discussions.
Use your Moon Society username and password, or sign in as a guest.
Note: let us know in advance so we can tell the Door Dragon to let you in!

NEXT: January 19th, February 2nd and 16th, March 2nd and 16th
